
Parable about a good teacher. Parable about school class hour on the topic. How to find a good school

Christian parables and fables for children for lessons in spiritual and moral education.

Kharitonova N.V.

How do we see the world?

There was an old dried tree on the road.

One night a thief passed by him and was frightened - it seemed to him that it was standing there, waiting for him.

A young man in love passed by and his heart beat joyfully. He mistook the tree for his beloved.

The child, frightened by scary fairy tales, burst into tears when he saw the tree and decided that it was a ghost, but the tree was only a tree.

We see the world as we ourselves are.

And why you?

Fable by Andrei Merko

One day little Mishutka asked his father Bear:

Dad, do you know everyone who lives in our forest?

Yes, son, everyone.

But tell me, is the wolf the bravest? - asked the son.

“He is very brave, much braver than me,” the bear answered.

Is the tiger strong? - Mishutka did not let up.

Incredibly strong, I can’t even come close to him.

Well, what about the lynx? Is she clever?

Woohoo! - muttered the bear. - She is so dexterous that the leaf does not move when she hunts for prey.

What about the fox? They say she is very smart.

Yes, son, they are right. She is really smart and agile.

So why, dad, are you the head of the forest, and not a tiger, a wolf or a smart fox? - Mishutka asked in bewilderment.

You see, son,The wolf is brave, but cannot be careful. The tiger is strong, but very hot-tempered. The lynx is agile, but often cannot keep what it has acquired. The fox is smart, but sometimes she uses her skills to outwit others, and therefore gets into trouble. Well, I just see ten entities where they see only one. And depending on the situation and time, I am either a fox, or a tiger, or a wolf. That's why I'm the head of the forest.

The world is as you see it.

A young man came to one oasis, drank water and asked an old man who was resting near the source:

What kind of people live here?

The old man, in turn, asked the young man:

What kind of people live where you come from?

“A bunch of selfish people with bad intentions,” the young man answered.

On the same day, another young man went to the source to quench his thirst from the road. Seeing the old man, he greeted and asked:

What kind of people live in this place?

The old man asked the same question in response: “What kind of people live where you came from?”

Wonderful! Honest, hospitable, friendly. It hurt me to part with them.

You’ll find the same ones here,” said the old man.

One man who heard both conversations asked: “How could you give two such identical answers to the same question?”

To which the old man replied:

Each of us can only see what we carry in our hearts.

Anyone who has not found anything good wherever he has been will not be able to find anything else either here or in any other place.

If you don’t like something in the world around you, then what upsets us most is not the phenomenon itself, but our opinion about it.

Are Hell and Heaven the same?

One day a good man was talking with God and asked him: Lord, I would like to know what Heaven is and what Hell is.

The Lord led him to two doors, opened one and led the good man inside.

There was a huge round table, in the middle of which there was a huge bowl filled with food, which smelled very tasty. The people sitting around the table looked starving. They all had spoons with long, long handles attached to their hands.

They could reach a bowl filled with food and scoop up the food, but because of their long handles, they could not lift the spoons to their mouths. The good man was shocked by the sight of their misfortune.

The Lord said: “You have just seen Hell.”

The Lord and the good man then walked towards the second door. There was the same huge round table, the same giant bowl filled with delicious food.

The people sitting around the table held the same spoons with very long handles.

Only this time they looked well-fed, happy and deep in pleasant conversations with each other.

The good man said to the Lord: “I don’t understand.”

“It’s simple,” the Lord answered him,

"These have learned to feed each other. Others think only about themselves."

If Hell and Heaven are structured the same way, does that mean the difference is within us?

Parable of the wolves.

Once upon a time, an old man revealed one vital truth to his grandson:

There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other wolf represents goodness: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty.

The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a moment, and then asked:

Which wolf wins in the end?

The old man smiled and answered:

The wolf you feed always wins.

Is the world hostile for humans?

The student asked the dervish:

Teacher, is the world hostile for humans? Or does it bring good to a person?

“I’ll tell you a parable about how the world treats a person,” said the teacher.

"Once upon a time there lived a great Shah.

He ordered the construction of a beautiful palace. There were many wonderful things there.

Among other wonders in the palace there was a hall where all the walls, ceiling, doors and even the floor were mirrored. The mirrors were unusually clear, and the visitor did not immediately understand that it was a mirror in front of him - they reflected objects so accurately.

In addition, the walls of this hall were designed to create an echo.

You ask: "Who are you?" - and you will hear in response from different sides: “Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?”

One day a dog ran into this hall and froze in amazement in the middle - a whole pack of dogs surrounded it from all sides, above and below.

The dog bared its teeth just in case, and all the reflections answered it in the same way.

Seriously frightened, she barked desperately. The echo repeated her bark.

The dog barked louder. Echo did not lag behind. The dog rushed here and there, biting the air,

And her reflections also rushed around, clicking their teeth.

The next morning, the servants found the unfortunate dog lifeless, surrounded by millions of reflections of dead dogs. There was no one in the room who could cause her any harm. The dog died fighting his own reflections."

Now you see,” the dervish finished,- the world brings neither good nor evil in itself. He is indifferent to people. Everything that happens around us is just a reflection of our own thoughts, feelings, desires, and actions.

The world is a big mirror.

The basic rule for achieving a goal

Three newcomers came to the Archery Master:

You are the most dexterous shooter in the whole world! We want to become just as successful and continue your work,” they said.

I can teach you archery! – answered the Master. - Tell all the secrets and wisdom of this matter. But I will only take one as my student! And he can become the best shooter and a truly successful person.

In order to choose someone as his disciple, the Master suggested that all three of them pass a small test. He hung a target on a tree, and at a distance of several meters he let down the first newcomer.

What do you see in front of you? - asked the Master.

I see a tree with a target hanging on it.

What else? - asked the Master

Behind there is a green lawn with flowers growing on it.

“Okay,” said the Master and called the next candidate to become a student. – What do you see in front of you?

“I see a target, a tree, a clearing, flowers, the sky,” answered the second newcomer.

Fine! – the Master answered and asked the same question to the third newcomer. -What do you see?

I see a target in front of me! - he answered.

Okay,” said the Master, “what else?”

Nothing else! The most important thing is the target, I only see it!

Well done! - said the Master. – You will achieve great success in life. I will take you as my student.

When there is a goal, nothing else matters.

Parable "True Knowledge".

