
Lucifer is a feminine name. Who is Lucifer - a demon or an angel? Note. The great creator, having learned about the wickedness of his archangel, drove him out of Eden. Thus, Lucifer became a fallen angel. Still, it is worth analyzing Lucifer, who is the fallen angel who

The proper name Lucifer is shrouded in mystery and ambivalence in relation to it. For some it is associated with fighting against God, for others it is inadmissible even to utter it, since it concentrates evil itself. And yet, since the name Lucifer exists, everyone should know who it is or what is hidden behind this name. Recently, along with the revival of Christian traditions, like mushrooms in the forest, some new, home-grown religions have been appearing, aimed at the unconditional worship of something or someone, and not at the education and elevation of the soul. Even the notorious Sergei Mavrodi published a book where the son of Lucifer is mentioned in the title.

A little history

In Ancient Rome, Lucifer was the most common male name. Translated from Latin and Greek, its meaning was understood approximately the same: “first morning light.” And this light was associated with the planet Venus. It was she who appeared in our sky as the brightest “morning star” after the Moon and the Sun, and this name appears in Virgil’s “Aeneid”. And yet, for the first time, Lucifer is mentioned in the Old Testament (book of Isaiah) in relation to the dynasty of Babylonian kings, who in their pride became like a fallen angel.

Former angel

This is none other than the devil himself. Everyone knows the legend about how a powerful archangel was cast out of heaven. And his name is Lucifer. Anyone who disputes this must understand the futility of such attempts. Even if in ancient times a passage of the Bible was mistakenly interpreted, now it is still impossible to rehabilitate the name of Lucifer - it will forever remain synonymous with Satan. But how he, called to bring light, turned out to be the ruler of evil, undoubtedly requires understanding and correct interpretation. God is love, endless creation and improvement. God gives everyone the right to self-determination. God himself obeys the laws by which he creates. So by definition, he cannot punish anyone, just like the devil Lucifer. Whoever does not realize this may be the first to find himself on the hook of a comforting self-deception that can neither elevate nor save; this is the road leading to hell, which is paved with good intentions. No one has power over a person - he makes decisions himself: he punishes himself, he elevates himself, obeying the same laws as all celestials. True, the chosen path can lead to God, or it can make you an accomplice of evil. The temptation to which Lucifer once succumbed gnaws at everyone, without exception. This is how the struggle for every soul in every soul continues, without ceasing for a second.

They don't know what they're doing

Every person goes through the stage of fighting against God as the legacy of Lucifer (consciously or not). This can be called searching for the path to God. True, some get lost on this road and come to a dead end, and then in their helplessness they choose Satan as their idol, thinking that they are thereby challenging the unjust structure of the world, forgetting that all the tears and grief on earth are the work of human hands, and not someone's business. People are arrogant in their desire to create another world just like Lucifer once did. Who came up with the idea that the world can be remade by one person, even the strongest one? And yet evil is attractive. Many artists, even being creators from God, tried to comprehend his nature. And some succeeded. This, for example, is evidenced by the history of Vrubel’s painting “The Demon” and the impact that the beautiful young man depicted on it has on people (there were several attempts to destroy this painting). Almost all the world's classics wanted to dissect evil in their works, to show all its fetid underside in order to develop immunity in people. But it didn't work out. Moreover, this is unlikely to be possible for a modern horror film director with a self-explanatory pseudonym – Lucifer Valentine (and this is a woman). To show unmotivated evil is to generate it repeatedly.

Who is Lucifer in the Bible?

There is no end to the speculation about who Lucifer is, because his image is very ambiguous. At all times, he attracted not only theologians, but also representatives of art who tried to comprehend - so who is this fallen angel? Is it really God's creation or a self-existing infinite Evil? Let's try to understand this.

Who is Lucifer

In Christianity, there is a legend about Satan, Lucifer, as an angel created by the Lord in the rank of cherub. He, according to legend, was perfect in his beauty and wisdom, but while living in Eden, he became proud and decided to become equal to God (Ezek. 28:17; Is. 14:13-14). For this he was cast out of heaven and became the prince of darkness, as well as a murderer and the father of lies.

The angelic name of Satan is taken from the prophecy of Isaiah (see Isaiah 14:12), and it is translated as “light-bringer,” which in Latin sounds like Lucifer.

The duality of his essence is interesting: on the one hand, he is a persistent and inventive tempter on Earth who plunges people into sin, and on the other hand, he is the ruler of hell, punishing those who nevertheless succumbed to his temptation. What is this? Why is this happening in the world?

Why does Satan act on Earth?

Satan Lucifer, according to many beliefs, is the main antagonist of God, being the personification of all evil. By the way, there is an opinion that the name Satan originates from the Hebrew word “satan”, which means contradiction, obstruction and incitement.

And according to many philosophical views, God allows Lucifer to act on Earth so that every person has a choice between good and evil, because this is what will give those who survive the opportunity to strengthen their faith and receive the immortality of the soul. If we think like this, then the appearance of Lucifer was inevitable and even purposeful.

