
3 discs tarot meaning. Tarot card Three Denarii - meaning, interpretation and layouts in fortune telling

The meaning of the 3 Pentacles card in the classic Waite deck and other similar systems is useful to know for a novice tarot reader. Experienced users are constantly improving and adding their own developments to the glossary. The Three of Coins, or Pentacles, is called a positive card by some, while others talk about negative aspects. Let's figure it out.

In this article

General meaning of the card

On the one hand, 3 Coins symbolizes experience, reaching a new level of consciousness. On the other hand, it indicates that the questioner is too dependent on material values, hence all the troubles. Depending on the purpose of the alignment, experienced fortune tellers consider both interpretation options.

Pentacles (Coins) symbolize the material side of the world, wealth in the literal and figurative sense. But a person is rich not only in money, but also in knowledge.

Take a closer look at the classic three of a kind from the Raider-Waite deck: it depicts people enjoying life. They stand under the arches of a mythological temple, their gaze directed upward. Look carefully: the picture shows a jester, a clergyman and a young man in the clothes of a craftsman. The figures symbolize spirituality, lightness of worldview and hard work.

The general meaning of the card is reaching a new level of development. A person has accumulated a wealth of life experience and continues to learn. But he should remember: knowledge must be shared with others, without this there is no forward movement.

The card speaks of material well-being, mental balance and good mood. In long-term plans, it means the beginning of a new stage in life, the end of a difficult period.

The Three of Coins is a symbol of discovery, progress and success. But this can only be achieved through hard work. Happiness will not come on its own, it must be earned.

The video is dedicated to the Minor Arcana, namely all the Tarot triplets:

Direct card position

In the upright position, the card indicates that the person is in his place. He is a responsible and positive worker, ready to take on any job. The Three of Pentacles means that the time has come to put knowledge into practice. Experience cannot be kept to yourself, share it with others, and they will appreciate you.

  1. In fortune telling about relationships, the card means the appearance of a life partner, symbolizes a sensitive, caring and kind partner.
  2. In a reading of the professional sphere, it can indicate a craftsman in the high sense of the word: experienced, talented, creative. This is a map of jewelers, watchmakers, artists, designers.
  3. The Troika of Coins recommends playing sports, increasing vital energy and self-improvement. Be active, purposeful and energetic.

Three of Pentacles from Nikolai Kolesov (ABC Tarot).

When fortune telling a question that requires a clear answer “yes” or “no,” the card means a positive outcome.

Reversed card meaning

In a reverse position, the card speaks of a lack of talent for crafts, weak imagination, and inability to generate ideas. Appearing in a work scenario, it indicates routine, laziness and reluctance to move towards the intended goal.

  1. If the question concerns career prospects, then the card indicates the questioner’s dishonesty. He doesn't like what he does and lacks motivation. It means things that have been shelved.
  2. The reversed Three of Pentacles means that a person is too interested in the physical side of life. Building muscle mass comes at the expense of self-education.
  3. In a relationship chart, the reverse position of the three indicates stagnation. If the question concerns the future fate of the marriage, then most likely it does not have a positive outlook.

The inverted three of Denariev advises you to look at yourself critically. You may not notice obvious flaws. Don't take on commitments you can't fulfill.

Meaning for fortune telling about business and work

The 3 Dinariev who appears in the scenario says that it’s time to think about advanced training. You have been doing the same monotonous job for too long, which does not require special intelligence or talent. It's time to learn. Don't miss this chance: sign up for courses and educate yourself.

The card may signal that you are afraid to take responsibility for your actions.

For students and applicants, the appearance of 3 Coins in a layout is a good sign. He says that you are busy doing what you like, symbolizing a positive result in exams.

Meaning when divining relationships

The transition to a new level of relationship with a loved one and the completion of a certain stage in life. This is how the meaning of the 3 of Pentacles in fortune telling about family and marriage is briefly described.

The card requires the questioner to have a clear understanding of goals, maturity and responsibility. You should take family values ​​seriously. Have a heart-to-heart talk with your partner, find out what issues concern him, what doesn’t suit him in the current state of affairs in the family.

3 Monet says that the most difficult stage in life is already in the past. The main thing is to set priorities correctly and not repeat previous mistakes.

People and places

If the Three of Pentacles acts as a significator, it denotes a person of a creative profession, a talented person, an artisan in the good sense of the word. The questioner knows how to work with his head and hands, and is ready to take on any task.

When divining to determine a place, the three of Coins symbolizes an artist’s workshop, a jeweler’s shop or another specialist who knows delicate and painstaking equipment.