One day, a school Teacher came to a very respected Teacher and accused her that her teaching method was absolutely illogical, that it was some kind of crazy chatter, and some other things of this kind. The teacher took a gem from her bag. She pointed to the shops in the shopping center and said:

Take it to the shops that sell silverware and watch batteries and see if you can get a hundred gold pounds for it.

The School Master tried everything he could, but he was offered no more than a hundred silver pence.

Great,” said the Teacher. – Now go to a real jeweler and see what he will give you for this stone.

The School Teacher went to the nearest jewelry store and was incredibly surprised when he was suddenly offered ten thousand gold pounds for this stone.

The teacher said:

You have tried to understand the nature of the knowledge I give and my method of teaching, just as the silver merchants tried to value this stone.

If you want to be able to determine the true value of a stone,

Become a jeweler.

The Parable of the Purposeful Frog

Several frogs got together and started talking.

What a pity that we live in such a small swamp. If only I could get to the neighboring swamp, it’s much better there! - one frog croaked.

And I heard that there is a great place in the mountains! There’s a clean, big pond, fresh air, and no hooligan boys,” the second frog croaked dreamily.

What does this matter to you? – the big toad snapped. – You’ll never get there anyway!

Why not get there? We frogs can do anything! Really, friends? - said the frog-dreamer and added, - let's prove to this harmful toad that we can move to the mountains!

Let's! Let's! Let's move to a big clean pond! - all the frogs croaked in different voices.

So they all began to get ready to move. And the old toad told all the inhabitants of the swamp about the “stupid idea of ​​the frogs.”

And when the frogs set off, everyone who remained in the swamp shouted in one voice:

Where are you going, frogs, this is IMPOSSIBLE! You won't reach the pond. It's better to sit in your swamp!

But the frogs did not listen, and moved on. They walked for several days, many exhausted their last strength and abandoned their goal. They turned back to their native swamp.

Everyone the frogs met on their difficult path dissuaded them from this crazy idea. And so their company became smaller and smaller. And only one frog did not turn away from the path. She did not return back to the swamp, but reached a clean, beautiful pond and settled in it.

Why was she able to achieve her goal? Maybe she was stronger than others?

It turned out that this frog was simply DEAF!She didn't hear that it was IMPOSSIBLE! I didn’t hear anyone dissuade her, which is why she easily reached her goal!

The parable of the oyster and the eagle.

(This parable is based on a story from ancient Indian mythology about how man was created)

In the beginning, God created an oyster and placed it at the very bottom. Her life was not very diverse. She did nothing all day

I just opened the sink, let a little water through and closed it again. Day after day passed, and she kept opening and closing the sink, opening and closing...

Then God created the eagle and gave him free flight and the opportunity to reach the highest peaks. There were no boundaries for him, but the eagle had to pay for his freedom.

Nothing fell from the sky for him. When he had chicks, he hunted for days to get enough food. But he was glad to pay for this gift at such a price.

After all, God created man. And he led him first to the oyster, then to the eagle. And he told him to choose his own way of life.

Constantly learning and developing, we make a choice between two forms of existence. The oyster signifies people who are not eager to expand their horizons. Very often, in this case, they have to do the same thing all their lives.

Whoever decides to live like an eagle certainly chooses a difficult road. Most likely, there is only one way to complete it - we must learn to find pleasure in learning and development.

The more we learn and grow, the freer we become. Obstacles and problems become, from this point of view, lessons.

Butterfly lesson.

One day a small gap appeared in the cocoon, and a person passing by stood for long hours and watched a butterfly try to exit through this small gap. A lot of time passed, the butterfly seemed to give up its efforts, and the gap remained just as small. It seemed that the butterfly had done everything it could, and that it had no more strength for anything else.

Then the man decided to help the butterfly, he took a penknife and cut the cocoon. The butterfly immediately came out. But her body was weak and feeble, her wings were transparent and barely moved.

The man continued to watch, thinking that the butterfly’s wings were about to straighten and get stronger and it would fly away. Nothing happened!

For the rest of its life, the butterfly dragged its weak body and its unstretched wings along the ground. She was never able to fly.

And all because the person, wanting to help her, did not understand that the butterfly needs effort to exit through the narrow gap of the cocoon so that the fluid from the body passes into the wings and so that the butterfly can fly. Life made it difficult for the butterfly to leave this shell so that it could grow and develop.

Sometimes it is effort that we need in life. If we were allowed to live without encountering difficulties, we would be deprived. We couldn't be as strong as we are now. We would never be able to fly.

I asked for strength... And life gave me difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for wisdom... And life gave me problems to solve.

I asked for wealth... And life gave me brains and muscles so that I could work.

I asked for the opportunity to fly...And life gave me obstacles so that I could overcome them.

I asked for love... And life gave me people whom I could help with their problems.

I asked for benefits... And life gave me opportunities.

I didn't get anything I asked for. But I got everything I needed.

Strong snowflake.

Let's check which of us is stronger, who can break this dry branch.

The first snowflake ran away and jumped with all its might onto the branch. The branch didn't even move. The second one is behind her. Nothing too. Third. The branch didn’t move either. Snowflakes fell on the branch all night. A whole snowdrift formed on it. The branch bent under the weight of snowflakes, but did not want to break. And all this time one little snowflake hovered in the air and thought: “If the bigger ones couldn’t break the branch, then where should I go?”

But her friends called her: - Try it! Suddenly you will succeed!

And the snowflake finally made up her mind. She fell on a branch, and... the branch broke, although this snowflake was not stronger than the others.

And who knows, maybe it’s your good deed that will defeat evil in someone’s life, although you are not stronger than others.

Who's to blame?

In a train carriage, a girl diligently writes something in a notebook. Mom asks her: “What are you writing, daughter?” - “I describe the places that I see from the window. You can read it, mommy,” the daughter replies. Mom reads what she wrote and raises her eyebrows high: “But you have so many mistakes in your words, daughter!” - “Oh, mom! - the girl exclaims. - The train here is somehow different! He swings so much that it is very difficult to write correctly!

Always blame yourself for your mistakes, not the circumstances, and you will never make a mistake.


A parable about mercy and love for nature for children

A flower grew in a field and rejoiced: in the sun, light, warmth, air, rain, life... And also in the fact that God created it not as nettles or thistles, but in such a way as to please man.

It grew and grew... And suddenly a boy walked by and tore it off. Just like that, without even knowing why.

