
Methods for visualizing wealth. How to start cash flow and let wealth into your life Your personal trainer for personal effectiveness

Visualization is a long-known technique in psychology that is used to mentally recreate a desired event. By drawing in your imagination a picture in which your most cherished dreams come true, you can use your own energy to speed up the onset of the desired event. Visualization also helps those who dream of earning a lot of money, starting their own business, or simply increasing their income. There are several popular and effective visualization methods that will help increase the cash flow into your hands.

Money magnet

This visualization method is recommended for those who are just starting to learn how to attract money. It is simple to implement and does not require high energy costs. The essence of the method is to imagine yourself as a magnet capable of attracting money.

To achieve the clearest image possible, imagine how banknotes “stick” to your body. As soon as the number of bills stuck to the magnet becomes sufficient to put them in a bundle, do this, recording the feeling you get from the sight of so much money. Collect several packs and then hide them in any secret place - wallet, suitcase, safe. This will help secure cash flow and make visualization more effective.

Money Tree

Banknotes have their own energy, and one of the tasks of visualization is to learn how to interact with it correctly. In order to fully feel like a master of money, you need to regularly use a visualization method called “Money Tree”. To do this, you need to stand up, straighten your back, spread your arms and feel a pleasant tension in all your muscles.

Closing your eyes, reproduce the following picture in as much detail as possible: you are a tree with a huge crown, green, rustling and shimmering in the light. Only instead of leaves this crown has money. Feel the pleasant heaviness of the foliage, and then, by moving your arms slightly, throw a sufficient amount of leaves to your feet. Without opening your eyes, “turn” back into a person and carefully put the money into bundles, having first counted them. Hide the packs and thank the world for giving you the opportunity to become richer.

In general, when using absolutely any method of attracting wealth, be it an exciting game with the Universe, visualization or Feng Shui, you should always thank the world around you - this will help you establish relationships with it and will cause a positive response.

Money flying into the light

This visualization method is syncretic, combining some of the features of the previous ones. You need to imagine yourself in a forest clearing, flooded with bright sunlight. A light gust of wind tears leaves from the surrounding trees, which upon closer inspection become banknotes, and carries them to your feet. The light gets brighter and the wind gets stronger, and after a short time you are already surrounded by a huge amount of money. Fold the bills into neat piles, hide them in a bag or suitcase, and be sure to take this storage of money with you, not forgetting to thank the forest and the sun for the luxurious gift.

In order for visualization techniques to start working, bringing wealth and success into your life, they need to be practiced regularly, preferably daily. You should not expect that after the first time the amount of money in your wallet will increase - in order to receive anything from the Universe, you need to pay a certain amount of energy, so the number of visualization sessions must be significant.

30 steps to wealth Pravdina Natalia Borisovna

Lesson 17 Visualization

Lesson 17


Friends, so many wonderful books have been written on this topic that I will not repeat myself. I’ll just say what I learned from my own experience: something begins to happen in your life that you focus your attention on for a large amount of time!

Try not only to understand this idea with your mind, but to feel it with your whole being: as soon as you think about something, the endless thinking ocean of energy around you immediately responds! As soon as some thought, idea, dream, desire is born in your life, some people or circumstances immediately begin to appear in your life that contribute to its implementation.

It is you who provoke the events that happen with your thoughts and images!

However, I want to draw your attention to the fact that simply imagining and fantasizing is not enough! You need to think purposefully, systematically, persistently.

Therefore, if you are serious about achieving wealth and success, then take creative visualizations as seriously as your direct daily work. For wizards, dreaming is also work!

Visualization is the most powerful tool for influencing your subconscious and instilling new attitudes in yourself. You can easily consolidate a program of wealth and success in yourself not only with the help of thoughts, words, but also images. With the help of visualization, you rise above consciousness, bringing a feeling of joy and a positive attitude towards money to a deep level of your psyche.

To ensure that your visualizations are not just your fantasies, but start to take effect, remember a few basic rules.

First, you must be clear about what you want. For example, you need a specific amount of money to get an education or to travel to the Canary Islands. Avoid general pictures in which you simply see yourself in the rays of wealth. The more accurately you imagine your desire, the more real it becomes.

Secondly, visualization only works with constant repetition.

