
Diagnostic tools for studying the level of development of phonemic perception in children of senior preschool and primary school age. Description of experimental techniques for examining phonemic perception methodological design

Goal: diagnostics of sound pronunciation, articulatory motor skills and articulatory apparatus, phonemic perception, syllabic structure of the word.
Source: Akimenko V. M. Speech therapy examination of children with speech disorders / V. M. Akimenko. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2015. - 45 p.
The author noted that when selecting speech therapy examination methods, the recommendations for examining preschool children, proposed in the studies of R.I., were used. Lalaeva, E.N. Rossiyskaya, N.V. Serebryakova, L.S. Solomakha, E.F. Sobotovich, M.F. Fomicheva, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Cheveleva and others.

  1. Sound pronunciation survey

In a child, a violation of sound pronunciation can affect all groups of sounds, including vowels. Vowel sounds are examined in the following order: [a], [e], [o], [s], [u], [i]. It is noted whether the child opens his mouth well and whether his articulation is expressive when pronouncing vowel sounds. The examination of consonant sounds is carried out in the following sequence: labial-labial and labial-dental, posterior lingual, lingual-dental, lingual-alveolar (sonorant), lingual-anteropalatal (hissing and whistling). To examine sound pronunciation, a set of drawings and pictures is used. The objects in the pictures are selected so that the sounds being studied are in three positions: at the beginning, middle and end of the word. Voiced consonants are not offered in final position, since they are deafened during pronunciation.

An approximate list of words for which you can select pictures:

(c) – sled, wasp, nose;

[s’] – seven, orange, goose;

|z] – castle, goat;

[U] – winter, shop;

[ts| – heron, sheep, finger;

[w] – hat, car, mouse;

[g] – beetle, skis;

[h] – teapot, swing, ball;

[u] - pike, vegetables, raincoat;

[l] – lamp, balalaika, woodpecker;

[l’| – lemon, palm, beans;

(p) – rocket, potato, mosquito;

[r"| – turnip, carriage, door;

[k] – cat, window, pilot;

[g] – city, garden, dog;

(x) - bread, hunting, ah.

The nature of the violation is recorded: complete absence of sound, its replacement with another, distorted pronunciation (nasal, softened, labial, interdental, lateral, velar, uvular).

The survey results should reflect:

  • form of impaired pronunciation (in isolated pronunciation): normal, absent, replaced, distorted;
  • position of the broken sound: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word;
  • the presence of synkinesis, hyperkinesis of the facial, facial muscles and wings of the nose during articulation.

Based on the results of examining all sounds, the level of impaired sound pronunciation is determined.

First level(low, 1 point) – the child has impairments in more than 5 groups of sounds, including vowel sounds. In addition to the absence, replacement and distortion of sounds, synkinesis and hyperkinesis of facial and facial muscles occur. There is insufficient expressiveness of articulation during the pronunciation of vowel sounds and broken consonants.

Second level(below average, 2 points) – the child has 3-4 groups of sounds impaired, including vowel sounds. In addition to the absence, replacement and distortion of sounds, there are synkinesis and hylerkinesis of the facial and facial muscles. There is insufficient expressiveness of articulation during the pronunciation of vowel sounds and broken consonants.

Third level(average, 3 points) – the child has 7–11 sounds impaired,” belonging to two groups of sounds that may be absent, replaced or distorted. The child articulates vowel sounds and other consonant sounds correctly. There is no synkinesis when pronouncing sounds or repeating words, hyperkinesofacial, facial muscles.

Fourth level(above average, 4 points) – the child has 1-6 sounds impaired, belonging to one group of sounds that may be absent, replaced or distorted. The child articulates vowel sounds and other consonant sounds correctly. During the pronunciation of sounds and repetition of words, there is no synkinesis, hyperkinesis of the facial or facial muscles.

Fifth level(high, 5 points) – the child articulates all sounds correctly. During the pronunciation of sounds and repetition of words, there is no synkinesis, hyperkinesis of the facial or facial muscles.

  1. Examination of articulatory motor skills

The identification of the characteristics of articulatory motor skills is carried out in the process of the child performing certain actions at the direction of the speech therapist.

  1. Study of lip mobility.

To identify lip mobility, the child is asked to imitate the following movements:

  • pull your lips forward and round;
  • move their corners to the sides;
  • raise your upper lip;
  • lower your lower lip;
  • lick your lips;
  • exhaling forcefully, cause the lips to vibrate;
  • puff out your cheeks - pull them in.
  1. Study of tongue mobility.

To identify tongue mobility, the child is asked to imitate:

  • make the tongue first narrow and then wide;
  • raise the tip of the tongue to the upper incisors and lower it to the lower ones;
  • move your tongue like a “pendulum”.
  1. Study of lower jaw mobility.

To identify the mobility of the lower jaw, the child is asked to imitate:

  • lower the jaw;
  • move your jaw forward;
  • determine whether there is contracture.
  1. Study of the mobility of the soft palate.

To identify the mobility of the soft palate, the child is asked to pronounce the sound [a]. In this case, the presence or absence of active closure of the soft palate with the posterior wall of the pharynx is determined. Passive closure is determined with a spatula or finger by reaching the soft palate to the posterior wall of the pharynx, and at the same time the presence or absence of reflexes of the posterior pharyngeal wall is noted. When performing tasks, difficulties in the movements of the articulatory organs are diagnosed: obvious impossibility, significant limitation in the range of movements, a tendency to constantly hold the tongue in a “clump” in the depths of the oral cavity, difficulties in changing the given position of the speech organs, tremor, hyperkinesis, synkinesis, slowing down the pace with repeated movements. When analyzing the state of articulatory motor skills, the following parameters can be taken as a basis.

5. Movements of the articulatory apparatus: active, passive.

  1. Range of motion: full, incomplete.
  2. Muscle tone: normal, flaccid, overly tense.
  3. Accuracy of movements: accurate, consistent, inaccurate, no sequence of movements.
  4. Presence of supportive and violent movements (specify which ones).
  5. Rate of movement: normal, slow, fast.
  6. Duration of holding articulators in a certain position.

Based on the results of the examination of articulatory motor skills, the level is determined.

First level(low, 1 point) – the child finds it difficult to move the articulatory organs, it is impossible to perform most movements with the lips and tongue. He cannot, by imitation, stretch his lips forward, move their corners to the sides, curl his upper lip, lower his lower lip, lick them, cause the lips to vibrate, puff out his cheeks, or retract them. When performing movements with the tongue, there is an inability to perform an exercise on the sequence of movements, with the tongue flattened (tongue “lumpy”) with increased tone. With reduced tone (tongue thin, sluggish), there may be tremor, hyperkinesis, synkinesis, hypersalivation. There is a lack of active closure of the soft palate with the posterior wall of the pharynx and absence of reflexes of the posterior pharyngeal wall.

Second level(below average, 2 points) – there is an inability to perform many movements by the organs of the articulatory apparatus, incomplete range of movements, tense or flaccid muscle tone, movements are inaccurate, there is no sequence of movements, there are accompanying, violent movements, salivation is noted, the pace of movements is either slow or fast . In this case, the child does not sufficiently hold the articulators in a certain position.

Third level(average, 3 points) – when performing tasks, difficulties in the movements of the articulatory organs are diagnosed, but no obvious violations are noted. The examination reveals a limitation in the range of movements, difficulties in changing the given position of the speech organs, a decrease in muscle tone, and insufficient accuracy. There may be tremor and slowing down during repeated movements.

Fourth level(above average, 4 points) – articulatory motor skills are formed, the range of movements is full, but they are slow, awkward, and undifferentiated. Movements are characterized by insufficient coordination of activities. During the execution of movements by the organs of the articulatory apparatus, there is no synkinesis, hyperkinesis, or salivation.

Fifth level(high, 5 points) articulatory motor skills are fully formed. The movements of the articulatory apparatus are active, the range of movements is full, the muscle tone is normal, the movements are precise, the tempo is normal, there are no accompanying movements.

3. Examination of the structure of the articulatory apparatus

The structural features of the articulatory apparatus are identified during the process of observation.

  1. Lip examination.

Narrow, fleshy, acheilia (absence of lips), syncheilia (fusion of the lateral parts of the lips), brachycheilia (short middle part of the upper lip), thickening and shortening of the frenulum of the upper lip, within normal limits.