How the name Lucifer became the name of Satan

The first mention of Lucifer appears in the Book of Isaiah (Is. 14: 12-17), which was written in ancient Aramaic. In it, the Babylonian kingdom is compared to a fallen angel, whose story is given there. In the original, the word “heilel” (“daystar” or “morning star”) was used. But note that here the morning star is a symbol of brightness and brilliance, which does not have a negative meaning.

Jews and Christians did not use the word "heilel" as a name for Satan. In the New Testament, Jesus himself was called the “morning star.”

And Jerome, when translating the indicated passage from the book of Isaiah, used the word Lucifer, meaning “bringer of light” and used to designate the morning star. Added to this was the general idea that Satan, like the king of Babylon, was cast down from the heights of glory, and over time the fallen angel was called Lucifer. In addition, this idea was reinforced by the statement of the Apostle Paul about the devil, who at times comes to us as a “ray of light” (2 Cor. 11:4).

So, the “luminosity” of Lucifer, which seems unthinkable for believers, has a basis - he can tempt us, coming with hope and joy, but they will be false, like everything he offers us.

Who is Lucifer in the Bible

By the way, at first the image of Satan did not have specific features and was rather an abstract embodiment of evil. In the Holy Scriptures, this was an opponent of God who could have both human and angelic traits. He tested the honesty of people, and only in the power of the Almighty was it not to allow him to do evil.

And in the New Testament he acquired his appearance. They began to depict him as a dragon or serpent. By the way, you can finally understand his image based on one nuance - in all Scriptures he is recognized as part of the whole. That is, the devil, being part of the general plan, does not have the opportunity to crush God and is forced to obey him.

So, for example, in the book of Job, Satan does not believe in the righteousness of this man and invites God to test him. Here it is very noticeable who Lucifer is according to the Bible - he is subordinate to God and is among his servants, which does not give him the opportunity to act independently. Yes, even if he can send troubles to the Earth, lead nations, but nevertheless he will never act as an equal rival to God!

Neither Judaism nor Christianity accepts an equal opposition of good and evil, since this would violate their basic principle of monotheism. Dualism, by the way, can be traced only in some religious teachings - in Persian Zoroastrianism, Gnosticism and Manichaeism.

The image of Satan in different religions

In ancient religions there was no single image of the devil. Among the Etruscans, for example, this is the demon of the other world, Tuhulk, who in essence was only a spirit of revenge, punishing for sins.

In Christianity, Satan Lucifer is the tempter who rules over the fallen angels and the executor of punishment over lost souls, but he will certainly be defeated as soon as the kingdom of God comes.

Islam also has similar concepts to Christianity regarding Satan. He can be found in the Qur'an as al-Shaitan or Iblis (the demon tempter). In this religion, as in Christianity, he is associated with everything base that can be in a person, and has the gift of leading people away from the true path, skillfully disguising himself and pushing them towards evil. He tries to corrupt a person by making him false offers or tempting him.

But even in Islam, Satan is not depicted as an equal opponent of God, since the Lord is the creator of everything on Earth, and Iblis is only one of God’s creatures.

Belief in the limited presence of Satan on Earth

Along with the reasoning that the presence of the devil is also a kind of providence of God, since it allows a person to learn, grow spiritually and improve. Constantly facing a choice between good and evil, people still do not give up hope that Satan’s presence in this world is limited.

And this is understandable - understanding who Lucifer is, mere mortals want to be sure that their decisions are dictated only by God. And this is possible only in a world devoid of the Tempter. So will this ever happen?

Lucifer and Michael

Christianity speaks of the last battle of the devil with the archangel Michael (in the Apocalypse, Rev. 12:7-9; 20:2,3, 7-9). His name, by the way, literally translates from Hebrew as “who is like God,” which means that Michael is the highest angel who proclaims the undistorted will of the Lord.

The Apostle John speaks of the fall of Satan, defeated by the archangel Michael at the moment when the evil one tries to devour the baby sent to Earth, who should become the shepherd of all nations (Rev. 12: 4-9). The dark angels, called “unclean spirits” in the Bible, will also fall behind him. After the second battle, Lucifer will be cast into the “lake of fire” forever.

But besides Lucifer himself, his follower, the Antichrist, will also have his sights set on our world.

Who is Antichrist

Antichrist in religious teachings is the main opponent of Christ and the tempter of the human race. He is part of the so-called “devilish trinity” (Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet).

The Antichrist is not the devil, but a man who has received his power. And, according to some versions, the son of Lucifer. Legend says that he will be a Jew, born from an incestuous relationship in the tribe of Dan, or from the copulation of a harlot with the devil. He will first conquer the world with imaginary miracles and apparent virtues, and then, having seized world domination, he will turn himself into an object of worship.

His power will last 3.5 years, after which he will be killed, as predicted, “by the spirit of the mouth of Christ,” so no patronage of Satan will help him.

The image of Lucifer in literary works

The images of Satan in the Middle Ages in the works of artists and writers always took one form - half-man, half-beast, merciless and doing evil. But by the 18th century, and especially the 19th-20th centuries, it became complex and ambiguous. However, in religious culture, despite all the apparent simplicity of the perception of Satan as the bearer of evil, behind him there is always the image of God, who for some reason allowed him to come to Earth. So who is Lucifer?