Psychological state, personality analysis and 3 of Pentacles

From the point of view of the psychological state, the card speaks of upliftment, the desire to act, create, create. A person is ready to learn, make discoveries, he is interested in living. The card says that the questioner is talented. The main thing is to find a scope for application of the skill.

Neighboring symbols will tell the fortuneteller which direction to move, what slows down progress or promotes development. The Major Arcana that fall nearby enhance the meaning of the three Denarii.

Classic combinations with the Major Arcana

Three and Major Arcana.

In layouts for work, relationships or a psychological portrait of a person, you will definitely encounter the following combinations.

  • The Jester (Fool) and the Three of Pentacles speak of the meaninglessness of any undertakings, wasted work and wasted time.
  • The Magician and 3 Denariev advise you to boldly get down to business; with your actions you are laying an excellent foundation for future success.
  • The High Priestess advises to submit to the opinion of the leadership. An option is pressure from the powers that be.
  • The Empress falling next to the Three of Pentacles speaks of a successful completion of affairs. Everything will work out.
  • The Emperor symbolizes successful business. It is possible to create a strong marriage union.
  • The Hierophant reminds that work should bring joy, and not just profit. Option - you pay too much attention to the material side of life.
  • Lovers next to 3 Coins warn of a difficult choice ahead. The second meaning is stable and strong relationships with the opposite sex.
  • The Chariot and the Three Denarii speak of the need to control thoughts and actions.
  • The Force says that the time is coming when you will have to gather your will into a fist.
  • The hermit that appears next to the three is a signal that it’s time to be alone with yourself. Friends and colleagues are unlikely to help you with anything. Don't listen to outside advice.
  • The Wheel of Fortune does not promise stability. The result will be 50/50. You can lose everything you have saved for so long. The forecast concerns not only the material, but also the spiritual sphere.
  • Appearing next to 3 Denarii of Justice is a good sign. Depending on the issue, it means making a profit, a favorable outcome of legal proceedings, encouragement and reward.
  • Hanged. It's time to reconsider your priorities. Option - all efforts are in vain.
  • Death symbolizes changes that cannot be avoided. Events are developing rapidly and are beyond your control. Humble yourself.
  • Moderation and the Three of Coins say that a person will receive a well-deserved reward.
  • The devil warns of possible temptations and dishonesty on the part of colleagues or friends. Be careful.
  • The Tower next to the Three of Pentacles is a symbol of change. Swift and inevitable, destructive. Option: you will face global losses.
  • The star advises to hope for the best.
  • Luna does not recommend deluding yourself. Illusions and delusions should not take precedence over reason and logic. Perhaps your colleagues and friends are hiding the real picture of the world from you.
  • The sun is a good sign. The efforts will be rewarded.
  • The World card neutralizes negative aspects and speaks of the successful completion of planned affairs.

Classic combinations with cards of your own suit of Pentacles

With cards of your own suit.

What does the same suit mean: an enhanced effect or that it’s time to look in a different direction?

  • The Ace and Three of Pentacles symbolize a breakthrough in the material sphere. Guaranteed reward for work, bonus, monetary well-being.
  • Two warns about the need to concentrate on one thing and not scatter ideas.
  • Four says that the questioner is too greedy, he should reconsider his views on life. Learn to part with money easily; what you spend will come back a hundredfold.
  • Five and three Coins nearby speak of missed opportunities and health problems. Perhaps it's time for you to rest.
  • Six - successful completion of affairs, a good reward for work performed.
  • The seven dropped next to the three Denarii is a symbol of discontent. The fortuneteller is not happy with life, work, or the people around him. Probably, the material reward in the service does not correspond to the efforts expended.
  • An eight indicates a persistent person who knows how and loves to work for the benefit of others.
  • Nine and three of Coins - receiving a good reward. Successful completion of the project.
  • Ten - prosperity and prosperity in the house is just around the corner, but you will have to work hard.
  • Page and Troika advise you to think about studying. You probably haven't upgraded your skills for a long time. An option is an advantageous offer for cooperation in the intellectual sphere.
  • The Knight of Coins and the Troika say it's time to clean up the workplace.
  • The queen next to the troika guarantees a material reward for a well-executed project.
  • The king and three characterize the questioner as a good organizer. Option – support from management. Green light for any endeavors.

Classic combinations with the suit of Wands

Three of Coins and Wands.

What will the Wands add to the Three of Pentacles?

