
How to pass the exam in a technical school and college: recommendations from experts. What is a session at a university? What do they do during a session at a college?

Good day, dear reader! From this article you will learn about how to pass the first session. As we know from a common student parable, a student becomes a real student only after he successfully passes his first session at a university. It would seem that the session - what’s so scary about it? However, many first-year students are terribly afraid of the first session, because... They don’t clearly understand what it is and what they eat it with. Next, we will tell you in detail about the tricks that will help you become a real student.

The end of November causes many students to feel a little afraid - it will come soon... SESSION. Even for some senior students, this word is still frightening, and the onset of this examination period in student life is not a very joyful event for such students. In fact, the session is just a fairy tale... for those who really study!

Here's your first secret successfully passing the first session - study for the sake of knowledge, not for the sake of grades. If from the very beginning of your studies at the university you make it a rule that at the university you need to gain knowledge and only occasionally fool around (it’s absolutely impossible without this, because student years are the best years in a person’s life, well, or some one of the most unforgettable), then you will never have problems passing the sessions.

The advice here is this: perceive your studies as a kind of springboard for your future leap into the world of success. This is why you came to university, to achieve something special, right? And who reaches the heights of success? Who do others envy and constantly criticize a successful person out of envy? Success is achieved only by the person who can do what others cannot do.

Of course, you can achieve success without studying in an academic environment. However, since you have chosen university as a launching pad into a cloudless adult life, then be kind enough to work to the maximum, i.e. start studying in August. Yes Yes. It is very important to come to college prepared to be ready for the course load and, most importantly, the curriculum.

Here's the second secret to passing your first session - prepare in advance for upcoming exams and then the session will turn out to be simply heavenly for you.

Advance preparation does not imply sitting daily in front of books and incessant cramming. Perhaps someone is interested, but this is not for us, not for pragmatic people. The result is important to us, because as we have repeatedly written in our previous articles, now everyone needs exactly the result. How it is obtained is another question.

However, you will be assessed precisely by the results of your activities. No one will ask you at 21 what grade you got in the third quarter in Russian. The most they will ask is: are there any C grades in your certificate? In general, they usually ask: what color is the diploma? All! How did you get it? What grades did you have in the quarters, how many books did you read - you will not be asked such questions. People have too little time to compile a detailed dossier about you. Now they are just compiling a dossier of results and that’s it.

However, if you achieve the result you need by constantly cramming books during your studies, then you should think about whether you have chosen the right specialty to receive professional education? We are not saying that books are not worth reading; on the contrary, we always encourage you, dear readers, to, if possible, devote at least a little time every day to this important process - training your brain through reading books.

However, you should not confuse simple reading and comprehension of what you read with clumsy cramming, i.e. banal memorization of material with an almost complete lack of understanding of how to use the acquired knowledge in life. We hope you understand this point, let's move on.

The third secret, or even better, the answer to the question “ How to pass the first session" is your actions are disciplined and systematic. What does it mean? It’s simple, gentlemen, if you do all your homework that is assigned to you, and, on top of everything else, you also go to almost all classes, then you are guaranteed to be provided with a bonus in the form of an indulgence during the session.

The student who studies conscientiously, and does not just pretend to study, always looks superior to the rest of the student mass in the eyes of the teacher. What does it mean to “be different from everyone else”? It either means being different from others, either for the worse or for the better, right? The first option does not suit us, because... you are determined to pass the first session and pass it as best as possible.

Accordingly, you should differ from others for the better in order to be first at the finish line, i.e. get the coveted “excellent” grade in your still clean grade book. Therefore, take into account the following rule: responsibility and discipline can smooth out the difficulties of the upcoming session by up to 50%.

In simple words, this means the following: if you attend lectures and seminars to the maximum, always complete all assignments, including homework, then you will practically not be afraid of the sessions, due to the lack of many subjects for you personally. After all, anyone who studies conscientiously will receive an excellent grade “automatically” in many (or it may even happen that in all) subjects.

For those who don’t know, an “automatic” grade is when you are given a grade for an exam without any answer on the exam paper. However, don’t think, dear freshmen, that the “automatic machine” is a freebie. This is far from true, this is a freebie only during the session, but in order to get an “automatic” grade you need painstaking work and perseverance throughout the entire semester, i.e. in order to get an excellent grade without answering exam questions during the session, you need to work hard all six months to show the teacher that you really deserve an excellent grade, and that an “automatic” grade will be a kind of reward for you for your work throughout the entire semester.

Conclusion: Above we looked at the main tricks that will help you pass the first session. We will briefly list them again so that from your very first session you remember the formula for successful study at the university.