In art, the devil most often embodies a rebellious spirit, which is based on rejection of existing life, on the denial of everything good and kind in it. He desires evil, but at the same time, pay attention, he contributes to the creation of good. This spirit of confrontation with the existing order is especially clearly represented in the image of a fallen angel from the poems by J. Milton “Paradise Lost” and M. Lermontov “The Demon”.

Devil Lucifer this is Goethe’s Mephistopheles, and Bulgakov’s Woland, who, according to their creators, are in our world with one mission - to balance the confrontation between good and evil and ultimately reward everyone “according to his faith.” This is how they make everything secret and shameful in the human soul obvious. After all, without seeing the shadow, it is difficult to understand that light is light!

Component of human culture

Demon, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles - a person can give many names denoting an entity that has been personified evil since ancient times. This image became not only religious, but also secular. Moreover, it has entered into popular culture so much that it is hardly possible to understand human nature without understanding the ideas about the embodiment of evil.

After all, the image of Satan as a beast has undergone such strong changes over the centuries that now the Devil is a wealthy bourgeois, for whom it is not at all difficult to get lost among people.

This identification of Satan and man says that, unfortunately, evil in our time has acquired the features of everyday life, and nothing prevents any of us from pushing humanity towards destruction.

How Christians Should Approach Satanic Teachings

Excessive fascination with the image has led to the emergence of satanic organizations that are trying to follow the teachings of Anton La Vey, who at one time tried to interpret the image of Satan as the engine of progress and the inspirer of all human achievements.

To strengthen his church, La Vey created colorful rituals and skillfully played on people's desire for mystery and grandeur. But, nevertheless, this cult is extremely poor and is not based on a clear concept and integrity of its teaching, but only on the brightness of rituals that imitate “black” rituals from the past.

It should be remembered that Satanists do not rely on the real image of Lucifer, but only count on shock from Christians, so the friendly attitude of the latter will certainly confuse adherents of the “dark forces”. In addition, people who have both psychological and mental problems most often become Satanists, and help in solving them, of course, will help lost souls change their view of the world.

We hope that readers will be able to draw a clearer conclusion as to who Lucifer is. Photos of this image are included in the article. In them, too, to a large extent, one can see the changing ideas about the devilish essence and the endless interest that it arouses both among believers and among those who proclaim themselves atheists.

Who is Lucifer? Is it true that his name means “light-bringer”, “son of the dawn”? Why?

~Little Flower~

Lucifer is a solar angel whose name means "Bearer of Light." Among the angels he was one of the most beautiful and was called Raphael. He thought that he created himself, not God. One day he saw the empty throne of God who had gone somewhere and thought: “Oh, how wonderful is my radiance. If I were sitting on this throne, I would be as wise as he.” And to the discord of angels, some of whom flatter him, and part - dissuades from a dubious undertaking, Lucifer takes the throne of God and proclaims: “All the joy of the world rests on me, for the rays of my radiance burn so brightly. I will be like the one who is highest on top. May God come here - I will not leave , but I will remain sitting here in front of him." And he orders the angels to bow before him, causing a split in their ranks. For this, God overthrew Lucifer and the angels who bowed to him and the Abyss, turning his beauty into ugliness. He went from fiery to black as coal. He has a thousand hands and each hand has 20 fingers. He grew a long thick beak and a thick tail with stings. He is chained to the bars above the flames of hell, fanned by lesser demons.

Everyone will die, and I'm a grapefruit

This is another word for Satan.
but at the same time it is the name of the church fathers and has the meaning “son of the dawn”
there are many meanings. look here in more detail


Until he became Satan, he was Lucifer. The word Lucifer is of Latin origin meaning one who brings light, a shining being. He was one of the main archangels in God's heavenly army. He was a created being who had to obey God. But what did Lucifer say:... I will be like the Most High (Isaiah 14:13,14). He wanted to become equal to God, rebelled against God's will, dragging a third of the Angels with him. And God says in verse 15: But you are cast into hell, into the depths of the pit.
And about this: How you fell from the sky, Lucifer (Lucifer), son of the dawn! crashed to the ground...
The reason for the rebellion and disobedience of Lucifer is pride. - Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty, and because of your vanity you destroyed your wisdom (Ezekiel 28:17). So he became Satan - the Hebrew word satan means enemy, adversary. In Greek, Satanas is the enemy of God. Having rebelled against God, Satan lost his former greatness and became a fallen angel, destined for the lake of fire. Until his time comes, he disguises himself as an Angel of Light, deceiving all people.


And Nick. psychologist, orthodox publ.
Lucifer's real name is SATANAIL, which he bore before his betrayal. Lucifer is one of the names of the so-called “unholy trinity”, which really means “light-bringer”. The devil in the form of a luminous angel appears to the ignorant and novice occultists in order to confuse their heads and evoke admiration and admiration. In the Russian tradition, he bears another name - Dennitsa, which is used to designate the Sun.
(Daylight is the daylight - Pushkin).
In fact, Lucifer is the inspirer of pride, adultery and burning of the flesh, the father of all hypocrisy and posturing.
Lucifer is the devil-spirit.

Andrey Ponomarev

Lucifer is the creator of this world - here is the story Here are the events that are happening at the moment [link blocked by decision of the project administration] The man in blue is Lucifer. Christ is me. The girl with the apple is Lucifer's Love - what he lacked to become light. There are 2 of our souls in an apple

Who is Lucifer?