  • Ace of Staffs and Three of Pentacles are good prospects for cooperation.
  • The Two warns against hasty actions; the time has not come to trust partners.
  • The Three of Pentacles and the Three of Wands are the key to successful teamwork. Don't go it alone.
  • The Four of Wands heralds a lucrative contract, a partnership agreement.
  • Five warns of misunderstandings on the part of colleagues and friends.
  • Six and Wands and 3 Denariev - success.
  • Seven says that you will have to face tough competition in your field.
  • Eight is a competently executed order, a satisfied employer. Professional growth.
  • Nine warns that there are people around you who doubt your competence.
  • The appearance of the Ten of Wands next to the Three is a reason to be wary. You may be tired and have a tendency towards professional burnout.
  • The Page of Wands symbolizes proposals in the field of work. Favorable contract, business cooperation.
  • A knight next to the Three of Pentacles speaks of an imminent break in relations.
  • The Queen advises to approach professional responsibilities carefully.
  • The king presents a person of authority in his field, worthy of trust and attention.

Classic combinations with the suit of Swords

Will the Three of Swords be able to soften the impact of such a difficult suit?

  • Ace of Swords and Three of Coins - take care of the protection of intellectual property. In the personality scenario, it reveals a person in a creative profession: writer, artist.
  • The Two of Swords and the 3 of Pentacles say that the questioner faces a difficult choice.
  • A three falling nearby warns of the collapse of a relationship with a loved one. Don't be sad, you did everything to keep him.
  • Four advises taking a vacation and temporarily stepping away from work.
  • Five of Swords and Three of Coins - failures, lack of money.
  • Six says it's time to change something. In a long-term scenario, it symbolizes a new place of work.
  • Seven - beware of scammers. Option – one of your colleagues wishes harm and wants to take your place.
  • Number Eight says that you are too relaxed and have lost interest in work. This interferes with career growth and movement forward.
  • The Nine and Three of Pentacles are a symbol of disappointment, dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs.
  • The Ten of Swords and the Three of Swords indicate a person who completely devotes himself to work.
  • The page advises getting down to business without delay. Success guaranteed.
  • The knight testifies to the high professional level of the questioner.
  • The Queen warns of open or secret confrontation from colleagues. Take a closer look at your surroundings.
  • The King of Swords and the Three of Coins characterize the querent as a jack of all trades. Option – try yourself in new areas of activity.

Classic combinations with the suit of Cups

In general, the combination is beneficial, but there are also warnings.

  • Ace of Cups and 3 Denarii – success and complete self-realization.
  • A deuce guarantees a fruitful and rich relationship with the opposite sex.
  • Troika advises you to arrange a holiday for yourself. Option - soon the questioner will be invited to a celebration.
  • Four warns of emotional decline. Leave problems outside of work, rest more.
  • Five says that the person asking is going through a difficult period in his life. It will not end until a person pulls himself together.
  • Six guarantees that the fortuneteller will receive a good reward for his work. An option is spiritual joy upon completion of tasks.
  • The Seven of Cups in combination with the Three of Denarii is a signal to be wary. Perhaps they want to deceive you of money for a completed project.
  • Eight says that business has become stagnant. The person is dissatisfied with the results of his work and is apathetic. Lack of initiative.
  • The Nine of Cups next to the Three says that the querent is on the verge of success.
  • Ten is moral and material satisfaction from the work done.
  • The Page of Cups and the Three of Denarii are the harbingers of change. You may have to learn a new activity. If the Major Arcana Death card appears nearby, there is a high probability of enterprise closure, layoffs, and unemployment.
  • The Knight of Cups says that the querent is characterized by optimism and professional zeal.
  • The Queen of Cups combined with the Three of Pentacles indicates a conscientious worker. As advice to a manager: such a person should be regularly encouraged.
  • The king is the support of an honest and hardworking ally.

In this video, Julia Tur talks about the suit of Pentacles in the Tarot deck:

Importance in health matters

When guessing your health, pay attention to the position in which the card fell: in the usual or reverse position.

In the direct position, the 3 of Pentacles indicates that a person carefully monitors his well-being. This applies to physical and mental state.

In the reverse position, the card is a symbol of neglect and laziness. The diseases that the questioner suffers from are the result of inattention to body signals.

Overall, the Three of Pentacles is a positive card. It does not promise that rewards for your work will be received immediately; it motivates you to work, study and improve your professional skills. It is impossible to count on bright prospects without preliminary investments. Three of Coins is a card of people of business, professionals, responsible executors.

A little about the author:

Tarot reader Esoterics for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden.

More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

3 of Pentacles Tarot - the meaning of this card will be very useful for you if you use classic cards or those made in the Waite tradition for a variety of fortune telling.