  1. Dental examination.

Giant (with disproportionately large crowns), mesiodistal displacement (outside the jaw arch), adentia (the absence of one or more teeth), supernumerary, deformed, crooked, small (with disproportionately small crowns), sparse, spiky, ugly.

Vestibular deviation (mixing of teeth outward from the dentition), oral inclination (mixing of teeth inward from the dentition), supraocclusion (high position of the tooth that does not reach the plane of closure of the dentition), infraocclusion (protruded, low position of the tooth in relation to the occlusal plane) , trema, diastema, rotation of the tooth around the longitudinal axis, crowded arrangement of teeth.

  1. Bite examination.

Prognathia (upper jaw pushed forward), progenia (lower jaw protruding outward), open anterior bite (crooked jaws in the front part due to rickets or due to improperly grown front teeth), open lateral bite, transversal narrowed dentition (discrepancy in the width of the upper and lower dentition), straight, floating, deep.

  1. Language research.

Narrow, fleshy, ankyloglossia (short hyoid ligament), microglossia (small), macroglossia (large), glossotomy (partial or complete removal of the tongue), glossoptosis (developmental abnormality).

  1. Examination of the hard and soft palate.

Hard palate: gothic, domed, narrow, low, flattened. Soft palate: short, congenital isolated underdevelopment.

  1. Examination of the lower jaw.

Deformed, micrognathia (small size of the upper jaw), macrognathia (large size of the upper jaw), microgeny (small size of the lower jaw), macrogeny (large size of the lower jaw). The examination reflects the structural features of the articulatory apparatus: normal, mild deviations (indicate which), gross deviations (indicate which).

Based on the results of examining the structure of the articulatory apparatus, the level is determined.

First level(low, 1 point) – the child has gross deviations in the structure of the articulatory apparatus, for example, a short hyoid ligament, a large tongue, small or large sizes of the upper or lower jaw, Gothic palate, prognathia, progenia, open anterior bite, mesio-distal displacement dentition, etc. The identified disorders aggravate speech underdevelopment caused by dysarthria.

Second level(below average, 2 points) – the child has gross and non-severe deviations in the structure of the articulatory apparatus, for example, the hard palate is narrow, low, flattened, the dentition is crooked, small, sparse, spiky, ugly; bite – straight, floating, deep, etc. The identified disorders aggravate speech underdevelopment caused by dysarthria.

Third level(average, 3 points) – the child has slight deviations in the structure of the articulatory apparatus, for example, the hard palate is narrow, low, flattened; dentition – crooked, small, sparse, awl-shaped, ugly; bite – straight, floating, deep, etc.

Fourth level(above average, 4 points) – the child has a disorder in the structure of the articulatory apparatus, but it is not severe.

Fifth level(high, 5 points) – the child has no disturbances in the structure of the articulatory apparatus.

4. Phonemic awareness examination

  1. Study of the state of physiological hearing.

The hearing test is carried out using whispered speech. It is recommended to use two groups of words: the first group has a low frequency response and can be heard with normal hearing at an average distance of 5 m; the second – has a high frequency response and is heard on average at a distance of 20 m. The first group includes words that include the vowels |у|, |о], consonants – [m], |н], [в], [ p], for example: raven, yard, sea, room, hole, etc.; the second group includes words that include hissing and whistling sounds from consonants, and from vowels - [a], |i], [e|: hour, shi, cup, siskin, hare, wool, etc.

  1. Study of differentiation of non-speech sounds.

To do this, the child must answer the questions: “What is buzzing?” (car), “What passed?” (tram), "Who's laughing?" (girl), “Guess what it sounds like?” (pipe, whistle, water flows, paper rustles).

  1. Study of auditory memory and speech understanding.

To do this, the child must complete various tasks in a given sequence. For example, “Give me the cube, and take the ball on the table,” “Put the cannon on the table, and put the hare on the chair and come to me.”

  1. Study of the discrimination of syllables and words with oppositional sounds.

To do this, the child must repeat after the researcher:

  • ba - pa, yes - ta, ka - ga - ka, sa - sya, zha - sha, sa - za;
  • mouse - bear, reel - tub, rose - vine;
  • seven cars on the highway;
  • the shepherd walked quickly;
  • there was an iron lock;
  • the hand mirror fell.
  1. Study of phonemic analysis and synthesis (in children over four years old).

To do this, the child must complete the following tasks:

  • determine whether there is a sound [s] in the words: airplane, lamp, bowl, napkin;
  • determine the number of sounds in a word and the location of the sound [s| in words: juice, wasp, nose;
  • make a word from the sounds: [l], [o], [t], [s]; [k|, [a], [p]; |p|, [w];
  • come up with a word for a given sound: [s], [sh], |l], |r];
  • From the total number of pictures, select only those whose names begin with a certain sound.

First level(low, less than I point) – the child’s phonemic perception is not formed. Phonemic hearing is impaired.

Second level(below average, 2 points) – the child’s phonemic perception is not formed. The child makes mistakes when performing tasks to distinguish syllables and words with oppositional sounds. When performing tasks to study phonemic analysis and synthesis, the child finds it difficult to determine the presence of sound and the number of sounds in words, to compose a word from sounds, to come up with a word for a given sound, to select pictures whose names begin with a certain sound. Phonemic hearing is impaired.

Third level(average, 3 points) – the child’s phonemic perception is not sufficiently formed. The child makes mistakes when performing tasks to distinguish syllables and words with oppositional sounds. When performing tasks to study phonemic analysis and synthesis, a child sometimes finds it difficult to determine the presence of a sound and the number of sounds in words, to compose a word from sounds, to come up with a word for a given sound, to select pictures whose names begin with a certain sound. Phonemic hearing is impaired.

Fourth level(above average, 4 points) – the child’s phonemic perception is not fully formed. The child makes mistakes when performing tasks to distinguish syllables and words with oppositional sounds. When performing tasks to study phonemic analysis and synthesis, a child may make individual errors when determining the presence of a sound and the number of sounds in words, when composing a word from sounds, when coming up with words for a given sound, when selecting pictures whose names begin with a certain sound. Phonemic hearing is not impaired.

Fifth level(high, 5 points) – the child’s phonemic perception is fully formed. Phonemic hearing is developed.

  1. Examination of the syllable structure of a word

A syllable is the minimum pronunciation unit. The child masters words consisting of different numbers of syllables, syllables with combinations of consonant sounds. Therefore, it is necessary to check how the child pronounces words of different syllabic structures - with a combination of consonants at the beginning, middle and end of the word, multi-syllable words and words consisting of similar sounds. The material for studying the syllabic structure of a word is subject pictures. In the process of presenting the pictures, the instruction is given: “Look carefully at the picture and name who or what it is.

  1. Study of the pronunciation of words with complex syllabic composition.

Tram, camel, grapes, sugar bowl, basket, tablecloth, swallow, turtle, brushwood, aquarium, refrigerator, crossroads, photograph, under the fly agaric, ballerina, policeman, traffic controller, hairdresser, frying pan, from the frying pan, towel, lizard, draft, temperature, curdled milk.

  1. Study of the pronunciation of words of different syllabic composition.

13 series of tasks are offered, which include one-, two- and three-syllable words with closed and open syllables, with clusters of consonants:

  • – two-syllable words consisting of two open syllables (mama, ukha);
  • – three-syllable words made of open syllables (panama, peonies);
  • – monosyllabic words (poppy, lion);
  • – two-syllable words with one closed syllable (skating rink, Alik);
  • –two-syllable words with a cluster of consonants in the middle of the word (pumpkin, duck);
  • – two-syllable words with a closed syllable and a combination of consonants (kompot, Pavlik);
  • – three-syllable words with a closed syllable (kitten, machine gun);
  • – three-syllable words with a combination of consonants (candy, wicket);
  • – three-syllable words with a consonant cluster and a closed syllable (monument, pendulum);
  • – three-syllable words with two consonant clusters (rifle, carrot);
  • – monosyllabic words with a consonant cluster at the beginning of the word (whip, glue);
  • – two-syllable words with two consonant clusters (button, cell);
  • – four-syllable words made from open syllables (web, battery).
  1. Study of the pronunciation of words of different syllabic composition in sentences.
  • The boy made a snowman.
  • A plumber fixes a water pipe.
  • A policeman rides a motorcycle.
  • A traffic controller stands at an intersection.