He was not the son of a cherub... - 5 years ago

Lucifer is still a noble rebel and there is no need to confuse his name with Satan, otherwise there will be complete confusion. It is unlikely that anyone will dispute that Lucifer was originally a cherub, the second step from God in the classification of angels. He rebelled, we will not now discuss the reasons that prompted him to rebel and the consequences. The main thing is that he rebelled after God created man and therefore cannot in any way be the biblical Satan. From my point of view, far from religion, rebellion is not a crime, but the punishment is always too severe, both from God and in our world. However, what can we know about Lucifer’s punishment? Only the words of the prophets. In reality, everything may be different, and the one who brings light still brings light to us, people, like an angel of the Lord. And I repeat once again - there is no indication that Lucifer is Satan; on the contrary, everything indicates the opposite.


Lucifer was an angel created by God. He was the most beautiful angel. He rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven. Lucifer became a fallen angel. And now he is at war with God. Lucifer wages a spiritual war with God for every human soul. Lucifer is the devil.

Amazing nearby

In the case of Lucifer, many things were mixed together. By its origin, this word is Latin, which means that this word is not in the original texts of the Old Testament, written in Hebrew, and the New Testament, written in Greek of its time. There are a number of references to the morning star in positive and negative contexts. This was the name of the planet Venus, and Lucifer was popular among the Romans as a male name. That was the name of a Sardinian bishop who was elevated to sainthood, so that Catholics have St. Lucifer.

The confusion of anything luminous and Satan began because of a phrase in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians by St. Apostle. Pavla:

She “brought to another level” any mention of angels in the Vulgate, the standard translation of the Bible into Latin, made at the turn of the 4th and 5th centuries, designed to put an end to the multiple parallel texts of Holy Scripture that were circulating at the same time. It is in the Vulgate that the word lucifer was used in the translation of that passage in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah where it speaks of the risen angel:

In the manuscripts of that time, lowercase and uppercase letters were not distinguished, so a descriptive phrase given in the form of one word was perceived by many as one word. Thus, the word Lucifer was finally assigned to Satan as one of his names.

We should not imagine our ancestors as a herd of idiots. They not only endlessly mixed concepts, but, endlessly reading and re-reading the sacred texts, tried to penetrate into their essence and create a coherent idea of ​​​​what was fragmented into many small hints and references. It just so happened that the authors of the Bible wrote very little about what most worried medieval Christians, who believed that by uniting such semantic communities they were making a reconstruction, and not creating conjectures.


Lucifer was the leader of all angels. He was very handsome, the most powerful, talented. Moreover, he was the closest to God. But one day Dennitsa (another interpretation of the translation of Lucifer) became proud and wanted to take the place of God, after which he was overthrown, and his beauty was turned by God into ugliness. After which the “solar angel” began to be called Satan, the Devil. There was a war in heaven, after which Lucifer and his army were cast into the underworld, where he became a prince.

Byemon epu

Fallen Angel. Once upon a time he was close to God. But pride and other vices made it so that God expelled the Angel from heaven. And he became the Fallen. And now it is believed that Lucifer leads people astray from the righteous path, so that they then end up in Hell, and not in Heaven. He has been at enmity with God for ten centuries.

Anti-God, so to speak. This is who Lucifer is. The one who leads astray from the righteous path.

Some sources believe that Lucifer is one of the names of Satan.


Lucifer is one of the varieties of the name for Satan or the same devil. This is a kind of fallen angel who always wanted to be higher than God, for such an act the powerful archangel was punished and expelled from heaven. We can say that this is the very first angel that God created, but this angel, so to speak, imagines himself to be an important character. At the moment, Lucifer is a synonym for Satan.

Blue leopard

The answer is a comment)

Dear Colleagues! Please do not confuse names and entities. The fallen angel's name was Satanail (Satan). Lucifer is different; this is the name of a different entity, of a different level. Lucifer is already the “prince of darkness,” a completely reborn entity. Not a noble rebel, but a convinced saboteur.

Elena Nikityuk

Lucifer is translated from Latin as “light-bringer”, “son of the dawn”. According to the Bible, Lucifer is an angel in the rank of cherub, created by God. He was ideal in beauty and intelligence. When he became proud and wanted to equate himself with God, he was expelled from heaven. As a result, he became the prince of darkness.

Greetings Slavs

Lucifer is the one who does not recognize God. Lucifer is a Protestant of sorts, he rebelled against the creator and went to war against him. But, since he is unable to compete with God himself, he is forced to harm him by luring souls to himself (by deception and temptation).


Lucifer - this name is translated as “bringer of light.” In Christianity, this is an angel who rebelled against the Almighty and was expelled from Paradise for this. After his exile, Lucifer became the image of universal evil and is often called Satan or the Devil.