In the article:

3 of Pentacles Tarot - meaning

If we talk about the main meanings of the Three of Pentacles, then it is worth immediately noting that this is a positive card. Many inexperienced magicians can often call it unlucky, but it symbolizes the accumulation of important experience, making the necessary decisions, and worthy behavior.

Three of Pentacles in Tarot Mirror of Fate

Three means a transition to a new level, which indicates gaining the necessary experience, the desire to learn, and sharing accumulated knowledge. This is not just the successful completion of a certain period of study or work project, but also a very successful transition to a new position.

Astrological meaning: in this case it is Jupiter or Mars, which are symbols of creativity, inspiration and success. It can also be interpreted as the return of Saturn to its position on the natal chart, the beginning of a new round of life.

Three of Tarot Coins in Upright Position

In the upright position, the three of pentacles of the tarot speaks of a highly qualified worker who knows exactly what he is doing and understands it. Events governed by the card: receiving a new project, improving one’s abilities, improving one’s qualifications. Basic values:

  • Playing sports, strengthening the immune system, improving health, understanding the inner self through some kind of physical exercise (for example, yoga). No surgery, but improved appearance.
  • Handmade products, getting pleasure from being busy, a high-class specialist, sometimes symbolizes the profession of a designer, jeweler, stylist, watchmaker.
  • The appearance of a sensitive partner, beautiful and caring, harmonious relationships.

Next to you is a very quiet, sophisticated person who pays attention to every little detail, very neat, working with some small details.

The magical attribute advises you to do your job to the end, flawlessly, without harm to your reputation. If the card was used in the layout, then the answer is yes.

Three of Pentacles - Reversed

In the reversed position of the 3 of Pentacles, the tarot indicates a lack of necessary skills to create sophisticated, beautiful, beautiful things. Routine, doing boring work. Basic interpretation:

  • low quality of products, the desire to earn as much as possible without making much effort, dishonesty;
  • a person self-medicates, pays too much attention to sports (the harmful effects of physical activity), is interested in plastic surgery, all this does not particularly negatively affect his health, but does not have a positive effect;
  • the union suits a man and a woman, it is very strong, but has no future, they do not develop, they do not improve relations.

The card advises you to refuse to do low-quality work, try harder and be more critical of yourself.

Meaning in relationships

Image of the Three of Pentacles in various types of tarot

If the Three of Pentacles appears when asked about relationships, this indicates that it is time to take a step towards your loved one, to take your relationship to a new level, deeper, more mature. The time has come to take responsibility for your partner, the search for the ideal soul mate is over, you need a reverent union.

If you already have a partner, the card suggests that the main problems are already behind you, using the experience gained, you can move to a new stage of the relationship, perhaps discovering the great secrets of true love. In combination with indicates marriage and conception.

Work area

The 3 of Pentacles, more than any other card, emphasizes the fact that the time has come to improve your skills, take on new tasks and finally take responsibility.

A magical attribute can symbolize an exam, graduation from a university, or an increase in status. In the future there will only be development in the employment sector; no change in activity is expected.

3 of pentacles tarot - combination

crazy moon tarot

In any layout, it is necessary to take into account the combination of the Three of Pentacles with other tarot cards. Depending on what is located nearby, the basic interpretation may change. 3 coins combined with a major arcana card:

  • The jester is vain labor;
  • Magician - laying the foundation;
  • High Priestess - unquestioning submission to superiors;
  • Empress - excellent result, receiving an award;
  • Emperor - the beginning of doing business, starting a family;
  • Hierophant - awareness that spiritual aspects are important in work;
  • Lovers - stable relationship;
  • Chariot - you should not make responsible decisions;
  • Strength - show perseverance and will.
  • Hermit - people are bad advisers for you now;
  • Wheel of Fortune - the results are very unstable;
  • Justice - getting the reward you deserve;
  • Hanged Man - all efforts are in vain;
  • Death - transformations are inevitable;
  • Moderation is pleasure, consolation;
  • Devil - fraud, poor quality work, unreliable employee;
  • Tower - losses, wasted efforts.
  • Star - faith;
  • Moon - the true state of things is hidden from you;
  • The sun is a brilliant future;
  • Court - help from an outsider;
  • Peace - successful business management.

Card of the day

If the Three of Pentacles appears in the “ ” layout, this indicates not only spiritual growth, but also a search. This suggests that in the near future you will be able to find out what your real purpose is, what your path to the truth is.