He crumpled it up and threw it on the road. The flower became painful and bitter. The boy didn’t even know that scientists had proven that plants, like people, can feel pain.

But most of all, the flower was offended that it was just picked like that, without any benefit or meaning, and deprived of sunlight, daytime warmth and nighttime coolness, rain, air, life...

The last thing he thought was that it was still good that the Lord did not create him with nettles. After all, then the boy would certainly have burned his hand.

And he, having learned what pain was, did not want anyone else on earth to be in pain...

The dispute between the wind and the sun.

One day, the angry northern Wind and the Sun started a dispute about which of them was stronger. They argued for a long time and decided to try their power on one traveler.

The wind said: “I’ll rip off his cloak in an instant!” And he began to blow. He blew very hard and for a long time. But the man only wrapped himself tighter in his cloak.

Then the Sun began to warm the traveler. He first lowered his collar, then untied his belt, and then took off his cloak and carried it on his arm.The Sun said to the Wind: “You see: with kindness and affection, you can achieve much more than with violence.”

Happiness is near.

The old wise cat was lying on the grass and basking in the sun. Then a small, nimble kitten rushed past him. He somersaulted past the cat, then jumped up briskly and began running in circles again.

What are you doing? - the cat asked lazily.

I'm trying to catch my tail! - the kitten answered out of breath.

But why? - the cat laughed.

I was told that the tail is my happiness. If I catch my tail, I will catch my happiness. So I’ve been chasing my tail for three days now. But he keeps eluding me.

Yes,” the wise old cat smiled, “once upon a time I, just like you, ran after my happiness, but it always eluded me. I abandoned this idea. After a while I realizedthat there is no point in chasing happiness. It always follows me on my heels. Wherever I am, my happiness is always with me, I just need to remember this.

Mother's heart.

On a sunlit forest edge a beautiful birch tree grew with its young daughters. She loved her children, caressing them with spreading branches, protecting them from the cold wind and pouring rain. And in the summer, under its canopy, no scorching sun scared the birch trees. They felt “warm in the sun, and good in mother’s presence.”

But one day a thunderstorm broke out in the forest. Not a joke. Rolls of thunder shook the earth, and the sky was continually illuminated by lightning. The thin-trunked beauties trembled with fear. But mother birch reassured them, hugging them with her strong branches: “Don’t be afraid of anything. Lightning won’t be able to notice you under my branches. I’m tall and...”. She didn't have time to finish.

A loud crash was heard in the forest. A huge lightning mercilessly struck the birch tree, scorching the core of its trunk. But the birch did not catch fire. Her strength was leaving her, an evil wind tried to throw her to the ground, a heavy downpour was unraveling the branches, but underneath them were her children and no one but their mother could now protect them. She hugged her daughters even more tightly to her, caressing their thin ones even more with her weakening branches their faces, washing them with tears flowing down the leaves. Last time. There was no limit to mother's love.

Only when it was all over and the sun shone again over the rain-washed forest, she, swaying, quietly sank to the ground. “I will never leave you,” she whispered to the birch trees, “my trunk will very soon be overgrown with grass and covered with moss. But my mother’s heart will never stop beating in it. No lightning can break it.”

When the birch tree fell, she once again tenderly hugged her daughters, and did not hurt any of them. So three slender beauties grow around an old stump covered with moss. It happens that a traveler sits down to rest in their shade on the trunk of an old tree and it seems to him that it is surprisingly soft. He closes his eyes and hears his mother’s heart beating inside him...

Holy Lake.

There lived two brothers - the banks and a sister - the river. One bank was high and covered with dense forest, which is why it was considered rich. And the other, low and sandy, is poor.

Once a poor man on the beach asked his rich brother for some firewood to make a fire and warm himself up. Yes where there! The rich shore was indignant:

If I give you even a little each time, then, you see, you won’t have anything left. And I will become, like you, poor!

The sky heard it and frowned. Lightning flashed and struck a large oak tree on a high bank. The forest caught fire. And such a fire began that the high bank prayed:

Sister river! Brother take care! Help out! Save! Without water and sand, I’ll be lost!

Without hesitation, the river and the poor bank rushed to help their brother.

And they tried so hard that she, pouring water on the fire, gave herself up to the last drop, and he, covering it with sand, gave up every last grain of sand.

That's how they put out the fire.

But this did not bring relief to the rich brother. After all, there was now only a large empty depression left in front of him. And he had neither a sister nor a brother...

Time has passed.

Rains and hardworking springs gradually filled the lowland with water. And it became a lake, which people, having learned its history, called “holy”. What else can you call the fruit of sacrificial love?

And when someone stayed here overnight, the high bank, sighing guiltily, generously presented him with the best firewood, which was invariably enough until dawn, despite the fact that the nights in these places were always long and cold...

Necessary knowledge.

Chinese fable.

In ancient times there lived a man named Zhu. One day he learned that the old hunter Ma Teng knew how to kill dragons. Zhu came to him and asked him to teach him how to kill dragons.

This is a difficult art. Are you ready to study from morning to evening without rest for five years? Do you have money to pay for teaching?

Yes, - said Zhu and began to teach. Five long years have passed. All these years he diligently learned to defeat dragons. He returned to the village without a penny in his pocket, but he could defeat any dragon. Zhu lived a long life, but never met a dragon. And since he did not know how to do anything, his life passed in sorrow and need. And only as he grew old did Zhu understand a simple truth:good knowledge is that which people need and benefit them.

About a boy who believed in miracles.

The boy loved to read kind and clever fairy tales and believed everything that was written there. Therefore, he looked for miracles in life, but could not find anything in it that would be similar to his favorite fairy tales. Feeling somewhat disappointed in his search, he asked his mother if it was right that he believed in miracles? Or are there no miracles in life?

“My dear,” his mother answered him with love, “if you try to grow up to be a kind and good boy, then all the fairy tales in your life will come true.Remember that they don’t look for miracles - they come to good people on their own.”

The material was collected from various Internet sites.


