
Why do you dream about a golden deer? The magic of numbers. Who dreams of a deer

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

See a deer in a dream

  • The deer embodies a huge reserve of sexual energy. Deer is also associated with the tree of life due to its powerful, branching antlers. Some Asian cultures see the deer as a symbol of regeneration, as it sheds its antlers every year and they grow back.

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Why do you dream about Deer?

  • Seeing a deer means happiness, every success / noble aspirations of your soul.
  • Running deer - well-being/success from the implementation of intentions.
  • Eating deer meat means damage from contempt for noble awakenings.
  • Doe - this image is also interpreted as the image of a deer.
  • Chamois is a warning against thoughtless haste.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Deer

  • A dream about a deer foreshadows pure, faithful friendship and a calm, balanced married life.
  • If you killed a deer in a dream - no matter how you are hunted by your enemies. After all, for business people, deer hunting means failure in business.
  • If you dream of a fawn, then in reality you will soon find reliable and fair friends. For young people, this dream promises a pure and true feeling.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Deer

  • If you saw a deer in a dream, it means that hard times will soon come for you. A deer with branchy antlers means that you are entering into a difficult and lengthy struggle. Young deer - soon you will meet a very good man for whom you will feel a strong passion

Dream book: Ancient French dream book

Dream Interpretation Deer

  • Seeing a deer in a dream means that your love will encounter unexpected obstacles. A herd of beautiful deer promises that your family will soon increase. If you killed a deer in a dream, success awaits you. If a deer attacked you, the dream foreshadows misfortune.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient English Dream Book (Zadkiel's Dream Book)

Why do you dream about Deer?

  • This is a bad dream. the least that awaits you after it is participation in a big and unpleasant quarrel.
  • This dream especially portends a lot of bad things for various kinds of officials, as well as merchants, sailors and merchants. Their affairs can take the most deplorable turn; some may go bankrupt, while others may end up in prison.
  • If a young man dreams of a young deer, the dream warns him: he must give up the harmful habit of throwing around words, it’s time to learn to be faithful to his word! For a woman, such a dream promises a successful birth.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Why do you dream about Deer?

  • You kill a bull or a deer. - Portends wealth and nobility.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Deer?

  • Seeing a deer is a favorable dream; it foretells a pure, deep friendship for the newlyweds and a calm, balanced life for the spouses.
  • Killing a deer means that you will be poisoned by enemies. For farmers and business people, hunting a deer in a dream means failure in their intended affairs.
  • If you dream of a fawn, then in reality you will soon find reliable and fair friends. For young people, this dream promises a pure and true feeling.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Deer

  • Handsome, with branchy horns - to the girl - to the groom.
  • For a woman - to her lover.
  • For a man - to jealousy, a quarrel with his wife or girlfriend.
  • A herd of deer - to a love conflict.

Dream Interpretation: Italian Dream Book by Meneghetti

Why do you dream about Deer?

  • Symbolizes sexual desire or attraction to a man as a member of the male gender. The image is ambivalent.

Dream Interpretation: Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Deer

  • Running - your affairs will be completed quickly and wisely; hunt him - get protection; fighting - you will achieve power; perishing - well-being; to have in the park is bad luck; in the herd - gain trust.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

Dream Interpretation Deer

  • Deer running - to prosperity

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Health

Why do you dream about Deer?

  • Deer is a symbol of beauty, grace and health, promises a favorable period of life; A running deer is a sign of rapid and favorable developments.

The dream book site - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Slavic dream book, Freud's dream book, culinary dream book, Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong, Denise Lynn's dream book (short), Vedic dream book of Sivananda, Italian dream book of Meneghetti, Martyn Zadeki's dream book, psychoanalytic dream book V. Samokhvalova, dream book of Health, erotic dream book of Danilova, dream book of Shuvalova, Islamic dream book of Ibn Sirin, dream book of Veles, children's dream book, Russian dream book, Indian shaman dream book, Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenkherkhepeshef), Mayan dream book, Aesop's dream book, Assyrian dream book, lovers' dream book , spiritual dream book, self-instructional dream book (Vrublevskaya’s dream book), and others.