The Three of Pentacles Tarot is a card that can be encountered during classical fortune-telling, or during a corresponding ritual in the White tradition, so the ability to read the information provided from such a card is an important point that cannot be avoided. It is safe to say that for people not privy to the secrets of Tarot cards, it is the card with this symbol that is very controversial.

Classic Tarot cards have several positions, each of which carries specific information.


Classic Tarot cards have several positions, each of which carries specific information. The Three of Pentacles in the Tarot can appear in several forms:

  • straight position;
  • inverted position.

The main feature of this card, regardless of the direction, is the positive direction of the information it carries. At the same time, people who do not have sufficient experience and knowledge in Tarot culture often perceive this card from a negative point of view. The meaning of the tarot card with pentacles can mean:

  • accumulated experience or the process of acquiring it;
  • making correct and at the same time necessary decisions for a person;
  • decent level of behavior.

This card denotes not only, and not so much the process of successful completion of certain study periods or projects necessary for work, but indicates the possibility of career growth or an increase in the level of respect both in the team and on the part of superiors or teachers. From the point of view of astrological science, the trio of pentacles is a symbol of Jupiter or Mars, which signify feelings of inspiration, success, as well as creative aspirations. This card can also be interpreted as a symbol of the return of Saturn to its positions on natural maps, marking a new round of life.

Three of Pentacles and its upright position

The direct position of the 3 pentacles is an indication that the person belongs to the category of highly qualified workers who know exactly what they are doing and what goals they plan to achieve in their work, and are true professionals in their field. Event information that can be shown by such a card leads to new projects, increasing the level of professional skills and personal qualities.

The main meanings of this card are:

  • sports activities;
  • measures to strengthen the immune system;
  • working on yourself spiritually through physical exercise;
  • as well as improved health.

The appearance of the Three of Pentacles tarot card promises the absence of health problems that will need to be solved exclusively through surgery, and also promises positive changes in a person’s appearance.

The dropped symbol can also symbolize a hand-made product, pleasure from work, a specialist of the highest class, and also the dropped three pentacles can indicate that the person’s work is related to design, jewelry production, style creation, or repair or production of watches.

The 3 of Pentacles indicates the possibility of career growth

The symbol, depending on the conditions of the ritual, also indicates the imminent appearance in life of sensitive partners who will be caring and quite beautiful, while relationships with them will be full of harmony and mutual understanding.

Working with tarot cards in a certain way will also indicate the presence of a sophisticated person nearby who pays attention to unimportant things and who works with small-sized details. The dropped three pentacles indicate that the work must be completed in full, on time, without complaints from management or the client, and in such a way that no harm is done to the reputation. The 3 pentacles of the tarot that fall out have a positive meaning when performing a ritual to receive a “Yes or No” answer.

Three of Pentacles Reversed

The reversed Three of Pentacles clearly indicates a lack of the necessary skill to create refined, beautiful and captivating things. Routine, which consists of regularly doing work that is quite boring.

The main interpretation of such a map is:

  • low quality of manufactured items or goods;
  • an insatiable desire to earn more and more money without making enough effort;
  • unscrupulous attitude towards various assignments and one’s own responsibilities.

In addition, the card may indicate a person’s self-medication, as well as excessive attention to sports disciplines, which leads to a detrimental effect on the body.

Working with the Tarot and the appearance of inverted three pentacles can also indicate a person’s passion for the services of a plastic surgeon, visits to whom do not have negative consequences for health, but such visits do not provide any benefit to the body.

When performing a ritual on personal relationships, the fallen three of pentacles inverted symbolizes the presence of a fairly strong union between a man and a woman, which in the future is doomed to disintegrate, since the relationship in such a union practically does not develop. And although there are no significant complications in relationships, there are no improvements in them either. In addition, such cards indicate that work performed at a low level should be completely eliminated, and the person needs to significantly reconsider his attitude towards himself and become more critical.

Pentacles in a ritual for personal relationships

The Three of Pentacles has the following meaning in fortune-telling and predictions for the relationship between a man and a woman: it is recommended to meet your lover halfway, and it is possible to take the relationship to a qualitatively new level, which will be deeper and more mature. In addition, such a card gives a recommendation to take personal responsibility for partners, since the process of searching for the second half has come to an end, and there is every reason to begin the season of reverent relationships.

In situations where permanent partners already exist, this card indicates that the period of serious problems in relationships has already passed, and many pleasant moments lie ahead. Using the accumulated experience, people who have gone through problems together can safely think about getting married, as well as conceiving children. This symbol indicates that the relationship has reached the point where a man and a woman can discover the great secret of sincere and true love.