  • features of violations of the syllabic structure of a word (the child pronounces only individual syllables, pronounces the word differently each time);
  • syllable elision, deletion of consonants in clusters;
  • paraphasia, rearrangements while maintaining the contour of words;
  • iterations, perseverations, adding sounds (syllables);
  • contamination (part of one word is combined with part of another).

Based on the results of the examination of the violation of the syllabic structure of the word, the level is determined.

First level(low, 1 point) – limited ability to reproduce the syllabic structure of a word.

Second level(below average, 2 points) – there are violations of the syllabic structure of words in sentences, when pronouncing words of complex syllabic composition. For example, a child pronounces only individual syllables, pronounces the word differently each time, syllable eliminations, omission of consonants in combinations, paraphasia, rearrangements while maintaining the contour of words, iteration, perseveration, addition of sounds (syllables), contamination (part of one word is combined with part of another). When pronouncing words of different syllabic composition, not all groups have violations.

Third level(average, 3 points) – there are violations of the syllabic structure of words in sentences, when pronouncing words of complex syllabic composition. There are almost no violations when pronouncing words of different syllabic composition.

Fourth level(above average, 4 points) – there are violations of words with complex syllabic composition.

Fifth level(high, 5 points) – there are no violations of the syllabic structure of the word.

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Phonemic awareness is the most basic level of recognition of speech utterances. This means the ability to differentiate and categorically identify all phonemes of the native language. D.B. Elkonin defines phonemic perception as “hearing individual sounds in a word and the ability to analyze the sound form of words during their internal pronunciation.”

Of utmost importance for mastering the sound side of a language is phonemic hearing - the ability to auditorily perceive speech sounds (phonemes) and the ability to distinguish speech sounds in their sequence in words and sounds that are similar in sound.

Correct perception of speech sounds and the phonemic composition of a word does not occur immediately. This is the result of gradual development. At a very early stage, the child perceives words as a single, indivisible sound complex that has a certain rhythmic and melodic structure. The subsequent stage is characterized by the gradual development of the ability to distinguish phonemes that make up a word. At the same time, intensive mastery of active vocabulary and correct pronunciation of words occurs.

Phonemic perception begins to form in children from 1 to 4 years of age when they perceive the oral speech of others and when they themselves pronounce words in accordance with the perceived pattern. Pronouncing words is an important condition for isolating and generalizing the differential features of phonemes and consolidating them in memory. For the further development of phonemic perception, it is important for children to consciously and voluntarily identify individual sounds in words and compare speech sounds (at the age of 4-5 years). The mechanism of phonemic perception when mastering reading and writing is significantly restructured in the process of decomposing words into their constituent speech sounds, correlating sounds with letters and forming new sound-letter images of words.

According to D.B. Elkonin, the development of phonemic hearing in a child begins with auditory differentiation of sounds (vowels - consonants, voiced - voiceless, hard - soft), i.e. the child begins with the acoustic difference of sounds, then articulation is included.

Developed phonemic awareness is an important prerequisite for children’s successful acquisition of literacy. In turn, learning to read and write helps clarify ideas about the sound composition of a language, promotes the acquisition of skills in phonemic analysis of words, mental division into basic elements (phonemes) of various sound complexes: combinations of sounds, syllables, words.

Impaired phonemic hearing in children with ODD is often secondary in nature, since their own speech does not contribute to the formation of clear auditory perception and control. Difficulties are noted already in the perception and reproduction of simple rhythms; the reproduction of complex rhythms is, as a rule, inaccessible to them.

Insufficiency of phonemic perception is revealed when performing tasks for repeating pairs of words that are similar in articulatory-acoustic characteristics, as well as words with a complex syllabic structure and tongue twisters. Sound analysis is impaired to a lesser extent, however, even here, clear difficulties are revealed when performing tasks - to name the first or last consonant sound in words like cat- stone. A child with OHP, as a rule, singles out a syllable. Reversals (inversions) of words are noted (in the word ball first sound [r]). It is difficult to compare words by sound composition - determining the number of sounds in a word and finding the 2nd, 3rd, 4th sound.

Typical mistakes of children with ODD - omission of vowel sounds, consonants in words with a combination of sounds, reverse words when naming in order of sounds in a word dream- nose.

Significant difficulties for children with ODD are caused by tasks such as adding a sound at the beginning and middle of a word, rearranging sounds in a word, and synthesizing words from sounds and syllables.

The frequent occurrence of word reversals indicates a violation not only of phonemic perception, but also spatial disturbances that affect the correctness of task completion.

The significance of the study of phonemic perception is due to the fact that today the majority of children with OSD have a delay in speech development in the sound discrimination department, which negatively affects not only oral (impressive and expressive) but also written speech.

Diagnostics of phonemic processes

Diagnostics of phonemic processes involves identifying factors and conditions that ensure its dynamics in order to determine the optimal nature of correction of phonemic underdevelopment.

Her tasks include:

− determination of the initial state and prospects for the development of phonemic hearing, phonemic perception and phonemic representations for the development of a program of correctional work with children;

− identifying the dynamics of the development of phonemic processes in children with special needs in order to correct existing deviations;

− assessment of the effectiveness of correctional work to overcome phonetic-phonemic disorders.

Diagnostic criteria, indicators, tools

Phonemic awareness research

Assessment of the ability to distinguish features and order of sounds in a word is carried out on lexical material or by comparing individual sounds, syllables, words, phrases:

Differentiation of words that differ in one of the paired consonants

pa - ba; sa—for; then - before;

Differentiation of isolated consonant pairs p - b; f - w; s -z; k - g;

Differentiation of words - quasi-homonyms (differing in one phoneme) barrel - kidney; goat - braid; roof - rat;

Deformed phrases (hear, find and correct the error).

The owner welded the tooth.

A scythe was grazing in the meadow.

The girl was sick with soup.

The girl has a long goat.

In children with ODD, disorders of phonemic perception arise as a result of the negative influence of persistent pronunciation defects on the formation of auditory standards of phonemes. As a rule, children have impaired differentiation of one or several groups of phonemes while maintaining the ability to distinguish other (even more complex) sounds. Sometimes the same sounds are mixed in expressive speech.

Phonemic (phonetic) research


1. Repetition of syllables with oppositional sounds (a series of two syllables is presented to children over 4 years old, and a series of three syllables to children 5 years old):


sha - sa;


for - sa;

for - zha;

zha - for;

sha - zha;

sa - sa - sha;

sa - sha - sa;

sha - sha - zha;


The quality of task completion is influenced by two factors:

State of short-term auditory memory;

Differentiation of perceptual standards of phonemes that make up a series.

When it is difficult to reproduce a series of three syllables, children with OHP make mistakes in series composed of any syllables. If the phonemic proximity of syllables in a series has a stronger influence, the errors are selective.

If children's phonemic representations corresponding to certain pairs of consonants are not clearly differentiated, then when reproducing a series of syllables containing these pairs, they make persistent errors, but the remaining series are reproduced correctly.

2. Selection of pictures whose names contain a given sound or begin with a given sound: [p] - [b]; [w] - [s]; [s] - [z]; [d] - [t].

The status of phonemic awareness skills should be taken into account when assessing performance on this task. If a child does not have the skill of isolating a consonant at the beginning of a word, he may not be able to cope with this task for this reason. Therefore, it is first necessary to assess the state of phoneme analysis skills.

3. Selection of words that begin with certain sounds or contain a certain sound.

4. Listing words with a given sound:

Early in the morning Ulyana

He will go to the garden.

Early in the morning Ulyana

He'll pick some dill.

The hostess has dill

It will be used for seasoning.

This task is psychologically more difficult than the previous one, since it requires a greater degree of arbitrariness and depends on the volume of the child’s active vocabulary.

Luke - hatch.

Poppy - flour - lump.

4. Determining the number of sounds in words that the child pronounces incorrectly (defectively).

Phonemic synthesis

1. Composing a word from sounds given in the correct sequence: [d], [o], [m]; [hand].

2. Composing a word from sounds given in a broken sequence: [m], [o], [s]; [y], [w], [a], [b].

We chatted for half an afternoon.