It is worth turning to it until the goal is achieved. The effectiveness of visualization becomes evident when you perform it a large number of times. This way you concentrate on your goal, and the Universe responds to your request to a greater extent. Already after figurative representations, it will seem to you that your dream is coming true in reality. Of course, you shouldn’t force yourself to visualize. It should bring you joy, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

Third, put the power of your emotions into the visualization. The Universe responds only to emotional thoughts and images. If you imagine pictures of wealth without putting your feelings into them, the visualization effect will be minimal.

Fourth, focus your visualization thoughts on the end result. Imagine that you have already received what you want. The Universe itself will take care of bringing you closer to your goal and present you with different opportunities. Even if nothing changes in your life right away, don’t despair. Repeat your visualizations and pay close attention to the signs the Universe is sending you. Soon you will reach your goal.

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Lesson 17 Visualization Friends, so many wonderful books have been written on this topic that I will not repeat myself. I’ll just say what I learned from my own experience: something begins to happen in your life on which you focus a large amount of your attention.

Are you tired of loneliness? Do you want to finally find your beloved or loved one so that you can walk together along the path of life, feeling closeness, joy from communication, tenderness, love, passion and other positive feelings. Then use methods to attract love. One of them is visualization.

What is visualization

Visualization is tuning your mind to the desired wavelength through the work of imagination and sensory sensations. You imagine that what you want already exists. And at the same time you feel the emotions of possession, joy, happiness... You invest your energy in the desire, and it begins to transform into reality.

Read more about visualization in the following articles:

Familiarize yourself with the rules and basics of this method. And proceed directly to visualizing love.

How to Visualize Love

To visualize a love relationship, you can use 3 techniques. Naturally, it is better to complement them with each other.

1 Traditional visualization

First, do the prep work. Take a notebook with a pen and describe the image of your loved one, his appearance, qualities, and professional skills. Be sure to think about the features of your relationships, interactions in everyday life, and intimate relationships.

Then, after relaxation, begin to draw pictures in your imagination of your meeting, your communication. At the same time, be sure to pay attention to your feelings.

How does it feel to have a loved one in your life? For example, you may experience attraction, passion, love, joy, intimacy, happiness... play with these experiences. This is the key!

On a note - In addition to working with the imagination of what you want, you can use the written method, daily describing everything that you wrote down in the preparatory work. Naturally, in the present tense.

2. Love Vision Board

They describe all the intricacies of these technologies.

Find pictures about love. These can be figurative and symbolic photographs or photographs of happy couples. Find a visually similar portrait of your significant other and don’t forget about your photo, it will be more effective.

On a note: An alternative to a wish card is this. Pictures about love with captions in video format.

3. Visualization of love in everyday life

Visualize love as often as possible, for example, when you walk down the street and see lovers. Now, instead of envy and thoughts about how lonely you are, imagine that it is you with your beloved or loved one. And turn on your emotions again. Oh, how happy you are to have someone close to you!!!

Choose a place where you want to meet your partner, such as a cafe or a park bench. Visit this place daily, visualizing yourself meeting your date there. And again putting positive vibrations in the form of feelings of closeness, pleasure, etc.

The disadvantage of this method is that the universe has little choice for your acquaintance. There is a specific order here - this is exactly the place. And the meeting can happen anywhere...

Is it possible to visualize a specific person?

Not advisable. All dream-creating practices should be aimed at you. And not on another person. Since here you are already infiltrating someone else’s world, trying to manipulate another person. As a rule, if you choose this path, you will lose a lot of energy and it is not a fact that you will achieve what you want and be truly happy.

Articles about love

People who managed to achieve the desired result were greatly helped by the fact that they used visualization. That is why they reached great heights without putting in much effort.

What is visualization as the secret of success? This is a way to display and consolidate in the subconscious certain images that are associated with desires, dreams and goals. When a person introduces them into his consciousness, and also much deeper into the subconscious, he creates his own attitude - he writes a program of action.

That is, visualization helps you see future success first in your head. After the action program has been successfully fixed, the person directs all his internal potential towards achieving the set goal.

External visualization for success

External visualization allows you to form images in any available way using real material media (paper, board, computer monitor). They depict a variety of pictures that reflect the essence of a tangible human dream (car, house, beautiful body, etc.).

You can create such pictures either yourself, by drawing them, or you can select ready-made ones from other sources (newspapers, magazines, postcards, photos, the Internet). To consolidate external visualization, psychologists advise creating boards or albums.

In them, a person must distinguish between his main desires, for example: a good job, a house, a car, an attractive appearance, and for each selected item, select the corresponding picture of his dreams.