Regarding the sphere of work, the card with the three pentacles recommends focusing on the issue of improving one’s own skills, as well as the need to begin solving new problems.

  1. This symbol clearly indicates the urgent need to take full responsibility for what is happening in one’s own life.
  2. Such a card symbolizes exams, graduations at universities or other educational institutions, and the growth of professional and social status.
  3. A card with three pentacles indicates that a person will experience significant professional development, while a change in occupation is unlikely.

Possibility of combining pentacles with other cards

It should be noted that in order to get a complete picture of what is happening and predict the future, you need to have more than one card in your hands. Three of Pentacles in combination with other cards can have a variety of meanings. Thus, three pentacles combined with the Jester card indicate the presence of wasted labor. The combination with the magician card symbolizes the laying of a foundation, which can be interpreted depending on the situation. The triple pentacle with the High Priestess indicates the need for unquestioning obedience to a boss at work or a mentor at a university. The Empress card, which appears together with the three pentacles card, is a symbol of obtaining an excellent result in the near future, as well as an approaching reward. The Emperor's card, which appears along with the pentacles, promises the beginning of a new, profitable business project, and also predicts the creation of a strong family.

The combination of Iophant cards and the three pentacles indicates a quick realization that aspects of spiritual life in the work process are of very serious importance. In addition to the above combinations, when performing rituals with Tarot cards, other combinations may appear that can be accurately read and interpreted exclusively by highly qualified specialists with the appropriate knowledge.

Three Pentacles in the “Card of the Day”

In a situation where a card with the image of three pentacles appears in the “Cards of the Day” layouts, this symbolizes spiritual growth, as well as a corresponding search. In addition, this sign indicates the rapid acquisition of knowledge, as well as the discovery of one’s own purpose in life. It is safe to say that the symbol of the pentacle in the “Cards of the Day” indicates the imminent discovery of the path to truth and enlightenment.

  1. This symbol promises quick penetration into secrets and the acquisition of skills intended exclusively for seasoned professionals.
  2. Based on this, we can say with confidence that the three pentacles are a card that carries positivity and promises not only professional growth and promotion in the future, but also prophesies positive changes on the personal front.

When turning to Tarot cards for help, it is necessary to take into account that any signs and symbols can be correctly interpreted only by those people who have knowledge and are initiated into the secrets of this ancient teaching. Therefore, the desire to understand the secrets of existence, the future and the past with the help of cards is not enough. The difficulty lies in the fact that the success of any ritual lies not only in the correctness of its implementation, but also in the presence of faith, therefore, in order to receive truly accurate information on issues of interest, you need to seek help from professionals who are popular with interested people and have an impeccable reputation.

Tarot card Three of Denarii - also known as the Three of Coins and Three of Pentacles. This card usually depicts three people - one man stands a little higher than the rest, he is a kind of teacher, mentor. Two listeners stand nearby and look at the teacher with admiration. They admire his intelligence and talent, and want to learn from him.

The main symbol – three pentacles – must be present on the card. This card has a favorable meaning. In most cases, it symbolizes slow, unhurried, but also continuous development, which is the result of such qualities as perseverance, perseverance, determination, and the influence and help of friends, colleagues, and mentors is of no small importance here.

In the upright position, the card describes a talented, competent, purposeful person. The three Denariev indicates that a person is used to achieving his goal and approaches any task seriously and responsibly.

The opposite meaning speaks of opposite qualities. This is a person who is careless about his duties and is accustomed to letting everything take its course. He is irresponsible and lazy.

Health fortune telling

The upright position speaks of the fortuneteller’s good health, or of a quick successful recovery and restoration of strength. It also promises an improvement in appearance without surgery. Cosmetic procedures and physical exercise will be beneficial now.

Inverted position - poor treatment, incompetence of the attending physician, exhaustion of physical strength, as well as excessive interest in plastic surgery and surgical intervention.

Being in an inverted position, or in combination with other, negative cards in the layout, the Three of Denarii indicates possible neoplasms, tumors, or weight gain.

Fortune telling for love relationships

The upright position of the Tarot card Three of Denarii in fortune telling for love symbolizes the development of relationships and a strong union. For a couple, this means that all minor quarrels and discords will be left behind, the relationship will reach a new level of development - it will become strong and stable, and can develop into cohabitation or marriage.

A direct card means that relationships reach a new level, when partners begin to live together, or unite due to common goals and aspirations. The Three of Denarii indicates that during this period the questioner controls his own life - abilities and knowledge will help him independently realize what he wants, despite external difficulties. In addition, the Three Denarii, characterizing a person, means that he is serious in love, his feelings for his partner are strong and reliable, he is in constant development and is not afraid of everyday routine.