So, the secrets to passing the first session:

1) study for knowledge, not for grades

2) prepare in advance for upcoming disciplines

3) attend classes and do everything that is asked of you

These three simple rules will allow you to gain a foothold in your university and finally become a real student. If you apply these principles from the very beginning of your university studies, then you can rest assured that you will successfully graduate from the institute, even, perhaps, with honors.

Remember that first the student works for his record book, and then the record book works for him. Hence the conclusion: work as hard as you can in the first two years and enjoy student life and getting “machines” in senior years.

By the way, very soon we will write an article in which we will analyze in detail the exam preparation schedule. If you are interested in reading about how to plan your preparation in order to prepare for all exams, then we advise you to subscribe to site updates and then you will be the first to know about the release of this article!

Now you know about how to pass the first session.

... These and many other ailments of the modern student are described in detail on our telegram channel. Where does all this come from? Gentlemen, welcome to college/technical school!

Don't know what awaits you yet? We, like true friends, are ready to reveal several “surprises” that inexperienced beginners will have to face, as well as several ways to overcome them.

How to pass internal exams and college tests

First of all, immediately after admission, new students have a question: how to pass tests or the first exam in a technical school or college (in mathematics or physics, for example)? And there is a real reason for fear, because it’s not like cheating on a test at school. You will have to work hard, for a long time and around the clock.

In general, the most pressing topic is whether it is difficult to pass the exam and what to do if you fail the exams. There will be many “surprises”. And the most unpleasant of them will be the first session at the technical school in the 1st year. But always remember: if you don’t answer a test or exam, no one will beat you! This is spelled out and is punishable administratively.

Follow our tips, relax and enjoy your technical school and college exams.

Taking an oral exam at a technical school

So, if you’re just too lazy to prepare for an exam or test like a regular nerd (that is, cramming), here are some tips on how to pass the oral exam.

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If you help in advance, local professionals will be able to make sure that you can pass the tests without any problems without any preparation. It's almost magical that college tests are so easy to pass. However, contact us and don’t be afraid of even the most terrible tests and exams.

No worries, our dear students!

Studying at a university correspondence department means that students do most of the work completely independently, and teachers essentially only “guide” them and control the results. Students appear at the university only during sessions, and the number of classroom hours they have is very small.

But this does not mean that you can only learn during sessions: During the semester, correspondence students must independently complete and submit written work to teachers. in all subjects - tests, essays, independent studies, and so on. Once a year (most often from the second year) a course work is also submitted. Most often you have to work on it completely independently.

If a student does not submit work on time, he may not be allowed to take the exams. Work requirements depend primarily on the teacher - some take them “for show” (especially when it comes to general education subjects), while others get students to do serious work in studying the subject. In this case, the work may turn out to be voluminous and labor-intensive, and it will take more than one day to complete it.

Officially, work must be submitted in accordance with the academic schedule throughout the semester. They are submitted to the dean's office, department, and sent to the teacher's email - the form can be set by both the university and the teacher himself. However, correspondence students are often given “indulgences” and allowed to bring work directly to the session.

Some universities offer distance learning using remote technologies. In this case, part of the educational process goes online. The forms can be very different - submitting work through personal accounts on the university website, tests in the form of electronic testing, conferences with a teacher on Skype, and so on.

The distance learning curriculum also provides internship(at least pre-graduation). Students working in the field often take it at their place of work.

In the last year, correspondence students, like students of other forms of education, pass state exams, write and.

What is an installation session

An orientation session is held for first-year students at the very beginning of training (usually in September or October). It can be called “introduction” - no exams or tests are taken at this time, students get to know each other, the teachers, and the subjects they will study in the first semester. Also at this time, a number of administrative issues are resolved - such as issuing transcripts and student records; registration in the university library and receipt of textbooks; elections or appointment of a headman, and so on.

During the orientation sessions, lectures and workshops are held on all subjects to be taken in the winter session. Classes for each course usually begin with an organizational introduction, during which the teacher:

  • talks about the form in which the exam or test will take place;

  • explains what tests or essays will need to be completed and submitted during the semester;

  • gives a list of topics that will need to be mastered and questions for the exam;

  • introduces basic and additional literature on the course;

  • stipulates how and in what form you can contact him for consultations if questions arise.

Many correspondence students consider orientation lectures optional to attend (especially since there are usually no “sanctions” for missing them). But it’s still better not to skip. In these classes, teachers usually make it quite clear what level of requirements will be placed on tests and exam answers, focus on course issues that are important to them, etc. And knowing all these subtleties will ultimately save time on preparation.

Duration of the installation session usually one to two weeks.

When and how do sessions take place for correspondence students?