The merchant returned home after long wanderings.
To his chagrin, he discovered that his son was completely out of control. The young man did not listen to his mother at all. Used bad language. He was rude to his neighbors. He committed various offenses. And didn't react at all for comments from the outside.
What should I do?
The father did not want to resort to violent measures. Why! It's his son!
The merchant took a large wooden pole. And he dug it in the yard, in the most visible place. And after each misdeed his son drove a large nail into this pillar.
Time has passed. Every day more and more nails appeared on the pillar.
At first the young man pretended not to notice this pillar.
But then he felt very ashamed. And the son began to monitor his behavior. Became more polite. Became more polite.
The father was very happy. And now for every good deed he began to pull out one nail.
There were fewer and fewer nails. And the young man became friendlier, more polite. He happily took on any housework. The mother began to glow with joy for her son.
And then the solemn moment came: the father took pliers and pulled out the last nail from the pillar.
But this made a completely unexpected impression on my son. He cried bitterly.
-Why are you crying? - asked the father. - There are no more nails on the post.
- Yes, there are no nails. But I see the holes from those nails. They stayed...

Toy Master

In one distant country there lived an old man who loved children very much. He constantly made toys for them.
But these toys turned out to be so fragile that they broke faster than the child had time to play with them. Having broken another toy, the children were very upset and came to the master to ask for new ones. He gladly gave them others, even more fragile ones...
Finally, the parents intervened. They came to the old man with a question:
- Tell us, O Wise One, why do you always give our children such fragile toys that the children cry inconsolably when they break them?
And then the sage said:
“Very few years will pass before someone will give these former children their heart.” Maybe, having learned not to break fragile toys, they will be more careful about someone else’s heart?..
The parents thought for a long time. And they left, thanking the Teacher.

Parable about a wise teacher and student.

If my soul is heavy and a load of resentment, disappointment, dissatisfaction with myself and others has accumulated, I like to re-read the parables of different nations. Here's one of my favorites.
Teacher and pupil
-You are so wise. You are always in a good mood, never angry. Help me to be like that too.

The teacher agreed and asked the student to bring potatoes and a transparent bag.

“If you get angry with someone and harbor a grudge,” said the teacher, “then take these potatoes.” On one side, write your name, on the other, the name of the person with whom the conflict occurred, and put these potatoes in a bag.

- And it's all? — the student asked in bewilderment.

“No,” answered the teacher. You should always carry this bag with you. And every time you are offended by someone, add potatoes to it. The student agreed.

Some time passed. The student's bag was replenished with several more potatoes and became quite heavy. It was very inconvenient to always carry it with you. In addition, the potatoes that he put in at the very beginning began to spoil. It became covered with a slippery nasty coating, some sprouted, some bloomed and began to emit a sharp, unpleasant odor.

The student came to the teacher and said:

“It’s no longer possible to carry this with you.” Firstly, the bag is too heavy, and secondly, the potatoes have spoiled. Suggest something different.

But the teacher replied:

—— The same thing happens in your soul. When you are angry or offended at someone, a heavy stone appears in your soul. You just don't notice it right away. Then there are more and more stones. Actions turn into habits, habits into character, which gives rise to fetid vices. And it is very easy to forget about this burden, because it is too heavy to carry with you all the time. I gave you the opportunity to observe this whole process from the outside. Every time you decide to be offended or, conversely, offend someone, think about whether you need this stone.

A comic parable about the Teacher.

When a new teacher was born, three fairies descended to his cradle. And the first fairy said: “You will be forever young, because there will always be children next to you.”
The second fairy said: “You will be beautiful in thought and soul, because there is no nobler calling than to give your heart to children.” The third fairy predicted: “You will be immortal, because you will continue your life in your students.”
But then the fourth fairy, evil, came down to the cradle and said in a gloomy voice: But you will always be checking notebooks, your working day will be 8 hours before lunch and 8 hours after, all your thoughts will be at school and only about school, and you will never calm down. So choose before it's too late! The teacher said: “It’s too late, this fairy always appears too late, and those teachers who decided to connect their lives with school, with children, will never change this wonderful profession.”

Parable about the best teacher

The parents chose the best teacher for their son. In the morning, the grandfather took his grandson to school. When the grandfather and grandson entered the yard, they were surrounded by children.
“What a funny old man,” one boy laughed.
“Hey, little fatty,” another made a face.
The children screamed and jumped around their grandfather and grandson. Then the teacher rang the bell, announcing the start of the lesson, and the children ran away. The grandfather resolutely took his grandson by the hand and went out into the street.
“Hurray, I won’t go to school,” the boy was happy.
“You’ll go, but not to this one,” the grandfather answered angrily. “I’ll find you a school myself.” The grandfather took his grandson to his house, entrusted him to the care of his grandmother, and he himself went to look for a better teacher. When he saw a school, the grandfather would go into the yard and wait for the teacher to let the children go for a break. In some schools, children did not pay attention to the old man, in others they teased him. Grandfather silently turned and left. Finally, he entered the tiny courtyard of the small school and leaned wearily against the fence. The bell rang and the children poured out into the yard.
- Grandfather, are you feeling bad, should I bring some water? - a voice was heard.
“We have a bench in our yard, please sit down,” one boy suggested.
- Do you want me to call the teacher? - asked another child. Soon a young teacher came out into the yard. The grandfather greeted and said: - Finally, I found the best school for my grandson. - You are mistaken, grandfather, our school is not the best. It's small and cramped.
The old man did not argue. He agreed on everything with the teacher and left. In the evening the boy's mother asked his grandfather:
- Father, you are illiterate. Why do you think you have found the best teacher? - Teachers are recognized by students - grandfather answered .

Parable "Teacher and students."