Features of violations of the syllabic structure of words;

Syllable elision (omission of consonants in contour junctions);

Paraphasia (rearrangements while maintaining the word);

Iterations, perseverations (adding sounds, syllables);

These tasks make it possible to identify real problems in the development of phonemic perception in children with ODD and direct the speech therapist’s efforts to resolve them. They are part of the design, control and regulation of the process of formation of phonemic perception in children of senior preschool age with OHP.

Diagnostic tasks

Prosodic aspect of speech

It is carried out using traditional methods based on poems and stories.

The assessment takes into account data obtained during an examination of the reproduction of loudness, pitch, intonation coloring of the voice (modulation), as well as voice timbre, tempo and dynamic organization of speech, the presence of blurred and nasal tone of speech, type of breathing, length of speech exhalation.

  • voice strength - normal, loud, quiet;
  • height - low voice, high, mixed, normal; timbre - a monotonous voice, the presence or absence of a nasal tint.

Mouse mother mouse

She whispered: “Naughty girl!

You make noise, rustle, chatter!

You’re disturbing mom’s sewing!”

Autumn. Autumn. Autumn.

The ash tree has dropped its leaves.

A leaf on an aspen tree

The fire is burning.

Autumn. Autumn. Autumn.

On Mount Ararat

Large grapes are growing.

Strawberry Zoya with Zina

Lured into the garden with a basket:

Earned two mouths

But the basket is empty.

4 points - isolated errors, but corrected independently;

3 points - mistakes are made, the text needs to be repeated;

2 points - part of the task is being completed, the help of a speech therapist is needed;

1 point - the task is not completed.

Sound analysis of words

1) highlight the first and last sounds in words:

stork - donkey - corner;

2) name all the sounds in the word in order:

fish - flies - cat - toads;

3) determine the number of syllables in a word:

house - hand - metro - kangaroo;

4) determine the 2nd, 3rd, 4th sound in words:

2nd sound - doctor, 3rd - mouse, 4th - mole, boat;

5) add sound in words:

thief - yard; ox - wolf; Christmas tree - heifer;

6) replace the sound in words:

juice - bough - onion; fox - linden - magnifying glass.

5 points - all tasks are completed correctly;

3 points - tasks 1, 2, 3 are completed correctly, errors are made in the rest;

2 points - only task 1 is completed correctly, the help of a speech therapist is required, the last task is not completed;

Sound synthesis

Survey words should be used infrequently to avoid semantic guesswork.

1) listen to the word pronounced in separate sounds (pause between sounds 3 s), and play it back together:

r, o, g; p, o, s, a; g, p, o, t; k, a, s, k, a;

2) listen to the word pronounced in separate sounds (pause between sounds is 5 s, during the pause a sound signal is given), and reproduce the word together:

k, l, a, n; b, y, s, s; k, y, s, t, s;

3) listen to a word with rearranged sounds or syllables, reproduce it correctly:

n, s, s - son; p, g, y, k - circle;

shad, lo, ka - horse.

5 points - all tasks are completed correctly;

4 points - isolated errors, corrected independently;

3 points - tasks 1 and 2 were completed correctly; when completing task 3, repetition of words is required (the help of a speech therapist - the name of a sound or syllable);

2 points - task 1 was completed correctly, task 2 requires the help of a speech therapist, task 3 is not completed;

1 point - tasks are not completed.

Syllabic structure of the word

The research materials are subject pictures.

Instructions: look carefully at the picture and name Who or What This?

There are 13 series of tasks, which include one-, two-, three-, four- and five-syllable words with open and closed syllables and consonant sounds:

1) two-syllable words made of two open syllables: mom, uha;

2) three-four syllable words made of open syllables: panama, peonies, button;

3) monosyllabic words: poppy, forest, house;

4) two-syllable words with one closed syllable: skating rink, bag;

5) two-syllable words with a combination of consonants: pumpkin, duck, mouse;

6) two-syllable words with a closed syllable with a combination of consonants: compote, skier, lily of the valley;

7) three-, four-, five-syllable words with a closed syllable: kitten, airplane, bun, policeman;

8) three-syllable words with a combination of consonants: candy, wicket;

9) three- and four-syllable words with a combination of consonants and a closed syllable: monument, pendulum, dandelion;

10) three- and four-syllable words with two sets of consonants: rifle, carrot, frying pan;

11) monosyllabic words with a combination of consonants: whip, bridge, glue;

12) two-syllable words with two consonant clusters: button, cell;

13) four- and five-syllable words made from open syllables: cobweb, battery, ice cream.


Features of violations of syllables of word structure;

Elision of syllables, deletion of consonants in conjunctions;

Paraphasia, rearrangements while maintaining the contour of the word;

Iterations, perseverations (adding sounds, syllables);

Contamination (part of one word is combined with part of another).

5 points – no errors;

4 points – one or two mistakes;

3 points – three to four mistakes;

2 points – five to six errors;

1 point - errors in almost all episodes.

Ways to correct deficiencies

Phonemic awareness

When teaching 5-6-year-old children with ODD and preparing them for school, immaturity of the lexical and grammatical means of the language, pronunciation defects and underdevelopment of phonemic perception are revealed.

The practice of speech therapy shows that correction of sound pronunciation is often brought to the fore and the importance of forming the syllabic structure of a word, the ability to hear and distinguish speech sounds (phonemes) is underestimated, and this is one of the reasons for the occurrence of dysgraphia and dyslexia in schoolchildren.

Today our children live in a world of “talking technology” and are gradually learning to remain silent, while speech games and exercises give way to the computer. Perhaps it would not be a mistake to say that modern children know a lot, but their perception and imagination are less productive.

By nature, children are very inquisitive; they want to know a lot and understand a lot, but, unfortunately, they often take their studies lightly. For children to “enter” education, a system of correctional and developmental games and exercises is needed, aimed both at identifying children’s weak links in the development of phonemic perception, and at their leveling (correction) (Appendix 1).

Trying to organize the education and development of children with special needs in the form of the most attractive, and most importantly the main activity for them - games, adults need to treat game-based learning as entertainment, imbued with the spirit of the game. After all, teaching and learning can be fun. But in order for this plan to be realized, it is necessary to teach preschoolers with speech impairments to remember well and quickly, to reflect on the sound, semantic and grammatical content of a word, to teach them to distinguish phonemes (speech sounds) by ear, to isolate them from a word, and to compare them with each other. And this is the main condition for the successful teaching of reading and writing to preschoolers with SEN.

In his book “Teaching Six-Year-Olds to Read and Write” D.B. Elkonin writes about the first period of reading propaedeutics and suggests starting training with the topic “Syllable-stress structure of a word” to prepare children for a new linguistic orientation to the form of the word. Syllable stress patterns of words are much easier to construct than sound patterns. Working with them, the guys master primary modeling skills. To make classes dynamic and fun, you should use poems, counting rhymes, and funny games with reversal of stress.

One of the central principles of the method is a fairly long (20-25 lessons) stage of sound analysis, which precedes the stage of introducing letters. The relatively long pre-letter stage of sound analysis makes it possible to solve another, perhaps the most difficult problem - initial learning to read. During this period, future reading of closed syllables and syllables with consonant clusters is prepared. Each stage of sound analysis must be accompanied by a continuous, drawn-out reading of the sound pattern.

During the primer period, to teach children to read according to D.B. Elkonin, it is advisable to enter vowel letters in pairs: a - z, o - e, u - yu, s - i, e - e. This method has two advantages:

  • reading the first syllables, children master the general way of reading any syllables, learn to focus on the vowel letter following the consonant;
  • model the relationship between consonants and vowels.

During this period (the period of reading propaedeutics), a technique is appropriate: the letter gives the command:

a, o, y, y, e - read firmly;

I, ё, yu, е, и - read softly.

Later, when introduced to consonants, it sounds like "two works of a consonant letter."

The methodology is good and interesting because it helps children learn. For nurturing children's independence of thinking, learning situations where there are no ready-made methods of action are extremely valuable; children do not copy the speech therapist, but look for their own ways of working. Very interesting "trap" tasks which teach children to independently, rather than imitate, answer a question. (The speech therapist asks and himself offers the wrong answer.)