Sessions, like those for students of other forms of education, usually take place Twice a year. Typically this winter and summer sessions. Specific dates are determined by the university and may vary among different educational institutions. But most often, part-time students are collected for study in January and June, at the same time as the sessions. This is most convenient for the university. After all, the departure of full-time students for the session means that they appear at the university only on exam days and come for consultations. Accordingly, classrooms are freed up, and teachers have time to work closely with correspondence students.

Average duration of a correspondence session- 3 weeks, in senior courses - up to four. The fact is that, according to the law, working part-time students are entitled to paid study leaves for the duration of the session, while for 1st-2nd year students their duration is no more than 40 days per calendar year, for senior students the “quota” increases to 50 days. Accordingly, universities have to fit within this framework.

The session for correspondence students is very intensive. It includes:

  • lectures and consultations on subjects studied during the past semester;

  • passing exams and tests;

  • orientation classes on subjects to be taken in the next session.

The schedule is usually very tight. Passing, for example, three exams in a week is not uncommon, while there are no free days for self-study in the schedule, and classes can be scheduled on weekends too. Therefore, those who are accustomed to putting off preparation until the last night will have a hard time: when exams and tests are taken almost without interruptions, there will be no opportunity to sleep after the tests.

How many years have you been studying part-time?

Compared to full-time students, part-time students, of course, spend less time studying - and the curriculum takes this into account. Therefore, the pace of mastering the higher education program for correspondence students is lower, and the duration of study is longer. Usually, for a bachelor's program, which the “diaries” take four years to master , correspondence students are given five years. At the same time, those who study at a specialized technical school and already have knowledge, in some cases can study in an accelerated program and“finish” a year earlier.

At the second higher education institution, subjects already completed at the first university are re-tested - therefore, they can often also reduce the duration of their studies by a year, and in some cases even by two. Thus when receiving a second higher education, the duration of study can be from 3 to 5 years.

Tuition fees for part-time studies

Part-time students are at the university only during session periods and work mostly independently - accordingly, the “cost” of their education is much lower. Therefore, the cost of training is much lower - usually correspondence students pay 2-3 times less per semester than full-time students.

You can find out how much correspondence studies at the university of your choice cost by calling the admissions office or in the section for applicants on the university’s website.

Is it possible to study part-time for free?

Obtaining higher education in correspondence form on a budgetary basis is possible - according to the same rules as in full-time or part-time departments. Only those who have not yet exercised the right to receive a “tower” at state expense can apply for free places. That is, people who are either receiving higher education for the first time or have previously studied on a contract basis.

Despite this, it is quite difficult to enroll in absentia on a budget. Simply because the majority of budget places in the country's universities are full-time, with evening students in second place. And even in large state universities budget enrollment for the correspondence department may be minimal - or absent altogether. And it is not always possible to find a place where training in the desired specialty on a budgetary basis is far from always possible. And even if it succeeds, the competition for the few free places can be very high.

Is it possible to study part-time after 11th grade?

There are no restrictions for distance learning- the first higher education can be obtained in any form, and all graduates who have a certificate of complete secondary education (or a diploma from a technical school or college) can enroll in correspondence. In the era of the USSR, it was possible to enroll as a correspondence student only if you had an official place of work - but now this is also not mandatory. What a student does outside the walls of the university is his own business.

However, those enrolled in correspondence courses after the 11th grade do not always feel comfortable: after school, with its constant supervision, studying in this form, which implies independent organization of the educational process, is quite difficult. In addition, most of your classmates will likely be significantly older and more experienced.

What benefits are available to a working part-time student?

The list of benefits that an employer is obliged to provide to part-time students is listed in Article 173 of the Labor Code, and it is quite extensive. This:

  • paid study leaves during sessions(40 days per year in the 1st-2nd year, 50 days - starting from the third year);

  • paid holiday for a period of up to 4 months to prepare for the final certification (passing state exams and defending a diploma);

  • once a school year - employer payment for travel to the place of study and back;

  • in the last year - working week reduced by 7 hours, and time released from work is paid at half the rate.

All benefits provided by law are provided only if the university has state accreditation and the student successfully masters the program (that is, has no “tails”).

However in practice, part-time workers rarely enjoy labor benefits in full, because this reduces their competitiveness in the labor market. The only exception is situations where they were sent to study by the employer himself, who is interested in this person and is ready to put up with the inconvenience caused by the employee’s absence from work for quite a long time.