Deer is considered a noble animal that amazes with its grace and beauty.

If you dreamed about this animal, be sure to look in your dream book. A deer in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant acquaintance, which can develop into a serious relationship. What does your dream mean, considering all its details?

See an animal

If a young girl dreamed of an artiodactyl with large horns, then in the future she will want to cheat on her partner. And the dream book interprets an animal with small horns as family happiness and mutual understanding with a loved one.

To see two deer fighting with their horns means to be the cause of discord between two representatives of the opposite sex. And if you saw a dream in which a deer stands alone in a clearing, then the dream book promises you an acquaintance with a monogamous man.

  • Dreaming of a fawn - you have true friends.
  • A running animal is an obstacle to work.
  • Sleeping - to a comfortable rest.
  • Dead - to the emergence of competitors in business.
  • In a cage - to the desire to change life.

The dream book interprets a reindeer with spreading antlers as a good sign. If you fulfill your duties on time and conscientiously, then success and prosperity await you.

Also, such dreams are evidence that your friends are the closest people you can always count on.

Treason or betrayal is what dreams of a deer grazing in a meadow mean. And if you saw a lot of animals eating grass, then the dream book promises you an acquaintance with a person who has no idea about family values.

To see a deer rearing up means to start an argument with a loved one. And if in a dream you notice traces of an animal, then soon old friends will remind you of themselves.

Other dreams

Catching an animal in a dream is a clear success in reality. And if he ran away from you, then you risk missing your lucky chance.

The dream book interprets a deer attacking you as an approaching unpleasant period. And to kill him means to enter into a serious fight with competitors and win it. But this will happen only when you concentrate on your work and are not distracted by minor events.

Why do you dream of a deer if you hunt it in a dream? A dream in which you participated in a hunt suggests that you yourself will be able to overcome all the difficulties that have arisen in your life. And if other people are hunting, then the dream book advises you to turn to loved ones for help.

  • Adopting a fawn means worrying about children.
  • Stroking an animal means you lack affection.
  • Feeding him means taking care of the well-being of loved ones.
  • He lives in your house - to risk in business.
  • Treating it means a speedy recovery.

If in a dream you were driving a car and hit an artiodactyl, then the dream book recommends that you refrain from long trips. In the near future, unforeseen situations on the road are possible, and problems with your reaction and attention may also arise.

Riding a deer, according to the dream book, means controlling the situation, trying to keep everything under your control. And if you dreamed that you were sitting in a sleigh drawn by animals, then you can safely count on the fact that someone else will do part of your work for you.

Finding out why a deer dreams is not difficult at all. And if the interpretation of the dream book does not suit you, you have the power to change it with your actions. After all, everything that happens in life depends only on the correctness of the decisions made. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Dream interpretation deer

Deer is an animal that represents beauty, grace, health and strength. But why do you dream of a deer in a dream? Basically, this artiodactyl is seen in dreams as a sign of favorable events in real life. But for a more accurate interpretation, it is worth looking into the dream book, and also recalling the dreamed plot in detail.

Dreaming of a deer

What horns did you see with?

Remember what horns the artiodactyl had. The interpretation of the dream directly depends on this.


An animal in a dream had big horns - to a happy family life. Also, this plot may have another not entirely favorable interpretation: a long and complex struggle will begin in the life of the sleeper. The dream book advises the dreamer to have patience and determination; this is the only way he can adequately emerge victorious from a difficult situation.

Little ones

Have you seen small horns on an artiodactyl? A night dream indicates harmony and mutual understanding in the sleeping family.

Animal actions

Did an animal run past you in a night dream? Or did it attack you? This means that the dream you saw should be taken as a warning of impending troubles. The interpretation indicates that the dreamer will have to cope with the current difficult situation himself.

Did he stand in one place and not move? It means that the plan will not come true. For those who are in love, a dream is also a bad sign, which foreshadows the betrayal of a loved one.

What were the deer doing?

The animal in the dream reared up - a conflict with a loved one.