One day, students asked Hing Shi what his main task as a Teacher was.
The sage smiled and said:
- Tomorrow you will learn about it.
The next day, the disciples were going to spend some time at the foot of the mountain, which the locals called the Immortal Mountain, Xian Yue. Early in the morning, the students collected things that could be useful to them on the road and together they went to the foot of Xian Yue, which they had never visited before.
By lunchtime, tired and hungry, they reached a picturesque hillock and, stopping for a rest, decided to dine on rice and salted vegetables, which the Teacher had taken with him. It should be noted that the sage salted the vegetables very generously, and therefore after some time the disciples became thirsty. But, as luck would have it, it turned out that all the water they had taken with them had already run out. Then the disciples got up and began to examine the surroundings in search of a fresh spring.
Only Hing Shi did not rise from his seat and did not participate in the search. As a result, having not found a source of water, the students decided to return back, but then the sage stood up and, approaching them, said: “The source that you are looking for is located behind that hill.”
The disciples joyfully hurried there, found a source and, having quenched their thirst, returned to the Teacher, bringing water for him. Hing Shi refused the water, pointing to the vessel standing at his feet - it was almost full. - Teacher, why didn’t you let us drink right away if you had water? “I fulfilled my task,” answered the sage, “first I awakened a thirst in you, which forced you to search for a source, just as I awaken in you a thirst for knowledge.” Then, when you despaired, I showed you which direction the source was, thereby supporting you. Well, by taking more water with me, I gave you an example that what you want can be very close, you just need to take care of it in advance, thereby not allowing chance or forgetfulness to influence your plans... - So, the main task of the Teacher is to to awaken thirst, support and set the right example? - asked the students. “No,” said Hing Shi, “ The main task of the Teacher is to cultivate humanity and kindness in the student, - he smiled and continued, “and the water you brought for me tells me that so far I’m fulfilling my main task correctly..
A student comes to the Teacher and says:
- Teacher, I'm tired. I have such a hard life, such difficulties and problems, I swim against the current all the time, I have no strength. What to do?
Instead of answering, the teacher put three identical containers of water on the fire. I threw carrots into one container, put an egg into another, and poured ground coffee beans into a third.
- What changed? - he asked the student.
“The egg and carrots were cooked, and the coffee dissolved,” answered the student.
“No,” answered the Teacher. - This is just a superficial look at things. Look, hard carrots, having been in boiling water, have become soft and pliable. The fragile and liquid egg became hard. Outwardly they have not changed, they only changed their structure, under the influence of the same unfavorable circumstances - boiling water. So are people. Those who are strong outwardly can fall apart and become weaklings where those who are fragile and tender only harden and become stronger.
- And coffee? - asked the student.
- Oh, this is the most interesting thing. The coffee beans completely dissolved in the new hostile environment and changed it - they turned boiling water into a magnificent aromatic drink.
MORAL: There are special people who do not change due to circumstances - they change the circumstances themselves. They transform them into something new and beautiful, extracting benefit and knowledge from the situation and the environment in which they find themselves.

A parable about a teacher and his students.

Once the Teacher asked his students: - Why, when people quarrel, do they scream? “Because they are losing their calm,” said one. - But why shout if another person is next to you? - asked the Teacher. - Can't you talk to him quietly? Why shout if you're angry? The students offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher. Finally he explained: “When people are dissatisfied with each other and quarrel, their hearts grow distant.” In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The angrier they get, the further they move away and the louder they scream. - What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak quietly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? - continued the Teacher. - They don’t speak, they just whisper and become even closer in their love. - In the end, they don’t even need to whisper. They just look at each other and understand everything without words.

Alphabetically Newest Oldest

The eldest son came home from school upset. - What happened, son? - asked the mother. Tears suddenly flowed down the boy’s cheeks, and he said with difficulty: “The teacher said that I am not capable of studying.” I failed the exam. All the children read well, but I barely read. Although I try so hard. The father hugged his son and said softly: “Don’t worry, one magic law will help you: to teach means to learn.” - But as...

Hing Shi was not a rich man, despite the fact that he had a thriving school in which many young men studied who came to him from all over China. One day, one of the students asked him: - Teacher, your fame is thundering throughout the country, you could be a rich man who does not know what it means to care about tomorrow. Why don't you strive for wealth? - I have everything I need for...

A parable for those who find it difficult The professor took a glass of water, extended his hand with the glass forward and asked his students: - How much do you think this glass weighs? There was a lively whisper in the audience. - About 200 grams! No, 300 grams, perhaps! Or maybe all 500! - answers began to be heard. “Of course, I won’t know for sure until I weigh it.” But now this is not necessary. My question is this:...

One day Zhao Zeng asked the Teacher what is more important in a person: external or internal beauty. In response to this, Hing Shi asked the student: “Tell me, if you needed to buy a house, and you had enough money either for a beautiful-looking, but uncomfortable house, or for a nondescript, but warm and reliable one.” What would you choose? - I would prefer a house that is simple on the outside but comfortable on the inside. - And if a person bought a house...

A group of successful graduates with wonderful careers came to visit their old professor. Of course, soon the conversation turned to work - graduates complained about numerous difficulties and life problems. Having offered his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a coffee pot and a tray filled with a variety of cups - porcelain, glass, ...

One day Buddha and his disciples passed by a village in which opponents of Buddhists lived. The villagers rushed out of their houses, surrounded the Buddha and the disciples, and began to insult them. The disciples also began to get excited and were ready to fight back, but the presence of the Buddha had a calming effect. But the Buddha's words confused both the villagers and the disciples. He turned to the students...

One wise man was happy all his life. He smiled and laughed all the time, no one ever saw him sad. When he grew old and was already lying on his deathbed, about to leave for another world, one of his students said: “We are amazed by you, Teacher.” Why are you never sad? How do you do this? To which the old man replied: “Once, when I was young, I asked my master about this.” ...

The Student came to the Teacher and began to complain. Naturally, for your hard life. (I won’t cite specific words, unless you come up with some pitiful story yourself - read the newspaper. Better something from the “yellow press”.) I asked the Teacher for advice on what to do when this, and another, and a third came up, and in general, they just give up! The teacher stood up silently and put him in front of...

The work of a teacher is a land of the wise and eternal: on the stage - human hearts, behind the scenes - human souls, in the auditorium - human destinies.

Thinking about this, I remember the “Parable of the teacher and the disciples.”

End of the 15th century. Discovery of a new world. Travelers bring a lot of new things to Europe. Mostly they bring gold - this is wealth, this is power over people.

But it is not only the thirst for profit that attracts people to the New World. One of Christopher Columbus's sailors returns to Europe with the seeds of a never-before-seen tomato plant.

Having tasted it and learned about its value, the sailor could not resist the temptation to grow this miracle vegetable at home. And now, a year later, the first harvest.

The neighbors tried tomatoes and asked them to teach them how to grow an unknown vegetable. He gave only twelve disciples one seed and said:

“In a year I will come and check how you learned to grow tomatoes from me.” And the students went home, and the teacher went to look at the works of his students.

Not everyone had the same results. The teacher did not see the plant for the first student.

Where are the fruits of your labor? - asked the teacher.

I couldn’t save the seed you gave me, my teacher. The mouse ate him.

Lesson for you from now on. Guard as the apple of your eye what you have taken responsibility for. And the second student did not have a plant.

It’s too early, teacher, I sowed a seed, it froze.

Everything has its time, its time. “Don’t do anything before it’s necessary,” the teacher answered.

And the third student turned out to be careless.

I apologize, teacher, I sowed a seed, but forgot to germinate.