What kind of diploma is issued after correspondence

Despite the fact that many are sure that it is impossible to obtain full-fledged knowledge through correspondence, this method of acquiring knowledge is absolutely legal and “full-fledged”. Correspondence students who have successfully completed the curriculum receive the same higher education diploma as all other students. Wherein The form of study is not indicated in the diploma itself- this information, with the consent of the student, is entered only in the insert. With such a diploma, you can occupy positions that require the appropriate level of qualifications; enroll in a master's program for any form of study; enter the second higher education and so on.

Correspondence students have the right to receiving a red diploma, however, in practice this happens quite rarely. Simply because, after all, the majority combine study with full-time work, and in such a situation it is difficult to demonstrate only excellent knowledge for five years in a row.

Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning

There are quite a lot of advantages to distance learning, and it is not surprising that this form of education is quite in demand:

significantly lower, and you can master the material at your own pace;

  • can be combined“correspondence” with work, childcare or parallel full-time studies at another university;

  • cost of education much lower;

  • place of study not tied to your place of residence - after all, you can go to a session in another city;

  • attitude towards correspondence students usually quite loyal, and you don’t have to work particularly hard to get credits in non-core subjects and pass exams with C grades;

  • in the same time if the student is focused on gaining knowledge- teachers usually meet him halfway, not refusing additional consultations, guidance on promising scientific work, or the opportunity to attend full-time or evening classes as a “volunteer”;

  • By the time they receive their diplomas, most part-time students already have a real work experience in the specialty.

  • But, of course, distance learning also has its disadvantages. And the main one is that it is still quite difficult to obtain complete knowledge in this form - it requires intensive independent work, and not all students are capable of it. That's why the value of a diploma obtained in this way is often questioned. Especially considering the fact that in some educational institutions (especially non-state ones) requirements for correspondence students are reduced to a minimum, making study formal. Inspection bodies have recently been especially vigilant about “pseudo-universities” that focus specifically on distance learning, and deprivation of their license is not uncommon. So, choosing a university based on the principle of “minimum effort” becomes risky: you can lose the money you paid for your studies and at the same time, in the end, you will not receive the coveted state-standard “crust.”

    Besides, Not every specialty can be obtained by correspondence. There are a number of professions that require a huge amount of practice to master. Medical specialties, veterinary medicine, foreign languages ​​- correspondence programs in these areas simply do not exist. In addition, Rospotrebnadzor has already announced that in the near future it is planned to abolish the possibility of obtaining a first degree in correspondence in a number of areas, including lawyers, economists and managers. So the choice of available directions for those who want to get their first higher education in absentia may be reduced.

    In addition, the disadvantages of the correspondence form include:

    • extended training period;

    • very uneven distribution of forces - even if you complete all semester work on time, the workload during session periods will be “off scale”, and correspondence students are almost never given machines;

    • the need to completely independently master large amounts of information;

    • most student benefits (travel passes, discounts, etc.) do not apply to part-time students, they are not paid scholarships, they are not provided with places in dormitories, and in addition, such studies do not give them the right to a deferment from the army;

    • When looking for a job, the choice turns out to be limited - not all employers are ready to give preference to a candidate who will periodically leave for sessions.

    However, for the majority, the advantages are more significant, and correspondence education remains a very popular form of education. And in most cases, applicants, choosing between part-time and evening studies, give preference to the first option.

    The session is the most difficult period of study for any student of a higher education institution. At this time, the knowledge and skills of students accumulated throughout the semester are tested. A lot depends on whether the exams are passed successfully: the possibility of continuing studies, prospects for receiving a scholarship or

    What is a session

    A session is the period of passing exams in disciplines taught during the academic semester. The main goal is an intermediate assessment of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. If the exams are passed successfully, the student receives the right to continue studying.

    The academic year of a full-time student includes two sessions - winter and summer. The number of exams is determined by the training plan: usually there are no more than six certification tests. Before each of them there must be at least three days of preparation.

    How long does the session last?

    The average duration is about 20 days, it depends on the regulations and curriculum of the institution. When the summer session for students begins and ends, each institute and university determines independently, but usually it begins in the second week of June. Things are also variable in winter: full-time students begin taking exams in mid-December and finish by the New Year or from the second week of January.

    The examination period is usually preceded by a test week, which includes the submission of essays, laboratory work, tests, practice reports, and course projects. Only those students who do not have debts are allowed to take the exams.

    If all exams are not passed within the time allotted for the summer or winter session, the university provides time to retake (a total of no more than three times for one subject - the first unsuccessful attempt is taken into account). After passing all tests and exams, the student goes on vacation. Those students who have not closed the session are subject to...

    Correspondence session

    The deadlines for taking exams for correspondence students differ from the regulations established for full-time students. The beginning of the session also depends on the university curriculum and is determined by educational institutions independently. In most universities, in winter it falls in January-February, in spring - in April. The session for first-year correspondence students, as a rule, begins a little earlier - at the end of November or beginning of December.