If you happened to see two males butting each other, then the night vision foreshadows a quarrel with the opposite sex.

Peacefully grazing - portends deception.

Sleeping artiodactyl - you can rest well and comfortably.

Which one did you see?

What kind of deer did you see in your dream?

White deer

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a white deer dreams of prosperity. White horned beauties are also dreamed of as a harbinger of pleasant events, as well as professional success. In other words, we can say: a white streak is coming in the dreamer’s life.

Trying to catch an animal in a night scene means the dreamer is trying to carry out a profitable business or make a deal. The attempt was crowned with success - the plan will come true.

If the animal left you, in reality you will miss a happy chance and the onset of a difficult life period.


Why do you dream about reindeer? The dream has a favorable interpretation: after completing your professional duties, you will get a good result. Another dream indicates true friendship.

If in the plot you were driving a team, it means that in reality you can count on true friends.


Did you dream about a black deer? The dream is a bad sign. Seeing a black animal grazing peacefully is a sign of deception and treason.

If it was a stag beetle

Stag beetle

A stag beetle seen in a dream foreshadows a woman’s betrayal of her husband. Another plot in which a beetle is dreamed can foreshadow various adventures during a hunt.

It is worth noting that it is this kind of beetle that indicates the sexual desire of the sleeper.

Dead animal

A dead person whom the dreamer himself killed - creditors will begin to “hunt” you.

The animal died before the dreamer's eyes - to trouble.

The sleeper took the skin of a dead artiodactyl for himself - to receive a large inheritance. According to some interpretations, the dream warns the dreamer: a new dangerous enemy will appear in real life.

Herd of deer

What does a dream portend in which the dreamer saw a herd of deer peacefully grazing? In reality, you will meet a person for whom it is unusual to hear about family values. A running herd means a favorable completion of the work begun.

Who saw the plot

It is important to note who exactly had the dream.

To a woman

An unmarried girl dreams of an animal with beautiful branchy horns - to meet a man who will feel sincere love for her. The dreamer may also have a new admirer, with whom she will begin a passionate affair.

Big horns - stupid husband

If in the plot the males fought, then in reality a clash between the suitors may occur.

A deer with large antlers portends a stupid husband.

To a man

For a young man, a fawn indicates that his soul is learning new, tender and sincere feelings.

If in the plot an unmarried guy dreams of a stag beetle, then the dream foreshadows a love affair.

An adult man dreams of a deer with large antlers - a sign of family troubles.

The plot with a deer in other dream books

Always try to compare interpretations in different dream books. This way you can substitute the result obtained for your life situations and find out what exactly will happen soon in your real life.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Why do you dream of a deer according to the interpretation of Miller’s dream book? To faithful friendship and to calm family happiness.

Kill him - the dreamer should beware of the evil attacks of the enemy.

A dead deer means a huge scandal.

Family dream book

The deer is dreamed of as a sign that the dreamer has faithful friends, and he can always rely on them.

To kill an artiodactyl - for those who are involved in business, the dream foreshadows failure in their endeavors.

I happened to see a fawn - to a new acquaintance. A new devoted and fair friend will appear in the dreamer’s life.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • A running artiodactyl - a quick and hasty completion of the work started.
  • Deer hunting - you can get unexpected protection.
  • The animal died - to well-being in real life.

Dream book of the 21st century

A running horned animal dreams of prosperity.

Drive a team - you can count on your friends.

To catch - the dreamer strives to get a successful business.

As you can see, the interpretation of this dream really does not have an unambiguous interpretation. It all depends on what exactly the dreamer dreamed about.

Your mark:

Why do you dream about a deer? This is a symbol of grace, beauty, health, which in a dream marks the onset of a favorable period in life. It is especially good when the animal ran - then the dream book promises a very fast and successful development of events. However, some stories cannot be interpreted so rosyly.

General value

A deer in a dream often promises prosperity, especially if it is white. Catching him means chasing some profitable business. Catch - your plans will be successfully realized.

Why do you dream about this animal with big horns? The vision foretells a happy marriage, a harmonious family life without unnecessary shocks.