In an inverted position, the card means stagnation in relationships, lack of development, routine. Minor clashes and misunderstandings may arise. The relationship is clearly fading and it is difficult for partners to surprise and delight each other; most likely, this predicts that soon the flame of love will fade away forever.

When reversed, the Three of Denarii signifies boredom. Regarding a certain person, this lasso communicates his reluctance to become better and more interesting for his partner. This is passivity and some lack of will, subordination to your partner. Sometimes this card means a pragmatic view, devoid of romanticism.

Career fortune telling

In the upright position, the Tarot card Three of Pentacles predicts stable career growth, good development of projects, and moderate profits for the fortuneteller. Moreover, the card tells the fortuneteller that everything is in his hands and his career success depends entirely on his efforts. There is no threat of dismissal or change of position in the near future, everything at work will go as it should, your responsibilities will be within your power. But you also shouldn’t expect extraordinary career gains and huge profits.

The straight lasso in the layout characterizes the existing place of work as reliable and permanent. Troika Denariev talks about the questioner as a responsible person who improves his skills and steadily climbs the career ladder.

An inverted card indicates that the person is not competent enough in his chosen profession. Perhaps he feels dissatisfied with what he is doing, work turns into a routine, and he feels exhausted in his moral strength. If a person is planning some kind of undertaking, then the card indicates that the prospects are bad and it may be better to abandon this venture, otherwise financial difficulties may arise in connection with this.

The reversed Three of Denarii is interpreted as fatigue from work and a large number of responsibilities. Sometimes, this lasso means inability to take a leadership role. In cases where the alignment is made for a new job, the Three of Denarii is interpreted as a lack of prospects and an emergence on this path.

Tarot card Three of Denarii in combination with the Major Arcana

With “The Jester” it’s a useless effort;

With “Magician” - lay the foundations for something new;

With “The High Priestess” - performing role;

With “Empress” there are great prospects, results that exceed expectations;

With “Emperor” - financial stability;

With “Papa” - you have a good understanding and feeling of your activities;

With “Lovers” - in love - relationships will improve;

With “Chariot” there is a shaky foundation;

With “Strength” - confidence, will;

With “The Hermit” - don’t listen to experienced people;

With the “Wheel of Fortune” - the result of the actions is not yet sufficiently thorough;

With “Justice” – legal matters; well-deserved award;

With “The Hanged Man” - fruitless activity, erroneous judgment;

With “Death” - the result of natural changes;

With “Moderation” - in work - professional development, good instincts;

With the “Devil” - an unreliable person, risk, dishonest business practices;

With the “Tower” - work at a loss;

With Zvezda - hope for a rapid development of the situation;

With “Moon” - a realistic view of things, hazy prospects;

With the “Sun” - wonderful results of actions;

With “Court” - get support in current affairs;

With “Mir” - to expand activities and influence.

The card advises to act for maximum results in all matters and undertakings, to try to do everything perfectly. At the same time, you need to clearly understand what leads to this goal, and what is simply distracting and confusing. Therefore, it is important to be able to concentrate on the main thing and not be distracted by unnecessary trifles.

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The 3 of Pentacles is one of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck. In other sources you can find it under the name of the Lord of material care or the Three of Coins. In this article we will reveal to you the main meanings of this card, its characteristics in different areas of life, as well as the features of combination with other arcana.

How does it fit with other cards in the layout?

  • With the “Jester” lasso, you are trying in vain.
  • With the “Magician” lasso - the beginning of laying the foundation for the future.
  • With the “High Priestess” lasso, a person passively does what he is told.
  • With the “Empress” lasso, the result will be followed by an even greater result.
  • With the lasso “Emperor” - business or relationships are based on money.
  • With the “Hierophant” lasso, you will delve into the spiritual essence of the work.
  • With the “Lovers” lasso, relationships with your loved one will improve.
  • With the “Chariot” lasso, you have very shaky ground under your feet.
  • With the “Strength” lasso, your will becomes stronger.
  • With the “Hermit” lasso, a person isolates himself from society with all his might.
  • With the "Wheel of Fortune" lasso - instability of results.
  • With the “Justice” lasso - you will be fairly rewarded, you will need to contact a lawyer or lawyer.
  • With the Hanged Man lasso - futile efforts.
  • With the lasso “Death” - inevitable changes are coming.
  • With the lasso “Moderation” - your professionalism is enhanced, you need to maintain safety at work.
  • With the “Devil” lasso - cooperation with a dangerous intermediary, a dubious specialist.
  • With the “Tower” lasso, the result of the work will go down the drain.
  • With the “Star” lasso, a person hopes for a “flame to flare up.”
  • With the lasso “Moon” - a dubious result, things return to normal.
  • With the “Sun” lasso - getting a brilliant result.
  • With the lasso “Judgment” - they will help you.
  • With the “Peace” lasso, your business (or sphere of influence) will expand.