A lesson for you. Awaken the seed, prepare it for growth and only then sow.

And the fourth student met the teacher with his head down:

I forgot, teacher, to sow the seed.

Remember: what goes around comes around.

And the fifth student had nothing to brag about. He sowed, the seed sprouted, but the student decided to transplant it to another place. The plant died.

“Everything must have its roots,” said the teacher.

The sixth student looked sad.

My plant has sprouted, teacher, I forgot to water it. My plant has dried up.

Remember, nothing can live without food.

And the seventh student was disappointed.

“A neighbor came, took a look, and the plant died,” the student said to the teacher.

Keep your child safe from the evil eye.

The eighth student also had nothing to brag about.

I, the teacher, listened to other people's advice.

Don't listen to those who don't know.

The ninth student couldn’t boast either.

Master, I planted the seed too late.

What was good yesterday is not always good today.

The teacher saw a plant from the tenth student, but it was frail and without fruit.

I forgot to fertilize the soil, teacher.

“Don’t expect fruits without fertile soil,” the teacher instructed.

Only the eleventh student came to the teacher's joy. The student reaped a good harvest.

Teacher, I followed all your advice.

You are a good student, I am proud of you.

But a real miracle awaited the teacher at the twelfth student.

Oh teacher! I did everything you taught me, and I also talked to the plant every time. Early in the morning I came to wish him good morning and asked how he spent the night. During the day I came in to tell them how my affairs, my wife’s, and my children’s affairs were going. Every evening I told the plant a bedtime story and quietly, in a whisper, wished him good night. And the number of fruits increased several times. The plant thanked me for my care. And the teacher, with tears in his eyes, thanked his student, who became his teacher.

Let the entire content of your work continue in the memory, minds and hearts of your students, and let your students change your world, making it brighter, kinder, and more cheerful.

And here's the call
The school house is quickly emptying.
In the ringing silence
Last steps.
But in a quiet class you are still sitting at the table,
And again your students are in front of you.
And in silence you think about them,
Yesterday strangers, now family,
About their question, about your answer,
About something for which there is no answer...
And tomorrow the day will come again,
And the school's joyful people
Fill the floors with noise
And he will spin in the whirlwind of life!
Once upon a time I was on the third desk against the wall
I dreamed about the future and was in a hurry to become an adult
Even then you decided to be a teacher,
The path he chose was not easy, but he knew that he was strong enough.
And again there is silence at school,
And the old globe by the window,
In the magazine there is a suffix and case,
And so many destinies and hopes...
The fate of the country, the fate of the earth is in your hands,
Your students' dreams will come true.
They are to sow grain, guide ships on course,
Dedicate your life to children, as you did...
And again there is silence at school,
And the old globe by the window,
In the magazine there is a suffix and case,
And so many destinies and hopes...
Sergey Vladimirsky

You are needed, needed forever
Both the young man and the old man,
To enrich them persistently.
This is how ore is mined
So the light of spring is always awaited,
And this is how grains are grown.
Your work...
This is how a jeweler sometimes polishes a tiny diamond,
This is how they impart shine to damask steel...
Yes, the main thing in the current fate
The earth owes you
And the heights that opened up to the gaze.
You are like a mother above the cradle,
When again, again, again
Leafing through school notebooks
You can't close your eyes at night,
You feed us with knowledge
For the sake of goodness and happiness in the world.
May you be a hundred times
They will praise, thank
And they will ascend to the throne of songs,
So that, with each generation henceforth,
It's magical for you to look younger
In work that is so wonderful!

You dedicate to the school family,
You call them your children.
Walking the roads of life
And your lessons are remembered,
And they keep you in their hearts.

Your naughty children.
Accept our gratitude!

M. Sadovsky

Teacher. All her features
Clarified in a simple way in the morning:
Solitude of quiet kindness,
The grandeur of ancient construction.
But again the speech is calm and easy,
And again they breathe with reflected shine
Hexameters of ancient verse,
And the splash of leaves in the former biblical gardens.
Fatherland, freedom, that bitter smoke,
What will wake us up late or early,
But let me cry in repentance at least once:
"Teacher, before your name..."

Let there be fewer holidays than everyday life,
But the one who has become a teacher will understand:
What a joy it is to be useful to people
Teach His Majesty the People!
Bring Him the gift of wisdom and knowledge,
And your kindness is the light of your heart.
There is no more responsible calling on earth
There is nothing more honorable and joyful.
Outlined by immortal ideas
Let your work be honest to the end!
And then they will open up to you
Fellow young citizens with pure hearts!
And they will carry it like a relay race,
As a memory of your teacher
The desire to make this land more beautiful,
The planet we live on!

The gods illuminate with intelligence and happiness,
And for me, forgiving mortal sins,
All earthly teachers gave,
Blessing for the first verses.
And how did I pay them?
My eternal duty and eternal guilt -
Evil actions and antics,
Without feeling that my anger is sick.
I thought it was nagging and whims
Breakthroughs of undeserved grievances.
The further those cruel surprises,
The more often your conscience stirs your soul.
In a dream, their speech and faces are disturbing.
I don’t mind anything to give it to.
I’m ready, I’ll repent, I’ll pray to God,
But I didn’t offend him, however.
And the atrocities will forever torment,
Committed without any shame,
Although I know that I have been without repentance for a long time
I was forgiven easily and forever.
And yet I really want forgiveness
They have to pray with the help of verses
And get only remission from them
Unintentional, senseless sins.
Postponing lines of repentance,
I tormented myself, not you, the teacher.
For creativity worthy wishes
Heaven and earth did not inspire.
Let them illuminate your headboard
The messengers of heaven are on vacation.
Christ himself must give you health
If only he had truly risen!
Pavel Sergeychuk

Teacher, the days of your life are like one,
You are everyone who came to you to study,
You call them your children.
But children grow up, from school
Walking the roads of life

You dedicate to the school family,

And your lessons are remembered,

And they keep you in their hearts.

Favorite teacher, dear person,

Be the happiest in the world

Even though sometimes it’s hard for you

Your naughty children.

You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,

Accept our gratitude!

We remember how you brought us into the public eye

From timid, funny first-graders.

Every day I enter the classroom,

Every day I enter the classroom,
And hour after hour flies,
And my palm is in chalk,
Knowledge of how to light a fire?

Everyone is sitting at their desks,
Whose eyes are burning,
Someone is sleeping at this time,
No matter what you ask, he is silent!