In addition to the positive, the dream book gives a different interpretation of the dream of a deer with large antlers. The vision promises the beginning of a long, difficult struggle. You must be patient and determined to see it through to the end, emerging victorious.

Why do you dream that a deer is running straight towards the dreamer or is attacking? The dream book interprets the plot as a harbinger of inevitably approaching problems. You won’t be able to hide your head in the sand, so you need to be determined to confront them with dignity.

A dream about a stag beetle foreshadows some kind of hunting adventure or adultery.

What was he like

A white deer in a dream is a harbinger of good news, joyful events, business and career success, and personal happiness. We can say that a white streak of success is coming.

When the white, graceful, handsome man moves away from the sleeping person, this indicates missed opportunities, a lost chance for success, and worsening matters.

A reindeer in a dream is a favorable symbol, which means responsible performance of professional duties, bringing excellent results. The dream book also explains a similar plot as true friendship. Driving a team of these animals in a dream means that in difficult circumstances, good friends will help the sleeper.

The black deer brings a negative note to the explanation. Even calmly grazing, it personifies deception or treason. Kill him - expect persecution from creditors. Just to see from afar - there are minor but annoying troubles ahead.

Who dreamed

Miller's dream book calls it a favorable symbol, a sign of deep, loyal friendship for young people and a measured, calm life for a married couple.

For a girl, a horned deer (especially if it is beautiful branchy antlers) in a dream promises an acquaintance with a good person who will sincerely love her. But such a symbol also promises a short-term passionate romance with a second admirer. The fight between two males - there will be a clash between her two suitors.

Why do boys and girls dream of a fawn? The dream foreshadows the emergence of a true, pure feeling. But if young people who are not connected by marital ties dreamed of a stag beetle, the dream book promises them a love adventure.

For a man, a deer with large antlers in a dream promises spicy family problems. For a woman, the same vision promises a stupid husband.


Misfortunes of various kinds, sometimes several at once, are predicted for the dreamer by a plot in which this noble animal attacks.

According to Miller's dream book, killing him in a dream means attacks, persecution of the sleeping person by enemies. Dead - to scandal. For farmers and business people, a dream about deer hunting foreshadows failure in their intended business.

Why do you dream about a deer? The dream book warns: difficult times will come soon. You must be prepared for difficulties in business, love, and family.

Seeing an elk or a black deer in a dream means: troubles are coming on the personal front. A quarrel with a loved one threatens to turn into a break. You need to decide for yourself what is more important: to prove in any way that you are right or to improve your relationship with your loved one?

Why does a woman dream about a deer:

Deer running - to prosperity

1 Deer by Russian dream book

Seeing a deer in a dream means:

The image of a noble friend, patron, protector; blissful state, joy.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

For lovers, a dream about a deer portends love, and for spouses - a calm and harmonious life.

If you dreamed of a fawn, it means that you will find love.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Deer by To the Dream Interpreter of 1829

Dreaming of a deer means:

Seeing a deer portends troubles and deeds, as well as benefits; to kill him - foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance from an old relative or a triumph over a weak and cowardly enemy; to see a deer running quickly is a sign of slowing down the completion of the work we have begun; chasing a deer signifies a vain search for happiness; catching a deer means success in an enterprise.

1 Deer by Dream interpretation for a bitch

Meaning of sleep deer:

Calm, measured life in marriage.

Deer hunting - planned activities will be unsuccessful.

Fawn - new friends will be fair and reliable.

1 Deer by Daniel's medieval dream book

Seeing lambs, deer, goats is a sign of wealth and consolation.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Deer according to the 21st century Dream Book

Seeing a running deer in a dream means prosperity; to see deer standing - to engage in vain thankless labor; one person sleeping peacefully - to treason or deception; catching in a dream means pursuing a happy cause.

If you see a reindeer in a dream, this is a good sign; conscientious performance of official duties, loyalty in friendship; control the deer - you can count on the help of your friends in a difficult situation.