Games that are used in literacy classes bring additional motivation to academic work and add a joyful, emotional tone to monotonous training. At each lesson, children are offered a game, as a result of which they form new concepts, rebuild their idea of ​​a word, and set up an imaginary game situation (a land of living words, a sound forest, a sound construction site).

Used in games conventional characters, which personify the introduced concepts. After all, Dunno and Buratino cannot personify the content of linguistic concepts. But TIM and TOM perfectly embody the distinction between softness and hardness of consonants (and do nothing else), the bell KOLYA tells children about voiced and voiceless consonants, the only purpose of AMU is to hunt for consonants. The meaning of life for ZVUKOVICHKOV is to take care of sounds, to build sound houses for words.

THE LORD OF SYLLABLES is responsible for constructing syllable stress patterns of words.

Medals are used as encouragement - a master of syllables;

Master of words;

Vowel connoisseur... etc.;

Consonant connoisseur.

At preschool age, figurative forms of cognition develop most intensively: visual and auditory perception, figurative memory, visual-figurative thinking, imagination. It is during this period that the second signaling system takes shape - speech. It is very important for a speech therapist to achieve interaction between the first and second signaling systems: image and word. The word should evoke a bright, multifaceted image, and the image, in turn, should find expression in the word.

Many of the games offered in literacy classes require visual and verbal material(riddles, poems, works of folklore, excerpts from fairy tales, fables) (Appendix 2). Literary texts create a playful situation, arousing interest and emotional response in children, and activating their past experience.

Visual and auditory clarity appears in unity. After all, in order for the clarity, imagery and colorfulness of the material to influence primarily their emotional sphere, they need a bright and accessible game that gives them pleasure, and any positive emotion, as is known, increases the tone of the cerebral cortex and improves cognitive activity.

Games with words:


The syllables fell apart;

Encryptions (encrypted proverbs and sayings);

Proverbs in the style of "rebus";

Compose words from letters: different colors, sizes, fonts;

Complete the puzzle, read the word;

Where is the syllable? who has the floor?;

Find the word hidden in the pictures.

Reading in a difficult situation:

Find a way to read (using colored arrows, top to bottom, round diagrams);


Deformed texts.


Brightly, colorfully designed crossword puzzles activate attention, develop memory, thinking, independence, initiative, and arouse interest in the activity.

Types of crosswords:

For a given sound and letter;

Crossword puzzles - “riddles”;

- "Seasons";

Crosswords are “jokes”.

Games for the prevention and correction of optical dysgraphia and dyslexia

Find the same ones on the left:

Combination of letters;

Geometric figure.

At the same time, these games help to update the vocabulary, form generalizing concepts, and implement grammatical formatting of phrases.

Games that allow you to significantly expand the possibilities of working on sound-syllable analysis and understanding its most complex aspects, using sound and game motivation:

Let's speak in tongues (crow, goose);

Mysterious circle;

Who is this sound house for?;

Magic circle;

Fun Train;

Sound shooting gallery;

Sound construction.

Class notes

Differentiation of sounds [s] - [z], [s"] - [z ’ ]

* Develop phonemic awareness.

* Teach sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words.

* Strengthen the skill of syllable reading.

* Activate the vocabulary on the topic “Winter”.

* Teach word formation.

* Develop memory, attention, abstract thinking.


Posters with tasks; portraits of children; isographers; puzzles; encrypted words; puzzles; surprise; snowflakes with wishes.

Organizing time

Speech therapist. Today Sam and Lizzie came to our lesson from distant and very warm Australia. They speak Russian very poorly and know nothing about Russian winter and snow. Let's tell them everything we know and reveal some of the secrets of literacy.

A picture of a boy and a girl is displayed.

Sound warm-up

Speech therapist. Name the first and last sound in the word JUICE - FOREST - CHEESE - NOSE - UMBRELLA - ELK - SOUND - TABLE - HALL.

I will characterize the consonant sound, and you name it:

Consonant, voiced, hard?

Consonant, voiceless, soft?

Consonant, voiced, soft?

Consonant, voiceless, hard?

Game "Sound Shooting Range"

4 arrows: red, [s"]blue, [z"]green, pink arrows fly into picture words: dog, snake, umbrella, goose, bowl, basket, tit, cabbage, corn .

Game "Letters Lost"

It is unknown how it happened

Only the letter got lost.

Dropped into someone's house

And he rules it.

As soon as the mischievous letter entered there,

Very strange things started to happen...

The hunter shouted: “Oh, the doors are chasing me!”

The boiler gored me, I am very angry with him.

They say that a fisherman caught a shoe in the river.

But then he got hooked on the house.

Painters paint the rat in front of the children.

A. Shibaev

Reading the letters C and 3

Words scattered (reading words by arrows and explaining their meaning)


The bag turned out to be magical, and there was encryption in it. What words are in the note?

1. Winter - braid - goat - mask.

2. What is the difference between the words: KoSa - KoZa?

Dynamic pause

Every day in the morning

Let's do exercises.

We really like it

Do it in order:

It's fun to walk: one-two-one-two.

Raise your hands: one-two-one-two.

Squat and stand up: one-two-one-two.

Jump and gallop: one-two-one-two.

Russian language lesson

Speech therapist. Sam and Lizzie wrote words using the letters of the Russian alphabet, did they get everything right?


Word formation. Game "Give me a word"

Speech therapist. Lizzie and Sam really enjoyed our Russian winter and the snow. They have learned to pronounce these words, but they have no idea how many new words can be formed from the word snow. Shall we help them?

Quiet, quiet, like in a dream

Falls to the ground... SNOW.

All the fluffs are sliding from the sky -


Spinning over your head

Carousel... SNOW.

To the villages, to the meadow

A little white... SNOWBALL is falling.

The land is white, clean, tender

Made the bed... SNOWY.

Here's some fun for the guys

More and more... SNOWFALL.

Everyone is running in a race

Everyone wants to play... SNOWBALLS.

Snowball on snowball

Everything is decorated with... SNOWBALL.

Like wearing a white down jacket

Dressed up... SNOWMAN.

Nearby there is a snow figure

This girl... SNOWGIRL.

Look in the snow,

With a red breast... BUFFIN.

Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream,

The whole earth was decorated with... SNOW.

Work in notebooks

Speech therapist. Let's teach Lizzie and Sam to work in notebooks

Guess the riddle:

I dusted the paths, decorated the windows, gave joy to the children and took them for a ride on a sled.

Finish the track on the sound construction site;

Build a sound house;

Color the rooms for sounds;

Write the word in letters.

Result "Surprise"(What word is hidden in the accordion?)

Boys write the word SNOW on snowflakes, girls write WINTER and give snowflakes to Sam and Lizzy.

Organizing time

Speech therapist. My friends, today I suggest you go to a fairy tale for knowledge. The fact is that the inhabitants of this fairy tale are in trouble and they need help. But to get into a fairy tale, we need a book, and there are two of them: good and evil! Which one do you choose?

(Selecting the correct syllabic stress pattern for the word BOOK.)

Game "Road to the Castle"

So, we open a good and magical book, in front of us is the road to the castle, but it is enchanted, let’s break the spell:

Let's divide the word ROAD into syllables;

Let's determine the stressed syllable;

Let's write down the syllabic stress pattern of the word.

But horses are racing along the road and only their tracks are visible. If the sound pattern of the word HORSES is correct, then a good and brave knight galloped, and if with errors, then an evil and treacherous one. Which one would you like to meet?

Where is the sound diagram of the word KONI?*

Let's turn the page, ahead is a knight on a white horse, say his name, collecting it from the first sounds of word-pictures: shirt, vegetables, lamp, apricot, knives. (Roland.)

But where he jumps, this is stated on the next page of the book.

Castle drawing

There is a castle on the mountain.

So Roland is galloping to the castle.

To get closer to the enchanted mountain and find out who lives in this castle, you need to line up the letters by height (from smallest to largest) and find out his name.

Say in chorus the name of the evil and treacherous wizard (MERLIN).

Finding the right things

To defeat the cunning and evil Merlin, the knight needs two very important things, but Merlin enchanted their names:

a) the word is hidden in the pictures (using the first sounds in the names of the pictures, make up the word - BLADE).

b) CREAM - magical, it will protect Roland from wounds (the letters scattered).