Someone is looking out the window again,
They won't show movies there,
The girl has no tasks
Say the word and immediately cry!

They answer at the board,
Many students
Repeat again
Some are "three" and some are "five"!

Every day I enter the classroom,
I see the looks of many eyes,
But his students
I am always ready to teach!

Mark Lvovsky

You are a teacher with a capital letter,
With a young and beautiful soul!
How many long years, how many winters
You give your soul to the young!
And so the soul for many years
Stays young - that's the secret
Of your life.
Let her continue
You will be full of happiness and health!

Don't you dare forget your teachers.

They worry about us and remember us,

And in the silence of thoughtful rooms

They are waiting for our returns and news.

They miss these infrequent meetings.

And no matter how many years have passed,

Teacher's happiness is formed

From our student victories.

And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:

On New Year's Eve I don't send them congratulations,

And in the bustle or simply out of laziness

We don’t write, we don’t visit, we don’t call.

They are waiting for us. They're watching us

And they rejoice every time for those

Who will pass the exam somewhere again?

For courage, for honesty, for success.

Don't you dare forget your teachers.

Let life be worthy of their efforts.

Russia is famous for its teachers,

The disciples bring glory to her.

Don't you dare forget your teachers.

A. Dementyev

To us, dear teacher,
I like your character!
No one else but you
They can't handle us!
You are kind and fair!
You are an example for us in everything!
The best feelings
Our class expresses to you!

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,
The ability to give your all,
Leave for a long feat and torment,
And in this we see light and grace.
Teaching - when in the eyes of cold
The dawn of understanding will light up,
And you will understand: I tried not in vain
And it was not in vain that he scattered his knowledge.
Showered with colored rain of bouquets
And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,
Accept, teacher, not a word of greeting,
And part of the soul is from grateful us!

Poems for the teacher

On this day, close your eyes and remember the person
Who was with you in your most difficult hour:
We all went to school, and 10 years ago -
The share may be small, but sweet for us!
So, my friend, do you remember your second mother?
Yes, yes, who gave me a smile.
After all, you know yourself: I won’t tell you,
How much she suddenly fell in love with all the guys!
Your mentor and friend, and most importantly - teacher,
Dearest of all my friends; your angel, your guardian!
And let today be a little gloomy in the morning;
(October is not April; and the leaf is purple now).
You want to tell her: “Thank you very much.”
For work and for love."

And again in the gilded poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier,
Where teachers wait for students,
To start a new life.
There is no richer and more generous person in the world,
than these people, forever young.
We remember all our teachers,
Although they themselves are almost gray.
They are the destiny of each of us,
They pass through it like a red thread.
We proudly say every time
Three simple words: “This is my teacher.”
We are all in his most reliable hands:
Scientist, doctor, politician and builder...
Always live in your students
And be happy, our captain-teacher!

We were all students.
We grew up with teachers.
And everyone could choose for themselves
Liked among teachers!
And the image carried through the years,
Never forgetting.
Over the years, getting older,
I felt a deeper connection.
It is not immediately possible for us to understand:
What was sown in us has come up,
And only thanks to them
We do not live in vain.
Teacher, the years will pass,
But the memory will not be completely erased.
You are my forever ideal,
I've been following you all my life.
I'm in a hurry on Teacher's Day
One of the first in the morning
Bring you a bouquet of flowers,
Who will say more words.

The teacher generously teaches us that
What you really need in life:
Patience, reading, counting and writing,
And loyalty to the native Fatherland.

If there were no teacher,
It probably wouldn’t have happened
Neither poet nor thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And to this day, probably,
If there were no teacher,
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.
And we wouldn’t be Icari,
We would never have soared into the sky,
If only through his efforts we
The wings were not grown.
Without him there would be a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because it is very dear to us
Our teacher's name!

Favorite aphorism

A mediocre teacher expounds,

good - explains

outstanding - shows

great - inspiring

about the winged student

An old man sits by the side of the road and looks at the road. He sees a man walking, and a little boy can barely keep up with him. The man stopped and ordered the child to give the old man some water and a piece of bread from the store.

- What are you doing here, old man? - asked a passerby.

- Waiting for you! - answered the old man. – You were entrusted with this child to raise.

- Right! – the man was surprised.

- So take wisdom with you:

Teacher's Day- This is a truly national holiday. Each of us went to school. Everyone (I really hope!) had a favorite teacher (favorite teacher).

Today we remember those who are no longer with us, and we honor those who are alive and well, dreaming that they will live and thrive for many years to come.

A teacher is a huge responsibility and boundless love. I think that a teacher is also kindness and wisdom. Well, and, of course, intelligence. It is also impossible without him.

Dear current and future teachers, educators, professors! Since the conversation has already turned to kindness and wisdom, today I give you not just anything, but parables...

Parable about the teacher and the point

One day the Teacher showed the students a blank sheet of paper with a black dot in the middle and asked: “What do you see?”

First student: “Point.”

Second: “Black dot”.

Third: “Bold point.”

Then the Teacher replied: “You all saw only a dot, and no one noticed the big white sheet!”

This is how we judge a person by his minor shortcomings.

Caille Leon Emile. The Lesson. 1887
The Parable of Teacher Hing Shi

One day a young peasant woman came to Hing Shi and asked:

Teacher, how should I raise my son: in affection or in severity? What's more important?

Look, woman, at the grapevine,” said Hing Shi, “if you don’t prune it, if you don’t tear off excess shoots and leaves out of pity, the vine will go wild, and you, having lost control over its growth, will not get good and sweet berries.” But if you protect the vine from the caress of the sun's rays and do not carefully water its roots every day, it will completely wither. And only with a reasonable combination of both, you will be able to taste the desired fruits.

Tom Lovell. Una escuela en la antigua Mesopotamia

* * *

One day the disciples asked the Teacher what his main task was. The sage, smiling, said: “Tomorrow you will learn about it.”

The next day the disciples were going to spend some time at the foot of the mountain. Early in the morning they set off. By lunchtime, tired and hungry, they reached a picturesque hillock and, stopping for a rest, decided to dine on rice and salted vegetables, which the Teacher had taken with him. It should be noted that the sage salted the vegetables very generously, and therefore after some time the disciples became thirsty. But, as luck would have it, it turned out that all the water they had taken with them had already run out. Then the disciples began to examine the surrounding area in search of a fresh source of water. Having not found him, we returned back. The sage, approaching them, said: “The source you are looking for is over that hill.” The disciples joyfully hurried there, and, having quenched their thirst, returned to the Teacher, bringing water for him.