1 Deer by Danilova's children's dream book

Deer in a dream means:

To success in a dubious matter that you would be better off not taking on.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Symbolizes sexual desire or attraction to a man as a member of the male gender. The image is ambivalent.

1 Deer by Gypsy dream book

Why does a woman dream of a deer:

Represents possible monetary income and success in society.

Seeing a killed deer is a scandal.

If you kill a deer, you will find yourself in the center of a scandal.

If you saw a deer in a dream, it means that hard times will soon come for you.

A deer with branched antlers means that you are entering into a difficult and lengthy struggle.

Young deer - soon you will meet a very good person for whom you will feel a strong passion.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation for Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Why does a woman dream about a deer:

Seeing a small, pretty deer in a dream means the birth of a wonderful boy for a pregnant woman.

Seeing a deer in a fight with another deer in a dream means a fight between your two suitors.

1 Deer by Magic dream book

Seeing a deer in a dream means:

Meeting a noble man A young deer means that you will have a faithful new friend. A running deer means a quick completion of necessary tasks. A deer in a herd means complete trust. Two fighting deer - participation in the struggle for power. Eating venison means receiving distinguished guests.

1 Deer by Dream interpretation of health

A dream with a deer in the dream book is interpreted as:

A symbol of beauty, grace and health, promises a favorable period of life; a running deer is a sign of rapid and favorable developments of events.

1 Deer by Slavic dream book

Dreaming of a deer means:

Good friend. 11th house of the horoscope.

1 Deer according to Miller's dream book

Meaning of sleep deer:

Seeing a deer is a favorable dream; it foretells a pure, deep friendship for the newlyweds and a calm, balanced life for the spouses.

Killing a deer means that you will be poisoned by enemies. For farmers and business people, hunting a deer in a dream means failure in their intended affairs.

If you dream of a fawn, then in reality you will soon find reliable and fair friends. For young people, this dream promises a pure and true feeling.

1 Deer by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a deer:

Very soon you will meet a good, and most importantly, useful specialist for you.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation by E. Ericson

What can a deer dream about:

Associated with a clear hierarchical structure and therefore means that the dreamer understands his place in life. The deer also symbolizes pride and nobility.

What does it mean in a dream? Vertebrates with a spinal column provide insight into the qualities that are associated with them. The smaller and lower genera of animals mark the unconscious, the higher ones organize emotions.

1 Deer by Dream book for men

Deer in a dream means:

Personal troubles await you. If a moose attacks you, beware of an accident - in addition to health problems, it will bring you financial difficulties. An elk running away from you means you will miss a good opportunity to improve your financial affairs. Elk or deer with branchy antlers - from Monday to Tuesday - beware of adultery. From Saturday to Sunday - you will make a profit from a new deal or a bonus at work.

1 Deer according to the Online Dream Book

If a girl dreams of a deer, it means:

According to the dream book, a deer is a harbinger of the fact that in the near future you will meet a real soul mate with whom you will have a strong friendly relationship.

If you saw a baby of this animal, in life you will always have someone to share your sorrows and joys with.

Seeing him being pursued by poachers is a warning that your position in society and the attitude of others towards you depends only on how you can make yourself known.

In a dream, you want to overtake a deer while hunting - promises you the assistance of influential people in any of your affairs.

If you shot him, be prepared that ill-wishers will follow you on your heels.

Eating dishes prepared from the carcass of this animal - you can do something that will cause others to doubt your adequacy.

If you dream of a white deer, sincere joy, good news and joyful events await you, you will be lucky and happy.

If he moves away from you

1 Deer by Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Why does a woman dream of a deer:

Killing a deer portends wealth and nobility.

1 Deer by Esoteric dream book

Seeing a deer in a dream means:

A beautiful deer with branchy antlers - to the girl - to the groom.

For a woman - to her lover.

For a man - to jealousy, a quarrel with his wife or girlfriend.

A herd of deer - to a love conflict.

1 Deer by Esoteric dream book

Interpretation of a dream about a deer:

Sexual power.

Force; potency.

1 Deer by ABC of dream interpretation

Interpretation of a dream about a deer:

Usually represents a bachelor, a noble man.