The knight armed himself, smeared himself with protective cream and approached the castle gates, when suddenly people reached out to him from behind the door... (reading the words in a complicated situation):

A) b)

Game "Compare Pictures"

The gate is clear. But bad luck - the knight’s path was blocked by two disgusting old frogs who said that they were twins and you couldn’t tell them apart. We need to find 9 differences:

Baba Yaga on the right has a polka dot scarf;

Baba Yaga on the left has a checkered scarf, etc.

Dynamic pause

Speech therapist. The old frogs have killed us, let's rest.

And now everything is in order

They started charging together.

Arms to the sides - bent,

Raised up - waved

They hid them behind their backs,

Looked back:

Over the right shoulder

Through the left one more. \

Everyone sat down together.

Heels touched

We stood up on our toes,

We lowered the handles down.

Game “Unspell the Princess”

Roland entered the castle, and in front of him was a huge hall with a FIREPLACE (read the word on the poster with a picture of a fireplace).

Roland bent down to light the fire, and a terrible and huge snake crawled out from behind the fireplace. The knight wanted to cut her with a blade, but she suddenly spoke in a human voice: “Don’t kill me, Roland. It was the evil Merlin who turned me from a princess into a snake and said that the one who would return the crown to me would disenchant me, and he hid it in three words.


As soon as Roland touched the crown, a terrible thunder sounded and stones flew. To avoid any misfortune, you need to find these words in this square:

Merlin’s castle collapsed and a beautiful princess came out to Roland: “Thank you, valiant knight! “I beg you to restore my good name, otherwise I will die by evening.”

Her name has five sounds and five letters:

It begins and ends with the fourth sound and letter of your name - A;

The second letter of your name is in the third place of your name - L;

The fourth letter of your name is at the end of your name - N;

The last vowel must be taken in the word THREE - I:

The princess's name is ALINA.

Work in notebooks

Speech therapist. To prevent the name from falling apart again, you need to secure it in your notebooks:

Write down the syllabic stress pattern;

Build a sound house;

Color the rooms;

Write the words with the letters ALINA;

Lesson summary

Speech therapist. Try in the evening to remember everything that happened to you in the fairy tale, and tell it to mom and dad.

Princess Alina thanks you and the noble knight Roland for her salvation.

Lesson-fairy tale “The Thieving Magpie”

* Form a sound-letter analysis of words.

* Clarify ideas about the syllable.

* Improve your skills in reading words with consonant clusters.

* Form adequate self-esteem.


Illustration posters; notebooks; colour pencils; pens.

Speech therapist. My friends! Today we again go to a fairy tale called?


With a picture;

With a syllable.

Once upon a time there lived a magpie who loved everything shiny. She flies and sees... GOLD (the word is laid out on the board). The cunning magpie stole one letter, and the gold instantly turned into... SWAMP.

Which letter did the magpie steal? 3.

Which one did you put instead? h? B.

Sound analysis of words

Speech therapist. To prevent her from dragging you and me into the swamp, she must be defeated. Find a sound house for the word KIKIMORA.

Search for syllables

The crown was found, we need to find the BEADS, and the magpie tore the word BEADS into syllables (divide the words into the syllables BOO-SY, lay them out from the letters of the split alphabet) and scattered them into different words.

Write the syllables in strings of beads;

Please note that the word CHEESE - SON contains the necessary letters, but they are not separated into a separate syllable and cannot be taken.

Reading tongue twisters

CROWN and BEADS found. But Soroka managed to drag the BRACELET into her dungeon, where she takes all her stolen treasures.

Get up, let's go to the dungeon. Are the doors closed? They will open to those who managed to read the spell written on the doors.

Repeat 2-3 times at different tempos, accompanying the clap.

Work in notebooks


Color the sound rooms;

- write the word in letters;

Game "Yes - no"

Speech therapist. My friends! The victory of TRUTH will be final if you, her friends and helpers, truthfully answer all her questions with the words Yes and No, but honestly!

Write down the answer (YES or NO);

Am I really a fast reader?

Really, I know all the letters?

Do I really always tell the truth?

Lesson summary

Speech therapist. Each of you has two chips:

1 - with a picture - come up with a sentence containing three words;

Includes examination of phonemic hearing, perception, ideas, sound (phonemic) analysis and synthesis skills.

The study of these skills is carried out depending on the child’s age and speech ontogenesis.

Phonemic hearing– a subtle, systematized hearing that allows you to differentiate all the phonemes of your native language, distinguish words that are similar in sound, words with oppositional sounds (paronymous words “varnish-crayfish, bear-bowl”). This ability, partly endowed by nature (this process is formed by the age of 2), is partly developed under the influence of communication with other people.


1.7g. – 1.8g . – significant changes in phonemic hearing.

By 2 years primary phonemic hearing turns out to be formed, i.e. children distinguish between hardness and softness of consonants (show where the bear is and where the mouse is).

At 3 years old – the child distinguishes well between correct and incorrect pronunciation, especially in someone else’s speech, although he himself cannot pronounce all sounds correctly (physiological tongue-tiedness).

By 5 years at The child normally develops correct sound pronunciation and discrimination of all phonemes of his native language. The ability for elementary forms of sound analysis and synthesis is also spontaneously formed.

Elementary forms of sound analysis– highlighting the first chapter. sound in a word and the last consonant sound in a word;

*More complex forms of sound analysis are formed in the conditions of special training at the preparation stage at school:

Isolation of the first consonant “Cat”, the last vowel sound “koshka”, the syllabic vowel “kOT, kIt” are formed in the conditions of special education.

Phonemic awareness- a special mental action to determine the presence of a sound in a word, its position in relation to the beginning, middle, end of the word, the number and sequence of sounds.

Sound analysis of a word - orientation in the sound shell of a word (what sound do you hear at the beginning of a word, at the end of a word, in the middle of a word; what sound do you hear in a syllable, what sound is in a word before a given sound, after a given sound, what is the sequence and how many sounds are there in a word) .

Deficiencies in phonemic hearing and phonemic perception disrupt the process of formation of sound analysis and synthesis. At the same time, sound analysis and synthesis is a fairly independent process, which can be disrupted in a child even with correct sound pronunciation, because linear succession (successional processes) may suffer.

On the question of examination ...During the examination, you may encounter a case where the baby correctly pronounces isolated sounds WITH And Sh, however, in speech it does not differentiate them; it replaces one sound with another ("U ko With ki fluffy tail").(True, most often such undifferentiated pronunciation of pairs or groups of sounds is combined with distorted pronunciation of phonemes.) Thus, it is necessary to examine the differentiation of sounds in phrasal speech.

For the examination, special pictures are selected - subject and plot. When selecting pictures, you should ensure that the child pronounces words and phrases containing phonemes that are similar in articulation or sound. Below is an approximate list of words and phrases:

K-X: refrigerator, kitchen, hamster. Katya is in the kitchen;

L-Y: Ilya and Yulia are walking along the alley. Swans fly south. Julia waters a lily from a watering can;

S-SH: Sasha has six pieces of glass. Sasha is walking along the highway. The driver stepped off the step. The sun is on the window. Sasha dries the dryers;

3-F: Zoya has a yellow umbrella. Iron shovel; useful animal; I will spin, I deserve it, I will tremble; rod;

S-S"-H: Sonechka, net, jump, part, bag, learning, spinning, swinging. The mast swayed. Sonechka has sunflower seeds;

T"-CH: teacher, bird, first aid kit, flowing, silent, screaming; “It flows, it flows, it won’t leak”;

C-C: student, teacher, swinging, turns out, chick, ends,


CH-SH: thicket, cleaner, brush, watchmaker, student, bored, cheeks;

“I’m cleaning the puppy with a brush,

I tickle his sides».

S-C: spoke, tit, ladder, stage, sugar bowl, caterpillar; inflorescence.

Sh-S: laughing, mustache, tail, sowing, drizzling.

L-R: Lara, piano, ballerina, talkative, juggler, won,

marmalade, mirror, broken, cot, controller.

The speech therapist can pronounce some phrases himself, asking the child to repeat them reflectively.

Phonemic Hearing Test

After checking the state of pronunciation of sounds, it is necessary to find out how the child perceives them by ear, how he distinguishes them. This especially applies to sounds that are similar in articulation and similar in sound.