Lucifer in the Bible

The first mention of Lucifer is found in the Book of Isaiah, written in Hebrew. Here the dynasty of Babylonian kings is compared to a fallen angel, thanks to which the reader learns the story of how one of the seraphim desired power equal to God, and was cast out of heaven for this. The original uses the Hebrew word “heilel” (“morning star”, “star”):

Isa.14:12-17 NM

How you fell from the sky, Lucifer, son of the dawn! He crashed to the ground, trampling the nations. And he said in his heart: “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mountain in the assembly of gods, on the edge of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.” But you are cast into hell, into the depths of the underworld. Those who see you peer into you and think about you: “Is this the man who shook the earth, shook kingdoms, made the world a wilderness and destroyed its cities, and did not let his captives go home?”

Here “Dennitsa,” that is, the morning star, appears not as a name, but as an epithet of brightness and brilliance, without a negative meaning. There is a similar place in another Old Testament book of the prophet Ezekiel, where the fall of the city of Tire is also compared to the fall of an angel, although he is not called the “morning star”:

Ezek.28:12-19 NM

You were an anointed cherub to overshadow, and I appointed you to do so; you were on the holy mountain of God, walking among the fiery stones. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, until iniquity was found in you... Your inner being was filled with unrighteousness, and you sinned; and I cast you down as unclean from the mountain of God, and drove you, the overshadowing cherub, out of the midst of the fiery stones. Because of your beauty your heart was lifted up, because of your vanity you destroyed your wisdom; Therefore I will throw you to the ground, I will hand you over to shame before kings. With the multitude of your iniquities you have defiled your sanctuaries; and I will bring fire from among you, which will consume you: and I will turn you into ashes on the earth in the sight of all who see you.

The Jews and early Christians did not use helel as a name for Satan. It is worth noting that later in the New Testament Jesus was compared to the “morning star.” Jesus is the “bright morning star” prophesied in the days of Moses (Numbers 24:17; Psalm 89:35-38). He is the “star before the dawn,” with whose rising a new day begins (2 Peter 1:19).

Open 22:16 NM

“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you testimony of these things for the benefit of the meetings. I am the root and descendant of David and the bright morning star.”

2 Peter 1:19 NM

Therefore, we are even more confident in the prophetic word, and you do well to turn to it as a lamp shining in a dark place - until the day dawns and the pre-dawn star rises - in your hearts.

Jerome, when translating the indicated passage from the Book of Isaiah, used in the Vulgate the Latin word Lucifer (“luminous,” “light-bringing”), used to designate the “morning star,” and the idea that, like the king of Babylon, cast down from the heights of earthly glory, and Satan was once cast down from the heights of heavenly glory (Luke; Rev.), which led to the fact that the name Lucifer was transferred to Satan. This identification was also reinforced by the remark of the Apostle Paul about Satan, who comes as an “angel of light” (2 Cor.).

Lucifer in modern Satanism

The image of Lucifer remains more or less unchanged in sources whose authors belong to different traditions. Characteristics of this image:

Inferion - a system of Devil signs and brief descriptions published by Vox Inferni Press, describes Lucifer as the spirit of Rebellion and the father of Pride

Liber Azerate describes Lucifer as "the benevolent aspect of Satan, who with his light illuminates the sure path and shows the way to freedom and divine power beyond the boundaries of creation."

In Luciferian Witchcraft, Lucifer is described as the "Black Flame of Mind and Will".

Anton Sandor LaVey's List of Devils gives the following description of Lucifer: “Lucifer is (lat.) the bearer of light, enlightenment, the morning star, the Lord of the air and the East.”

Lucifer is the ancient Greek god of light, mentioned in the Aeneid:

At that time, Lucifer ascended over the peaks of Ida, leading Day behind him. The Danaan guard guarded the gate entrances. Our strength was no longer strengthened by hope. (Second book pp. 802-804)

In other religious teachings

Lucifer in culture

  • The song "Sympathy for the Devil", written in 1968 by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, is sung by Jagger in the first person from Lucifer's point of view. The song is ranked number 32 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.
  • Lucifer is the father of the protagonist of the psychological quest Lucius.

see also

  • Saint Lucifer - church leader in. n. e. Bishop of Cagliari (Sardinia), opponent of Arianism.



  • Liber Azerate, TOTBL (Order of the Black Flame)
  • A.M.S.G. by V.Scavr, The Black Press, 2009.
  • The Complete Book of Demonolatry, S.Connoly, ISBN 978-0-9669788-6-5
  • Liber HVHI, Ford M, Succubus Publishing, 2005
  • Luciferian Witchcraft, Ford M, Succubus Publishing, MMV
  • The Satanic Bible, Anton Sandor LaVey


  • // Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. - St. Petersburg. , 1906-1913.
  • Lucifer in The Jewish Encyclopedia (ed. Funk & Wagnalls)


  • Male names
  • Names of Latin origin
  • Characters of The Divine Comedy
  • Christianity
  • Satanism
  • Demonology
  • Luciferianism
  • Archangels
  • Demons in Christianity

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what "Lucifer" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Latin Lucifer, from lux, lucis light, and ferre to bear). 1) Satan. 2) the poetic part of the morning star Venus. 3) phosphorus is a light giver. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. LUCIFER 1) according to the Holy Scriptures... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    See Satan. Literary encyclopedia. At 11 vol.; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Fritsche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929 1939 … Literary encyclopedia

    Devil, Satan, Venus Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Lucifer noun, number of synonyms: 5 demon (33) venus ... Synonym dictionary

    LUCIFER, fallen angel, devil in Christianity... Modern encyclopedia

    In Christian mythology, the fallen angel, the devil...