Seeing a deer is success, happiness. The girls have a new groom.

1 Deer by Dream book of Nina Grishina

A deer in a dream predicts:

Seeing a deer means happiness, every success / noble aspirations of your soul.

Running - well-being / success from the implementation of intentions.

Eating deer meat is damage from contempt for noble awakenings.

1 Deer by English dream book

Why do you dream about Deer:

Fast, graceful, cautious, the deer embodies the inner self, which strives for freedom and feels uncomfortable in the modern world. Why the dream: If this deer was hunted, you may feel threatened; if you hunted it yourself, the dream indicates either a desire to suppress your inner self in order to fit into society, or a fear that society will force you to suppress your inner self. Dreams of a proud male deer with branchy antlers indicate a secret desire for a more down-to-earth , primitive sexual intimacy.

1 Deer by Phoebe's Great Dream Book

You will have a good and devoted FRIEND. Imagine that you are walking through the forest - but this is not an ordinary forest, but a fairy-tale forest. Here you have nothing to fear, because the animals living in it are your friends. A deer comes out of the forest thickets to meet you. He is very beautiful, he has luxurious spreading horns. A deer approaches you. You pet him, say some kind words to him, then give him any tasty treat. Since this is a fabulous animal, you can talk to the deer, talk about how you need friends, ask him some questions and maybe even hear the answers.

1 Deer by Jewish dream book

A quickly running deer on Sunday night - to a hasty desire not to miss an opportunity that is unlikely to present itself again. A fast running deer on any other night means a hitch in your affairs. Large antlers of a deer on Sunday night foretell an easy birth for a pregnant woman, and anxiety, impatience, and slight excitability for a man. Large deer antlers on any other night are a sign of good luck. A deer with a broken antler on Sunday night speaks of upcoming hesitations and rash actions. A deer with a broken antler on any other night foretells bad luck.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Benefit/trouble, failure; runs - success / business will stop; catch - meeting, good / futile attempts; catch - success in business; to kill - to receive an inheritance, to defeat a weak enemy; Eating its meat is a profit.

1 Deer by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A fawn - to a small but expensive jackpot, to profit.

Deer - to a reliable ally, partner.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Why do you dream about Deer:

Can symbolize the tender aspects of your soul. It can also be a symbol of a defenseless victim. Remember, there are no victims, only volunteers. Try to find the areas of your life that are under your control and make changes.

If you identify yourself with a defenseless fawn, remember that it must turn into a mighty deer... majestic and strong.

1 Deer according to Dream Book 2012

Reflection of harmony and/or calm.

Running from hunters is a reminder that a person becomes a victim only on his own initiative.

1 Deer by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Change in personality; in relation to a loved one; preparation for death. Killing a deer means suppressing all the best in yourself; deer hunting is a failure in business.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Running - well-being; standing - lost labor; catching a deer means chasing a profitable business.

1 Deer by Indian dream book

If someone dreams that he killed a deer or took the corpse and horns of an animal for himself, then he will become the heir to the fortune of some old man or will triumph over a hidden, deceptive, cowardly and weak enemy.

1 Deer by Persian dream book Tiflisi

Why do you dream about Deer:

Understanding, speed.

1 Deer according to Rommel's Dream Book

The little deer is a symbol of true friendship and justice.

A large deer symbolizes hope, love, wealth.

Chasing a deer means striving for happiness.

A running deer is a bad start to business.

To kill a deer is to seek your happiness in vain.

1 Deer by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Seeing a newly born helpless fawn in a dream means you have to bring children to their senses.

A beautiful deer with branchy antlers in a dream means meeting a very pleasant young man, whom you will then cuckold.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You see a deer and admire it - this dream is a favorable sign; in your relationships with people you will have warmth and goodwill; in thoughts - purity; the work you are doing will elevate you. A man sees the antlers of a deer - failures await this man in the love field. A woman dreams of deer antlers - this woman’s husband will not be famous for his intelligence. It’s as if you killed a deer - your enemies will begin coordinated actions against you; this campaign could be called bullying. You dream of a fawn - your friends will have a reason to demonstrate their reliability.