The teacher refused the water, pointing to the vessel standing at his feet. “But why didn’t you let us drink right away if you had water?” - the students were amazed. The sage replied: “I was fulfilling my task. First, I aroused a thirst in you, which made you search for the source, just as I arouse in you a thirst for knowledge. When you despaired, I showed you which direction the source was, thereby supporting you. Well, by taking more water with me, I gave you an example that what you want can be very close, you just have to take care of it in advance.”

“So, the main task of the Teacher is to awaken thirst, support and set the right example?” - asked the students. "No. My main task is to cultivate humanity and kindness in the student,” the Teacher said and smiled. “And the water you brought for me tells me that so far I am performing my main task correctly...”

Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin.The Young Schoolmistress

Parable about the Teacher

One day a woman who lived next door came to Rumi. She brought her little son to the sage.

“I don’t know what to do, Rumi,” she said. “I’ve already tried all the ways, but the child doesn’t listen to me.” He eats too much sugar! Please tell him that this is not good. He will listen to you because he respects you very much.”

Rumi looked at the child, at the trust in his eyes, and said: “Come back in three weeks.”

The woman was completely bewildered. It's such a simple thing! Why didn't this enlightened man just tell her son not to eat so much sugar?!

It’s not clear... People came to Rumi from distant countries, and he helped solve much more serious problems at once.

But what to do - she obediently came three weeks later. Rumi looked at the child again and said, “Come back in three more weeks.”

When they came for the third time, Rumi told the boy: “Son, listen to my advice, don’t eat a lot of sugar, it’s bad for your health.”

“Since you advise me,” the boy replied, “I won’t do this anymore.”

After this, the mother asked the child to wait for her outside. When he came out, she asked Rumi why he didn’t do it the first time, because it was so simple...

And Rumi admitted to her that he himself always loved to eat sugar, and before giving such advice, he had to get rid of this weakness himself. At first he decided that three weeks would be enough, but he was wrong...

The holy man, famous for his wisdom and spiritual strength, weaned himself from eating sweets for six weeks just to have the right to tell the boy: “Son, don’t eat a lot of sugar, it’s bad for your health.”

(Angel Coitier. Golden ratio ).

Parable about the teacher and students

End of the 15th century. Discovery of a new world. Travelers bring a lot of new things to Europe. Mostly they bring gold - this is wealth, this is power over people. But it is not only the thirst for profit that attracts people to the New World. One of Christopher Columbus's sailors returns to Europe with the seeds of a never-before-seen plant - a tomato. Having tasted it and learned about its value, the sailor could not resist the temptation to grow this miracle vegetable at home. And now, a year later, the first harvest. The neighbors tried tomatoes and asked them to teach them how to grow an unknown vegetable. He gave only twelve students one seed and said: “In a year I will come and check how you learned to grow a tomato from me.” And the students went home, and a year passed, and the teacher came to look at the works of his students.

Not everyone had the same results. The teacher did not see the plant for the first student.

Where are the fruits of your labor? - asked the teacher.

I couldn’t save the seed you gave me, my teacher. The mouse ate him.

Lesson for you from now on.Guard as the apple of your eye what you are responsible for .

And the second student did not have a plant.

It’s too early, teacher, I sowed a seed, it froze.

Everything has its time, its time.Don't do anything before it's necessary , - answered the teacher.

And the third student turned out to be careless.

I apologize, teacher, I sowed a seed, but forgot to germinate.

A lesson for you. Awaken the seed, prepare it for growth, and only then .

And the fourth student met the teacher with his head down:

I forgot, teacher, to sow the seed.

Remember: What goes around comes around .

And the fifth student had nothing to brag about. He sowed, the seed sprouted, butThe student decided to transfer him to another place. The plant died.

- Everything must have its roots , said the teacher.

The sixth student looked sad.

My plant has sprouted, teacher, I forgot to water it. My plant has dried up.

Remember, nothing can live without food .

And the seventh student was disappointed.

A neighbor came, took a look, and the plant died, the student told the teacher.

- Keep your child safe from the evil eye .

The eighth student also had nothing to brag about.

I, the teacher, listened to other people's advice.

- Don't listen to those who don't know .

The ninth student couldn’t boast either.

Master, I planted the seed too late.

- What was good yesterday is not always good today .

The teacher saw a plant from the tenth student, but it was frail and without fruit.

I forgot to fertilize the soil, teacher.

- Don't expect fruit without fertile soil , the teacher instructed.

Only the eleventh student came to the teacher's joy. The student reaped a good harvest.

Teacher, I followed all your advice.

You are a good student, I am proud of you.

But a real miracle awaited the teacher at the twelfth student.

Oh teacher! I did everything you taught me, and I also talked to the plant every time. Early in the morning I came to wish him good morning and asked how he spent the night. During the day I came in to tell them how my affairs, my wife’s, and my children’s affairs were going. Every evening I told the plant a bedtime story and quietly, in a whisper, wished him good night. And the number of fruits increased several times. The plant thanked me for my care. And the teacher, with tears in his eyes, thanked his student, who became his teacher.

Let the entire content of your work continue in the memory, minds and hearts of your students, and let your students change your world, making it brighter, kinder, more cheerful .

Alexandre-Évariste Fragonard Part III. The Lesson of Henry IV

Why when people quarrel do they shout?

Once the Teacher asked his students:

Why when people quarrel do they shout?

Because they lose their calm, said one.

But why shout if the other person is next to you? - asked the Teacher. - Can't you talk to him quietly? Why shout if you're angry?

The students offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher. Finally he explained:

When people are unhappy with each other and quarrel, their hearts grow apart. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The angrier they get, the louder they scream.

What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak quietly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? - continued the Teacher. - They don’t speak, they just whisper and become even closer in their love.

In the end, they don’t even need to whisper. They just look at each other and understand everything without words. This happens when two loving people are nearby. So, when you argue, do not allow your hearts to move away from each other, do not utter words that further increase the distance between you. Because a day may come when the distance becomes so great that you will not find your way back.

Jan Steen. The school teacher

Best school

The parents were looking for a good school and teacher for their son and finally they chose the best teacher for their son. In the morning, the grandfather took his grandson to school. When the grandfather and grandson entered the yard, they were surrounded by children.

What a funny old man,” one boy laughed.

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