    Installation and test-examination session

    For part-time students, there are two types of sessions:

    • installation (one to two weeks) - during this time, students become familiar with the features of the subject, receive basic knowledge about the disciplines of the current course, a list of references, teaching aids and assignments;
    • test or laboratory examination: during this period, students must prepare and submit all assignments received at the orientation session.

    The duration of the break between the installation and examination periods ranges from two to six months. If the session is not closed, then with the permission of the dean of the faculty, a retake is scheduled, which must be completed before the next test and examination period.

    Often the orientation session for the new semester begins immediately after passing the exams.

    Current terminology

    Most often, the duration of the test week and examination period is determined by each university independently. You can view the study plan on the educational institution’s website or in the dean’s office. In order to fully understand the official schedules, it is necessary to take into account that the concepts of “pre-session test week” and even “session” do not exist in the current legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the university educational process. Passing or retaking tests and exams, as well as other control tests in the official curriculum are usually combined under the concept of “intermediate certification”.

    Successful study at a university is impossible without timely passing of tests and exams. But life circumstances do not always develop in such a way that a student cannot meet the time frame allotted by the university for intermediate certifications. In such cases, or may help.

    The term "session" comes from Latin and is translated as "meeting". Thus, this word denotes a meeting of a certain group of people discussing a particular issue. In the USSR, this term took root as a designation for a certain examination period to test the level of knowledge of students in higher educational institutions.

    In the Russian Federation there are several ways to obtain a specialty through education. The most popular is also the opportunity to study remotely, externally and by correspondence. With different types of training, the types of sessions, their duration, start and end dates also differ. For example, when the session begins for part-time students, it has already ended for full-time students. But the dates vary in different universities, it all depends on the standards established by the educational institution.

    When does the session for correspondence students begin?

    Different universities have different standards. Student sessions are held twice in one academic year. But the frequency varies, usually it is six months, but there are exceptions.

    Often, educational institutions offer sessions for distance learning at the end of November and early December. However, many universities conduct winter exams for part-time students in early January. But the spring session is usually held equally in all institutions in March. When the session for correspondence students begins, usually students of other forms of study have already passed all exams or are retaking them.

    Introductory session

    If you have entered the 1st year, then most likely you do not know that the examination period for correspondence students is divided into two phases. The first is called the orientation session, during which the student prepares for the upcoming exams by introducing basic knowledge of the subject through lectures. During this period, no tests are carried out, only training. The interval between the two sessions is usually several months; the examination session is held in spring and winter, while the orientation session is held in autumn and summer. But different universities set different dates.

    Thus, it turns out that a student enrolled in the 1st year of part-time study will visit the university for the first time in the fall. During the first orientation session, he will get acquainted with the subjects that he will take in the winter months, gain basic knowledge and get to know the teachers who will give tests better. The correspondence student will also get to know fellow students, which is no less important for quality learning.

    Features of the session on correspondence courses

    Typically, an educational institution accepts students of this type four times a year. Thus, we figured out how many sessions correspondence students have: two orientation sessions and the same number of exam sessions.

    Often students do not attend the first phase, but it is better not to do this, as you will lose contact with teachers and will not be able to get the necessary amount of information about the subject, which will certainly complicate passing exams and taking tests. Of course, many correspondence students do not rely on their knowledge, but on gifts for examiners in the form of alcohol, chocolate and sometimes money. Some convince teachers that they did not attend the orientation session due to health or family reasons, and receive satisfactory grades simply for attending the university during the exam period. But not everyone succeeds in this trick. In any case, students choose this form of study precisely because study can be combined with work and family responsibilities.

    How long does a session last for correspondence students?

    Each university sets its own exam period dates for students. It is best for correspondence students to submit coursework, various essays and abstracts a couple of weeks before the start of the session, so that there are no debts left by the start of the exams.

    But the duration of the examination session, as established by law, cannot exceed twenty days, but usually it ends within 2 weeks.

    What to do if exams are not passed

    It is already known when the session for correspondence students begins, but what to do if you didn’t get to it or couldn’t pass the exams and get credits in the subjects of your specialty? In this case, usually the educational institution provides students with the opportunity to retake or extend the examination period individually. You can hand over all debts to teachers both at the next session and before it, for example, during the orientation period. But usually the university requires from correspondence students a document confirming valid reasons for absence from exams. This can be either a certificate from work or from a medical institution. In any case, it is best not to miss all four sessions so that you can pass all exams and complete tests without problems. If you study the material and study the subject in your specialty, you will certainly be able to cope with the exam period.

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