    See Phosphorus... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Lucifer (Latin Lucifer, “morning star”, i.e. the planet Venus; in the same meaning the Greek ό έωσφόρος slav. Dennitsa), in the Christian tradition one of the designations of Satan as a proud and powerless imitator of the light that constitutes... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    - (lat. Lucifer) or Phosphorus (jwsjoroV) light bearer, the name of the morning star; among the church fathers, L., the son of the morning (cf. the book of the prophet Isaiah, XIV, 12) is a designation of the devil ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Lucifer (Latin Lucifer, “morning star”, i.e. the planet Venus; in the same meaning, Greek 6 есостфрх;, Slavic Dennitsa), in the Christian tradition one of designations of Satan as a proud and powerless imitator of that light which... ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

Lucifer is shrouded in mystery and duality of attitude towards him. For some it is associated with fighting against God, for others it is not permissible even to utter it, since it concentrates evil itself. And yet, since the name Lucifer exists, everyone should know who it is or what is hidden behind this name. Recently, along with the revival of Christian traditions, like mushrooms in the forest, some new, home-grown religions have been appearing, aimed at the unconditional worship of something or someone, and not at the education and elevation of the soul. Even the notorious Sergei Mavrodi published a book where the son of Lucifer is mentioned in the title.

A little history

In Ancient Rome, Lucifer was the most common male name. Translated from Latin and Greek, its meaning was understood approximately the same: “first morning light.” And this light was associated with It was she who appeared in our sky as the brightest “morning star” after the Moon and the Sun, and this name is found in Virgil in the Aeneid. And yet, for the first time, Lucifer is mentioned in (the book of Isaiah) in relation to the dynasty of Babylonian kings, who in their pride became like a fallen angel.

Former angel

This is none other than the devil himself. Everyone knows the legend about how a powerful archangel was cast out of heaven. And his name is Lucifer. Anyone who disputes this must understand the futility of such attempts. Even if in ancient times a passage of the Bible was mistakenly interpreted, now it is still impossible to rehabilitate the name of Lucifer - it will forever remain synonymous with Satan. But how he, called to bring light, turned out to be the ruler of evil, undoubtedly requires understanding and correct interpretation. God is love, endless creation and improvement. God gives everyone the right to self-determination. God himself obeys the laws by which he creates. So by definition, he cannot punish anyone, just like the devil Lucifer. Whoever does not realize this may be the first to find himself on the hook of a comforting self-deception that can neither elevate nor save; this is the road leading to hell, which is paved with good intentions. No one has power over a person - he makes decisions himself: he punishes himself, he elevates himself, obeying the same laws as all celestials. True, the chosen path can lead to God, or it can make you an accomplice of evil. The temptation to which Lucifer once succumbed gnaws at everyone, without exception. This is how the struggle for every soul in every soul continues, without ceasing for a second.

They don't know what they're doing

Every person goes through the stage of fighting against God as the legacy of Lucifer (consciously or not). This can be called searching for the path to God. True, some get lost on this road and come to a dead end, and then in their helplessness they choose Satan as their idol, thinking that they are thereby challenging the unjust structure of the world, forgetting that all the tears and grief on earth are the work of human hands, and not someone's business. People are arrogant in their desire to create another world just like Lucifer once did. Who invented it, that the world can be remade by one, even the most And yet evil is attractive. Many artists, even being creators from God, tried to comprehend his nature. And some succeeded. This, for example, is evidenced by the history of Vrubel’s painting “The Demon” and the impact that the beautiful young man depicted on it has on people (there were several attempts to destroy this painting). Almost all the world's classics wanted to dissect evil in their works, to show all its fetid underside in order to develop immunity in people. But it didn't work out. Moreover, this is unlikely to be possible for a modern horror film director with a self-explanatory pseudonym - Lucifer Valentine (and this is a woman). To show unmotivated evil is to generate it repeatedly.

Lucifer. This name has been familiar to us since childhood. Our beloved grandparents frightened us, claiming that for all our sins (disobedience to parents), this evil uncle would then torment us in hell. We were afraid, obeyed our parents and grew up. And then many became interested in who Lucifer was and why they should be afraid of him. There are many answers to this question, each of which is interesting in its own way and has its own fascinating story.

If you ask the same grandparents who Lucifer is, they will most likely tell you the old story. According to this legend, the Lord, after creating the Earth and everything that is on it, finally decided to rest. But he was lonely, so he decided to create company for himself - angels. For some time everyone was happy: the Lord was resting, the angels were playing the harps. But at some point, one of them came up with the idea that each of the angels could be in the place of the Lord. His name was the archangel Lucifer. And he decided to seize power over the world together with those who listened to him. War broke out in heaven, and after a while the Lord was victorious, and since he is merciful, none of the rebels died. They were granted forgiveness, but because of their rebellion they were driven out of heaven. They settled underground, where Lucifer founded his kingdom - hell. Later they began to send all sinners there so that the angels, who turned into devils, would take out their anger on them.