1. Identify how the child hears sound in a number of other sounds (sounds are distant and mixed).For example, "If you hear the sound s, clap your hands: With, n, k, s, l, w, With, c, etc."

5) Determine whether the child can select pictures with a given sound: A) the speech therapist names the pictures; b) the child chooses pictures independently;

V) invite the child to independently come up with words with the given

Techniques for examining phonemic hearing

1. Distinguishing paronymic words by ear

Paronyms – words that differ in only 1 oppositional sound.

Oppositional sounds are sounds that are similar in most features and differ in subtle acoustic-articulatory features (hardness - softness, sonority - deafness, hissing-whistle-affricates, sonorant R-L, R-L).

Instructions: I will tell you the pictures, and you show them to me; or “Explain what the word means”; or “Give me a bowl, and take some for yourself w ku (early age).

2. Distinguishing by ear words that are phonetically similar, but different in meaning, t. some like: “the earth is a snake, the exit is an exhalation.”

Example. Instructions: “Show me where: daughter, kidney, hummock.”

Instructions: tell me what “earth” means and what “snake” means; what is “exhale” and what is “exit”.

The techniques alternate; if one technique is not enough, then they are combined.

Techniques for examining auditory perception

1. How a child hears sound in a number of other sounds, syllables, words.

The sounds are distant and mixed.

For example, " If you hear the sound c, clap c
With, n, k, s, l, w, sya, ts". etc."

2) Determine how the child distinguishes a given syllable from a number of others
syllables. Syllables are selected in the same way, mixed ones are included
sounds, direct and reverse.

For example: sa, sha, ba, sa, ma, as, tsa, sha, zha, ash.

3) Determine whether the child hears a given sound in a word.

Instructions: Clap your hands when you hear the sound. The child is offered a chain of words with a given sound and without a given sound.

When selecting lexical material, we include the words:

A) with a given sound (sound at the beginning, middle, end of a word);

b) words that exclude a given sound;
V) words with mixed sounds.

This section of the examination is carried out on both intact and impaired pronunciation sounds. It is necessary to establish whether the violation concerns only sounds that are impaired in pronunciation (when the child does not hear his own defect), or whether this violation concerns both impaired and intact sounds in pronunciation.

This section may vary depending on the objectives of the survey.

At the initial stage (preparatory) of sound pronunciation correction, it is necessary to clarify whether the child hears his defect or not, whether he hears the correct sound among other sounds, syllables, words.

Interpretation of results: children with erased dysarthria often do not hear their defect (interdental sigmatism), they hear their defect better in the speech of others, they better hear in the speech of others a defect different from their own. Those. Phonemic perception suffers secondarily.

- “the cat has a fluffy tail” - differentiation is impaired. Word tasks - paronyms “bowl-bear, roof-rat”.

-Replace L with V, in all phonetic conditions - it is necessary to find out what kind of replacement it is, phonetic or phonemic. The child is offered a pair of pictures on L and V.

Instructions: Show me where? If a child does not distinguish words, this may be a phonemic substitution.

- replacing the S sound with the T sound.

Instructions: show where the “sleds” are and where the “tanks” are. If he can distinguish it, then this is a phonetic replacement and his phonemic hearing has been formed.

Diagnostics of phonemic awareness

Before examining the perception of speech sounds by ear, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the results of a study of the child’s physical hearing. Numerous studies have established that even a slight decrease in hearing acuity in early childhood leads to the inability to distinguish speech sounds and pronounce them clearly. The presence of normal hearing acuity is the most important condition for the formation of phonemic perception.
However, children with normal physical hearing often experience specific difficulties in distinguishing subtle differential features of phonemes, which affect the entire course of development of the sound side of speech.
Difficulties in auditory differentiation of sounds can have a secondary effect on the formation of sound pronunciation. Such shortcomings in children’s speech as the use of diffuse sounds of unstable articulation, distortion of sounds correctly pronounced outside speech in an isolated position, numerous substitutions and confusions in a relatively favorable state of the structure and function of the articulatory apparatus indicate a primary immaturity of phonemic perception.
The diagnostic difficulty in analyzing the manifestations of deficiencies in phonemic perception lies in the fact that often the gnostic function of phoneme formation in children with severe articulation defects develops in inferior conditions and may also be insufficient.
It is therefore necessary to determine the secondary manifestations of phonemic underdevelopment with defects in the area of ​​the articulatory apparatus from those cases where deficiencies in phonemic perception constitute the main cause of deviations in the acquisition of the sound side of speech.

recognition, discrimination and comparison of simple phrases;

highlighting and memorizing certain words among others (similar in sound composition,

distinguishing individual sounds in a series of sounds,

then in syllables and words (different in sound composition, similar in sound composition);

memorization of syllable series consisting of 2-4 elements (with a change in the vowel - MA - MO - MU, with a change in the consonant - KA-VA-TA, PA-HA-PA));

memorizing sound sequences.
In order to identify the possibilities of perceiving rhythmic structures The following tasks are offered of varying difficulty:

tap out the number of syllables in words of different syllabic complexity;

guess which of the presented pictures corresponds to the rhythmic pattern specified by the speech therapist.

Peculiarities of distinguishing speech sounds are revealed by repeating isolated sounds and pairs of sounds. Difficulties in phonemic perception are most clearly manifested when repeating phonemes that are similar in sound (B-P, S-Sh, R-L, etc.)
The child is asked to repeat syllable combinations consisting of these sounds. For example, SA-SHA, SHA-SA, SA-SHA-SA, SHA-SA-SHA, SA-ZA, ZA-SA, SA-ZA-SA, ZA-SA-ZA, SHA-ZHA, SHA-ZHA- SHA, ZHA-SHA-ZA, SHA-ZA, ZA-ZA, ZHA-ZA-ZA, ZA-ZA-ZA.
Particular attention should be paid to distinguishing whistling, hissing, affricates Affric A you (from Latin affrico - I grind), consonants consisting of a plosive (stop) and a fricative (frictional) elements; for example, Russian "ts" and "ch". A. are a type of stop consonants, when pronounced, the stop ends not with an explosion of the closed pronunciation organs, but with their incomplete opening, which leads to the formation of a gap. A. differ from combinations of a plosive consonant with a fricative; Wed rus. "ch" and "tsh" in the words "to find yourself" and "to laugh it off".) , sonorant, as well as voiceless and voiced. When performing such tasks, some children experience obvious difficulties in repeating sounds that differ in acoustic characteristics (voiced-dull), while another part has difficulty repeating sounds that differ in articulatory structure.
There may be cases where the task of reproducing a series of 3 syllables is inaccessible or causes significant difficulties. Particular attention should be paid to the phenomena of perseveration, when a child cannot switch from one sound to another.
When studying phonemic perception, tasks that exclude articulation should be used so that difficulties in pronunciation do not affect the quality of its performance. In order to find out whether the child distinguishes the sound being studied among other speech sounds, he is asked to raise his hand in response to the speech therapist pronouncing the required sound. In this case, the sound under study is presented among others, both sharply different and similar in acoustic and articulatory characteristics. For example, you need to isolate the sound “u” from the sound series O, A, U, O, U, Y, O or the syllable SHA from the syllabic series SA, SHA, CA, CHA, SHA, SCHA.
Difficulties in phonemic perception are well identified by selecting pictures that correspond to words beginning with a given sound. For example, it is necessary to distribute pictures with words beginning with the sound R and the sound L, the sound S and Sh, the sound S-Z, etc. For this purpose, the speech therapist selects sets of subject pictures that are presented in a shuffled form.
You should check how the child distinguishes words that are similar in sound composition, but different in meaning (rat-roof, day-shadow, bun-squirrel). The child must discover whether the presented word forms are identical in meaning or different. This technique reveals pronounced deficiencies in phonemic perception.