It becomes clear that the Three of Coins is not such an unfavorable card as it might seem at first glance at it. She indicates to a person that it is important to monitor his actions - to do his work efficiently, not to slack (in the direct position), but not to abuse perfectionism (in the opposite position).

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The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

The fortuneteller will experience development, but progress will proceed at a slow pace and there is no need to try to speed it up.


Arcanum indicates a beautiful, harmonious relationship. Lovers care about each other and understand each other perfectly.


The work will bring pleasure, but the income will be insignificant.

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✚ For the future

The card always means that you will achieve the realization of your ideas, projects, or even the fulfillment of a dream. However, don't expect to be a huge success in your endeavors. This is far from true, because this stage is just the beginning before you become successful in your line of work. You definitely care about your health, so you shouldn’t make any changes in this area, everything is perfect as it is. In your personal life, everything will be calm and harmonious.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

This card requires seriousness in a relationship; if partners can think about the true meaning of the relationship and try to get to know each other better and understand, then the relationship can move to a new level. A wedding or just a new round of relationships is possible. The card advises lonely people to take fate into their own hands and build happiness on their own. In general, the card is positive and promises the questioner a good development of romantic relationships.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Progress, reward due to hard work, discovery of talent and professionalism. The card indicates that you have successfully chosen the right profession, having received the opportunity to fully demonstrate your talents; you get a decent profit, but it’s not even that important to you. You do not have serious health problems because you carefully monitor your health. A relationship full of harmony and mutual understanding awaits you, giving you sincere joy. You are a purposeful, dexterous and disciplined person, confident in your own success. Try not to get hung up on details!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

Map of progress, moving forward. Recognition of skill and merit in work. Arcanum means growth, addition, reaching a fundamentally new level.

Tomorrow brings pleasant surprises: in the professional sphere, the questioner’s work will be recognized, and most likely, financial rewards will await. Recognition of excellence may lead to a promotion, higher salary or profit.

In terms of personal relationships, the card suggests that the questioner will finally be noticed, the object of affection will pay attention.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

In your relationship, the main component is not love or passion, you have common interests or self-interest, so you try to maintain a profitable relationship. Some people believe that such love should not exist, so they do not support self-interest in love. However, this is not a bad position because it allows for a long period of time to be together and enjoy each other. You relax next to each other because you find a kindred spirit in your partner. Calmness allows these relationships to last a long time and develop in a serious direction.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

This desire will bring understanding. You realize that even the smallest ones have a big impact on your life. You will have to reconsider many aspects of life. The fulfillment of the desire itself will go smoothly and without any special obstacles. You shouldn't expect a trick from the Higher Powers.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Activities for material well-being in the past laid the foundation for current events. A period of skill improvement. Things go on their own. You have good potential for future success.

You get satisfaction from the process. Obsessing over little things and excessive perfectionism can interfere with enjoying life. Share your opinion with others and ask for help. Don't try to do everything yourself!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The Three of Coins, also called the unification card, fully reveals the phrase: Everyone is the architect of their own happiness. Your relationship with your significant other now depends on you. Don't be afraid to try, because it will bring good results. The arcana also hints at marriage, but everything, as is clear from the first part, is in your hands. Happiness is nearby, all you have to do is hold on to it!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

The man is rewarded for his efforts and is determined to achieve new victories.

Your business has brought benefits and benefits, but this is a preliminary result. Now, with the knowledge that your idea is not pointless, you are ready to work even harder. Remember that careful planning and accurate calculations can protect you from losses.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

Perhaps you will marry a person who has wanted this for a long time and is waiting for your consent. You have to resolve many issues related to finances and living arrangements. Those who are just looking for their destiny: do not try to chase external gloss, devote more time to the emotional and sensual plane. The card may also indicate that the family’s financial situation will improve.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For treason

Three in the layout of any lasso indicates the presence of a love triangle. In such a secret relationship, the main feelings are passion and sexual attraction. Partners strive for a happy and stable relationship. They can take it to a whole new level.

A full description of the map is available at

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