You see a reindeer in a dream - the dream suggests that, despite all the vicissitudes of fate, you will remain faithful to your friends and the common cause. You dream of a reindeer team - in the most difficult times you can be sure: your friends will not leave you.

1 Deer by Dream book of the future

To prosperity; catching a deer - chasing a happy business; catch a deer - your plans will happily come true.

1 Deer by French dream book

Why do you dream about Deer:

Seeing a deer in a dream means that your love will encounter unexpected obstacles. A herd of beautiful deer promises that your family will soon increase. If you killed a deer in a dream, success awaits you. If a deer attacked you, the dream foreshadows misfortune.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

This is a bad dream. The least that awaits you after it is participation in a big and unpleasant quarrel. This dream especially portends a lot of bad things for various kinds of officials, as well as merchants, sailors and merchants. Their affairs can take the most deplorable turn; some may go bankrupt, while others may end up in prison. If a young man dreams of a young deer, the dream warns him: he must give up the harmful habit of throwing around words, it’s time to learn to be faithful to his word! For a woman, such a dream promises a successful birth.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Reindeer - You saw a reindeer in a dream - the dream suggests that, despite all the vicissitudes of fate, you will remain faithful to your friends and the common cause. You dream of a reindeer team - in the most difficult times you can be sure that your friends will not leave you.

1 Deer by Dream interpretation for women

A deer running towards you symbolizes life's difficulties that are approaching you. A running deer - a dream suggests that some event will happen in your city that will affect your life, and very strongly. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday - in the future, thanks to your wisdom, you will occupy an enviable position in society; from Saturday to Sunday - you are afraid of missing something important, don’t worry, everything will be fine; from Sunday to Monday is a clear indication that something will threaten you in the next three days.

1 Deer by Dream book alphabetically

A dream in which you are riding a reindeer sled across the endless tundra means conscientious performance of official duties and loyalty in friendship. Managing deer means helping friends in a difficult situation.

A forest deer with huge branchy antlers portends a successful marriage and a well-functioning family life without any excesses. Deer running briskly through the thicket speak of a quick and successful completion of affairs. A deer standing and listening sensitively is a sign of vain efforts and wasted labor.

Grazing deer portends deception or betrayal. Hunt deer - you will gain reliable protection. Kill a deer - creditors will pursue you. Chasing a deer is a sign of illusory happiness.

Seeing a deer fallen into a swamp, which is about to drown it headlong, denotes a successful outcome to a long and grueling lawsuit. A dream in which you see an orphaned fawn means that small and insignificant people will slander you. Seeing a crying deer - you will achieve what you want through humiliation and suffering of loved ones.

Dreaming of deer in a zoo enclosure foreshadows misfortune in the family. Eating deer meat - commit stupidity bordering on recklessness; Deer liver means that you will soon receive guests.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Why do you dream about Deer:

You will have a very good and devoted friend.

Imagine that you are giving a deer something tasty, such as a carrot.

1 Deer by Dream book of the 20th century

Seeing a graceful deer: means that your nobility and friendliness can ensure success and prosperity.

The dream also says that a noble and honest person can help your success.

A running deer: a sign that by deviating from noble principles, you yourself can frighten away your happiness.

Killed deer in a dream: foretells a situation in which you can forget about all your principles. Beware: the dream warns that this could end badly for you!

1 Deer by Dream book for girls

Killing a deer in a dream means you will be hounded by your enemies, grief.

Seeing a running fawn for young girls is pure; true feeling.

An adult, powerful deer - deep, devoted friendship.

In your dream, did the deer stand motionless or beat with a silver hoof?

1 Deer according to Hasse's dream book

Running deer - your affairs will be completed quickly and wisely; hunt him - get protection; fighting - you will achieve power; perishing - well-being; to have in the park is bad luck; in the herd - gain trust.

If you eat deer liver, you will receive distinguished guests.

1 Deer by Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

acquaintance and friendship with a kind, intelligent and honest person.

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