Examination of children in the preparatory group (end of the year)

The first sound in the word “summer”________________________________________________

The second sound in the word “fork”________________________________________________

The last sound in the word “pictures” is ___________________________________

The penultimate sound in the word “handle” is ________________________________

Neighbors of the sound “sh” in the word “bear”_________________________________

Sound analysis of the word “hundred”________________________________________________

Sound analysis of the word “bandage”_____________________________________________

Sound analysis of the word “tigers”__________________________________________

Sound synthesis of the word “goose”_____________________________________________

Sound synthesis of the word “chair”_____________________________________________

Sound synthesis of the word “coat”__________________________________________

Come up with a word with the sound “s’” at the beginning___________________________

Come up with a word with the sound “and” at the end_____________________________

Come up with a word with a “ch” sound in the middle__________________________

Syllable analysis of the word “rook” _____________________________________

Syllable analysis of the word “star”__________________________________________

Syllable analysis of the word “thermometer”________________________________

Syllable synthesis of the word “loaf”__________________________________________

Syllabic synthesis of the word “ABC”__________________________________________

Come up with a one-syllable word________________________________________________

Come up with a word of two syllables__________________________________________

Come up with a word of three syllables__________________________________________

Synthesis of a four-word sentence with a preposition

“The plane is flying over the forest.”__________________________________________

Analysis of a four-word sentence with a preposition

“The cat crawled under the table.”_______________________________________________

Name the stressed vowel sound in the word “teeth”_______________________

Name the stressed vowel sound in the word “hand”_________________________________

A survey of the development of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis in children aged 5–7 years with mental retardation is presented. The main purpose of the examination is to diagnose phonemic processes in a playful, interesting form for children. The material is addressed to teachers of compensatory groups, teachers - speech therapists working with children with mental retardation, as well as with children with special needs.

Examination of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis in preschoolers 5-7 years old with mental retardation in the form of the game “Ride on the Bus.”

When compiling a survey of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis skills in children 5-7 years old with mental retardation, the technique of E. A. Strebeleva was used. The content corresponds to the S.E. program. Shevchenko “Preparing children with mental retardation for school”, on which the group works.

The examination is carried out individually at the beginning and at the end of the school year in the form of the game “Ride the Bus”.

"Ride on the Bus."

Our bus carries children for free, but in order to travel on it, you need to complete interesting tasks. - Do you agree? - Go.

1. Shumelka stop.

1) Recognition of non-speech sounds.

The speech therapist shows 3 jars filled with peas, buckwheat and semolina, and offers to listen and remember the sound of each of them.

Exercise. - Guess which box made the noise and what is in it. The task is performed without visual support, with eyes closed.

2) Recognition of musical instruments.

First, show the instruments, listen to how they sound, and then, without visual support, determine what musical instrument sounded (rattle, drum, bell, pipe).

3) Perception of rhythm.

The speech therapist taps out the rhythm, and the child repeats.

2. Stop "Recognize".

1) Perception of the word.

Goal: To be able to identify a word among other words that are similar in sound, to understand the meaning of what is heard.

Exercise. I have a picture of a banana. I will say the words, and you will clap only when I say the word banana.

Banana, sofa, banana, glass, ram, banana, ram, banana.

If it is difficult for a child, then words that sound different are called.

Banana, orange, apple, banana, lemon, pear, banana.

2) Repetition of syllables.

Goal: To be able to distinguish by ear syllables that are similar in sound.

First, the child repeats syllable chains of 2 syllables; if he succeeds, then he repeats 3 syllables.

  • pa-ba, pa-ba-pa
  • someone, someone
  • si-zi, si-zi-si
  • woo-woo, woo-woo-woo
  • ku-tu, ku-tu-ku
  • beep, beep, beep
  • ma-na. Manama

3) Syllabic analysis skills.

Goal: Be able to clap and name the number of syllables in a word.

Exercise. Clap as many times as there are syllables in the word.

  • Poppy, juice, nose.
  • Wa-ta, ne-bo, ru-ka, ku-bik, ba-ton.
  • Mo-lo-ko, sa-po-gi, ma-shi-na.

3. Stop "Sportivnaya".

1) Isolating a vowel sound among other sounds.

Goal: To be able to distinguish a vowel sound from other sounds.

Exercise. Sit down if you hear the sound "A".


2) Isolating the initial vowel sound in a word.

Goal: To be able to identify the vowel sound at the beginning of a word.

Exercise. Raise your right hand when you hear the “U” sound at the beginning of a word.

Duck, stork, street, windows, ear, alphabet, morning.

3) Isolating the final vowel sound in a word.

Goal: To be able to highlight the vowel sound at the end of a word.

Exercise. Tap your right foot when you hear the “I” sound at the end of a word.

Legs, arms, flour, bridge, tire, boots, juices, window, slippers, apples.

4. Stop "Figurnaya".

1) Isolating a consonant sound among other sounds.

Goal: To be able to distinguish a consonant sound from other sounds.

Exercise. In front of the child lie geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. Place a circle in front of you when you hear the sound “M”.


2) Emphasizing the consonant sound at the beginning of a word.

Goal: To be able to identify the consonant sound at the beginning of a word.

Exercise. If you hear the sound “S” at the beginning of a word, then place a square in front of you.

Juice, poppy, bag, cat, dog, mother, catfish, car, sled, goat, elephant.

3) Emphasizing the consonant sound at the end of the word.

Goal: To be able to identify the consonant sound at the end of a word.

Exercise. If you hear the sound “K” at the end of a word, then place a triangle in front of you.

Juice, sock, shower, current, sleep, poppy, varnish, table, lump, bow, knock.

4) Differentiation of sounds that are similar in sound.

Goal: To be able to distinguish sounds that are similar in sound.

Task: - Clap if you hear the sound “S” and stamp if you hear the sound “Sh”

Only children 6-7 years old are examined.

5. Stop "Shkolnaya".

1) Skills in sound analysis and synthesis.

Goal: To be able to determine the number and sequence of sounds in a word using visual aids.

Exercise. Place as many circles as the sounds you hear. Name the sounds in order.


Analysis of monosyllabic words.


Assignment: - I have separate sounds “S”, “O”, “K”, collect the sounds into a word.

What word did you get? – SOK.

2) Finding pictures with objects for a given sound.

Goal: To be able to find only pictures with objects for a given sound from a variety of pictures.

Assignment: - Place in front of you only those pictures that depict objects whose names begin with the sound “S”

Place pictures on your left that depict objects whose names begin with the sound “L”, and on your right pictures that begin with the sound “R”.

3) Selection of words for a given sound.

Goal: To be able to select words and objects with a given sound.

Assignment: - Name a word that begins with the sound “M”.

If there is difficulty, the speech therapist himself calls out a few words, helping the child get involved in completing the task.

The use of gaming techniques makes it possible to diagnose the development of phonemic perception and the level of development of sound analysis and synthesis skills in an interesting way for the child.

The survey data is entered into a table.

The dynamics of development of phonemic perception and skills of sound analysis and synthesis is reflected by the number of points.

  • 1 point - the child does not accept or understand the task.
  • 2 points - the child accepts the task, but does not understand the terms of the task, the answers are inadequate, after training he answers adequately, but cannot cope with the task independently.
  • 3 points - the child accepts and understands the task and completes it independently only after training.
  • 4 points - the child accepts and understands the terms of the task and copes with its implementation independently.

Thus, we have 4 levels of assessment of the development of phonemic perception and skills of sound analysis and synthesis:

  • Level 1 is the lowest.
  • Level 2 - intermediate.
  • Level 3 - above average.
  • Level 4 - high.

The scores for each section are summed up at the beginning of the year and the level of development is assigned. At the end of the year, after the examination, the scores for each section are again summed up and the level of development is set.

Such an examination allows you to see the dynamics and results of correctional work on the development of phonemic perception and skills of sound analysis and synthesis and plan further speech therapy work in this section.

While playing, children cope with tasks more easily and answer the speech therapist’s questions with pleasure.


  1. Kornilova L.A. Game techniques for developing phonemic awareness in preschoolers. //Speech therapist. 2009. No. 2. 65-69 pp.
  2. Kudrova T.I. The use of gaming techniques in examining phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis skills in children. // Raising and teaching children with developmental disorders. 2008. No. 2. 51-53 p.
  3. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of early and preschool age. / Edited by E.A. Strebeleva. M. Education, 2005, 164 pp.
  4. Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children. M., 1994., - 265 p.
  5. Shevchenko S.G. “Preparation for school of children with mental retardation”, M. School press, 2004.

Furtaeva Olga Mikhailovna,
teacher speech therapist,
MADOU "CRR - kindergarten No. 161",

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