It is noteworthy that in the Bible itself there is no mention of this story, nor is there any mention of who Lucifer is. There is a place where Jesus meets the devil in the middle of the desert, but again there is no name. But there is the sign of Lucifer or the devilish number - 666. Well, an explanation of what it means. True, it is so vague that an uninitiated person, apparently, is not destined to understand it.

By the way, there are many incidents associated with this number. The Bible says that "the number is human." This was the reason for “trying on” the terrible figure to celebrities and political figures. Riddle lovers and Bible researchers used numerology and one of the principles of Kabbalah - each symbol corresponds to a certain number. Their jubilation knew no bounds when the names of Hitler and Stalin fell under this number, but when pop stars, current presidents and politicians began to fall under this number, the joy became much less. They were never able to give a definite answer: is this a secret message to humanity that carries meaning, or the result of an unfortunate mistake?

There is another theory about who Lucifer is. There is no doubt that he is an angel, because his name is translated from Latin as “bringer of light.” Probably someone really didn’t like the fact that this angel was given too much attention, and then they decided to fix it. So the angel became the devil and acquired the corresponding appearance: instead of wings covered with feathers, they were leathery, and his head was crowned with horns. It was then, most likely, that the legend of the great war in heaven was invented. This transformation began to be successful: Lucifer gradually began to be feared. Or maybe this story was invented simply to show how bad it is not to follow the biblical covenants - it is unknown. Everything is too vague and it seems that the solution has been lost in time.

There is no end to the speculation about who Lucifer is, because his image is very ambiguous. At all times, he attracted not only theologians, but also representatives of art who tried to comprehend - so who is this fallen angel? Is it really God's creation or a self-existing infinite Evil? Let's try to understand this.

Who is Lucifer

In Christianity, there is a legend about Satan, Lucifer, as an angel created by the Lord in the rank of cherub. He, according to legend, was perfect in his beauty and wisdom, but while living in Eden, he became proud and decided to become equal to God (Ezek. 28:17; Is. 14:13-14). For this he was cast out of heaven and became the prince of darkness, as well as a murderer and the father of lies.

The angelic name of Satan is taken from the prophecy of Isaiah (see Isaiah 14:12), and it is translated as “light-bringer,” which in Latin sounds like Lucifer.

The duality of his essence is interesting: on the one hand, he is a persistent and inventive tempter on Earth who plunges people into sin, and on the other, he is the ruler of hell, punishing those who nevertheless succumbed to his temptation. What is this? Why is this happening in the world?

Why does Satan act on Earth?

Satan Lucifer, according to many beliefs, is the main antagonist of God, being the personification of all evil. By the way, there is an opinion that the name Satan originates from the Hebrew word “satan”, which means contradiction, obstruction and incitement.

And according to many philosophical views, God allows Lucifer to act on Earth so that every person has a choice between good and evil, because this is what will give those who survive the opportunity to strengthen their faith and receive the immortality of the soul. If we think like this, then the appearance of Lucifer was inevitable and even purposeful.

How the name Lucifer became the name of Satan

The first mention of Lucifer appears in the Book of Isaiah (Is. 14: 12-17), which was written in ancient Aramaic. In it, the Babylonian kingdom is compared to a fallen angel, whose story is given there. In the original, the word “heilel” (“daystar” or “morning star”) was used. But note that here the morning star is a symbol of brightness and brilliance, which does not have a negative meaning.

Jews and Christians did not use the word "heilel" as a name for Satan. In the New Testament, Jesus himself was called the “morning star.”

And Jerome, when translating the indicated passage from the book of Isaiah, used the word Lucifer, meaning “bringer of light” and used to designate the morning star. Added to this was the general idea that Satan, like the king of Babylon, was cast down from the heights of glory, and over time the fallen angel was called Lucifer. In addition, this idea was reinforced by the statement of the Apostle Paul about the devil, who at times comes to us as a “ray of light” (2 Cor. 11:4).

So, the “luminosity” of Lucifer, which seems unthinkable for believers, has a basis - he can tempt us, coming with hope and joy, but they will be false, like everything he offers us.

Who is Lucifer in the Bible

By the way, at first the image of Satan did not have specific features and was rather an abstract embodiment of evil. In the Holy Scriptures, this was an opponent of God who could have both human and angelic traits. He tested the honesty of people, and only in the power of the Almighty was it not to allow him to do evil.

And in the New Testament he acquired his appearance. They began to depict him as a dragon or serpent. By the way, you can finally understand his image based on one nuance - in all Scriptures he is recognized as part of the whole. That is, the devil, being part of the general plan, does not have the opportunity to crush God and is forced to obey him.

So, for example, in the book of Job, Satan does not believe in the righteousness of this man and invites God to test him. Here it is very noticeable who Lucifer is according to the Bible - he is subordinate to God and is among his servants, which does not give him the opportunity to act independently. Yes, even if he can send troubles to the Earth, lead nations, but nevertheless he will never act as an equal rival to God!

Neither Judaism nor Christianity accepts an equal opposition of good and evil, since this would violate their basic principle of monotheism. Dualism, by the way, can be traced only in some religious teachings - in Persian Zoroastrianism, Gnosticism and Manichaeism.

The image of Satan in different religions

In ancient religions there was no single image of the devil. Among the Etruscans, for example, this is the demon of the other world, Tuhulk, who in essence was only a spirit of revenge, punishing for sins.