This method of visualization has a drawback, which manifests itself in the limited availability of material objects. For example, with the help of one picture it will not be possible to correctly express categories such as success, happiness, wealth or well-being.

Internal visualization

Visualization as the secret of success creates images within us through imagination. These images can not only reflect the external features and details of our dream, but also the sensations and emotions associated with it - joy, anxiety, happiness or satisfaction. The method of internal visualization is more universal, but some people have a weak imagination, so before you begin visualization, you need to work with the flexibility of your imagination.

With external visualization albums everything is much simpler, but internal visualization methods require some explanation. To consolidate a certain image, in contrast to the method of external visualization, it is necessary to work internally with only one image, since multitasking harms the activation of internal reserves and reduces the usefulness of visualization. You need to work with one, the most desired image.

Once you have decided what you will dream about first, you need to immediately think through the details of the dream. You must see the whole picture, as well as all the smallest parts individually. If you dream of a house, then you must mentally travel around it and clearly see all the rooms with ready-made furnishings, imagine the facade of the house, doors, windows, entrance, fence, land with plantings, path paved with stones, etc.

You should be able to move freely around the house in your thoughts, through all its rooms - the bedroom, living room, children's room, bathroom, kitchen... The limits of your home can only be limited by your desires.

Visualization should take place every day. It is best to do this before going to bed - at this time no one will interfere with freely dreaming, carrying out mental flights in the space you create. We must remember that visualization as the secret of success has always been of great importance.

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Material well-being is what every person strives for. In order for money to always be in your wallet and business to be completed successfully, it is important to have not only good professional skills, but also the appropriate mindset. With the power of thought, you can make any desire come true, including attracting cash flow.

It has long been known that thought is material. By thinking about negativity and the negative outcome of events, we program ourselves for failure and poverty, while positive thoughts help us achieve the favor of Fortune and material wealth. What is the difference between a rich person and a poor person, and why does someone experience financial success, while others avoid profit? It's all about the way of thinking. If money, despite all your efforts, does not come into your hands, it’s time to analyze your thinking, master the psychology of wealth and learn to attract material wealth and success with the power of thought.

How to attract money and success with the power of thought

First of all it is necessary Eliminate phrases that repel money from your speech:“I can’t afford this,” “I don’t have enough money,” “the poor are much happier than the rich,” and so on. By uttering such words, you are programming yourself for an eternal lack of finances and, even worse, looking for advantages in this lack. This behavior interferes with the opening of your money channel, so it needs to be radically changed. Transform these phrases: “I can’t afford it, but only for now,” “I don’t have enough money, but this is a temporary phenomenon.” And the justifying stereotype that the poor are happier than the rich must be banished from our consciousness completely and irrevocably.

The next step is visualizing what you want. Draw yourself a vivid visual image of money and career achievements. When opening your wallet, mentally increase the amount that is there, and it will actually increase. The period before falling asleep and after waking up is considered especially productive for visualization: at this time the line between consciousness and subconscious weakens, so the images that you imagine will be deposited in the subconscious and will determine your behavior. That is, if you draw pictures of your own success in your head for some time and fall asleep with this thought, then you will begin to behave accordingly, and it will be much easier to achieve your goal. In addition, at the border between sleep and reality, you may have a good idea on how to get out of financial difficulties and increase your income.

More often imagine that you have already achieved material well-being- this will help you feel the necessary emotions and recharge your batteries. Negative thinking will immediately move aside, giving way to the psychology of wealth. In addition, a constant feeling of closeness to the goal contributes to its achievement.

Say affirmations for money and success. This is an effective way to set yourself up to attract money. Every morning, say in front of the mirror the phrases “I know that today luck will accompany me in all matters”, “I respect money and let it into my life”, “I wish prosperity and material well-being and will make every effort to achieve this " The main thing is to pronounce these phrases confidently, experiencing only positive emotions, and Fortune will smile on you, and the cash flow will not bypass you.

Don't forget about gratitude. When receiving income or achieving another victory, thank the universe for the opportunities sent to you, so that luck will continue to accompany you. You can back up your words with action: help a needy person with money, and this amount will come back to you threefold.

Attracting wealth is not that difficult. Set yourself up for a money wave, step up the career ladder and make a profit. We wish you good luck and a tight wallet, and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.11.2015 01:00

The power of thought has a huge impact on our lives. There are phrases that can change your life...

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