In Christianity, Satan Lucifer is the tempter who rules over the fallen angels and the executor of punishment over lost souls, but he will certainly be defeated as soon as the kingdom of God comes.

Islam also has similar concepts to Christianity regarding Satan. He can be found in the Qur'an as al-Shaitan or Iblis (the demon tempter). In this religion, as in Christianity, he is associated with everything base that can be in a person, and has the gift of leading people away from the true path, skillfully disguising himself and pushing them towards evil. He tries to corrupt a person by making him false offers or tempting him.

But even in Islam, Satan is not depicted as an equal opponent of God, since the Lord is the creator of everything on Earth, and Iblis is only one of God’s creatures.

Belief in the limited presence of Satan on Earth

Along with the reasoning that the presence of the devil is also a kind of providence of God, since it allows a person to learn, grow spiritually and improve. Constantly facing a choice between good and evil, people still do not give up hope that Satan’s presence in this world is limited.

And this is understandable - understanding who Lucifer is, mere mortals want to be sure that their decisions are dictated only by God. And this is possible only in a world devoid of the Tempter. So will this ever happen?

Lucifer and Michael

Christianity speaks of the last battle of the devil with the archangel Michael (in the Apocalypse, Rev. 12:7-9; 20:2,3, 7-9). His name, by the way, is literally translated from Hebrew as “who is like God,” which means that Michael is the highest angel who proclaims the undistorted will of the Lord.

The Apostle John speaks of the fall of Satan, defeated by the archangel Michael at the moment when the evil one tries to devour the baby sent to Earth, who should become the shepherd of all nations (Rev. 12: 4-9). The dark angels, called “unclean spirits” in the Bible, will also fall behind him. After the second battle, Lucifer will be cast into the “lake of fire” forever.

But besides Lucifer himself, his follower, the Antichrist, will also have his sights set on our world.

Who is Antichrist

Antichrist in religious teachings is the main opponent of Christ and the tempter of the human race. He is part of the so-called “devilish trinity” (Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet).

The Antichrist is not the devil, but a man who has received his power. And, according to some versions, the son of Lucifer. Legend says that he will be a Jew, born from an incestuous relationship in the tribe of Dan, or from the copulation of a harlot with the devil. He will first conquer the world with imaginary miracles and apparent virtues, and then, having seized world domination, he will turn himself into an object of worship.

His power will last 3.5 years, after which he will be killed, as predicted, “by the spirit of the mouth of Christ,” so no patronage of Satan will help him.

The image of Lucifer in literary works

The images of Satan in the Middle Ages in the works of artists and writers always took one form - half-man, half-beast, merciless and doing evil. But by the 18th century, and especially the 19th-20th centuries, it became complex and ambiguous. However, in religious culture, despite all the apparent simplicity of the perception of Satan as the bearer of evil, behind him there is always the image of God, who for some reason allowed him to come to Earth. So who is Lucifer?

In art, the devil most often embodies a rebellious spirit, which is based on rejection of existing life, on the denial of everything good and kind in it. He desires evil, but at the same time, pay attention, he contributes to the creation of good. This spirit of confrontation with the existing order is especially clearly represented in the image of a fallen angel from the poems by J. Milton “Paradise Lost” and M. Lermontov “The Demon”.

Devil Lucifer - this is Goethe’s Mephistopheles, and Bulgakov’s Woland, who, according to their creators, are in our world with one mission - to balance the confrontation between good and evil and ultimately reward everyone “according to his faith.” This is how they make everything secret and shameful in the human soul obvious. After all, without seeing the shadow, it is difficult to understand that light is light!

Component of human culture

Demon, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles - a person can give many names denoting an entity that has been personified evil since ancient times. This image became not only religious, but also secular. Moreover, it has entered into popular culture so much that it is hardly possible to understand human nature without understanding the ideas about the embodiment of evil.

After all, the image of Satan as a beast has undergone such strong changes over the centuries that now the Devil is a wealthy bourgeois, for whom it is not at all difficult to get lost among people.

This identification of Satan and man says that, unfortunately, evil in our time has acquired the features of everyday life, and nothing prevents any of us from pushing humanity towards destruction.

How Christians Should Approach Satanic Teachings

Excessive fascination with the image has led to the emergence of satanic organizations that are trying to follow the teachings of Anton La Vey, who at one time tried to interpret the image of Satan as the engine of progress and the inspirer of all human achievements.

To strengthen his church, La Vey created colorful rituals and skillfully played on people's desire for mystery and grandeur. But, nevertheless, this cult is extremely poor and is not based on a clear concept and integrity of its teaching, but only on the brightness of rituals that imitate “black” rituals from the past.

It should be remembered that Satanists do not rely on the real image of Lucifer, but only count on shock from Christians, so the friendly attitude of the latter will certainly confuse adherents of the “dark forces”. In addition, people who have both psychological and mental problems most often become Satanists, and help in solving them, of course, will help lost souls change their view of the world.

We hope that readers will be able to draw a clearer conclusion as to who Lucifer is. Photos of this image are included in the article. In them, too, to a large extent, one can see the changing ideas about the devilish essence and the endless interest that it arouses both among believers and among those who proclaim themselves atheists.

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