
We prepare rhubarb for the winter. Rhubarb decoction How to close rhubarb without sugar for the winter

Rhubarb is a plant with lush, wide leaves and red stems. Only the stems are used to prepare various dishes. It is not recommended to eat the leaves: they contain oxalic acid, which is hazardous to health. The stems are rich in vitamin B9 and folic acid. Consumption of the product guarantees an increase in hemoglobin and strengthening of the entire immune system. The vegetable harvesting season is short, so it is worth preparing rhubarb for the winter so that you can benefit from its interesting taste all year round.

Selection and preparation

Rhubarb stalks should be firm, fresh and even. Preferably a young plant. Leaves from the stems must be completely removed. If the specimens are not young, then it is better to remove the top layer from them.

Methods for preparing rhubarb for the winter

There are several techniques for preparing food for the winter. These include freezing, drying, and various methods of canning. If you follow simple rules, you can end up with a product that has excellent taste and is also healthy.


A universal way to prepare rhubarb for the winter is freezing. With the right technology, all useful substances and nutrients are preserved. Using this technique, you can enjoy fresh fruits at any time of the year, make casseroles, cakes and even soups from them.

The freezing method is simple:

  • fresh, young stems must be cleared of remaining leaves;
  • wash, cut into cubes;
  • put into containers and put in the freezer;
  • then you can pour it into a bag, making sure that no excess air gets inside.

Sometimes, before freezing, rhubarb cubes are boiled in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then they cool. Further according to the scheme: put into containers and send to the freezer. It is believed that freezing in this way preserves the rich color of the product.

To save space in the camera, you can do the following:

  • Place the chopped rhubarb stems in a bag and microwave for 1 minute (the volume of the product will noticeably decrease);
  • then the pieces must be blanched: boil for 1-2 minutes and quickly plunge into cold water;
  • dry and pack in bags for storage in the freezer.

Rhubarb cannot be re-frozen, so it is more convenient to place it in small portions in molds. It is worth making markings indicating the number of the workpiece.


Rhubarb makes an excellent compote. A good option for preparing product for the winter. The recipe for rhubarb compote is quite simple:

  1. Fresh, young rhubarb stems are selected. They need to be cleared of leaves. Wash and dry.
  2. Cut into cubes. Place in a cup of cold water for 20 minutes.
  3. The required amount of water is poured into the pan. Bring to a boil, add sugar (at the rate of half a glass per liter of water, however, the amount is not too critical, you can vary it to your taste).
  4. After boiling again, you can add rhubarb, raisins, lemon zest or juice, and apples if desired.
  5. The compote is cooked for 30 minutes. Then it is poured into sterilized jars and sealed with lids.

Various sweet spices can be used as an addition: cinnamon, cloves, vanilla sugar. Instead of apples, you can add orange or any other citrus fruit.

Making compote is an easy way to prepare food for the winter. This drink will be a hit with the whole family. Rhubarb compote will protect the body from seasonal viral diseases.

Rhubarb juice

For this type of harvesting you will need young rhubarb petioles. They do not yet contain oxalic acid, which is harmful.

  1. Place the stems, cut into small cubes, in a colander.
  2. Place in boiling water for a few seconds, then immediately in cold water.
  3. Using a press, squeeze the juice out of the rhubarb.
  4. Leave the resulting mixture for 7-8 hours.
  5. Then filter the contents and add sugar to taste.
  6. Bring the juice to a boil, roll into jars.


A favorite treat for children is sweet rhubarb jam. It can be added to baked goods or tea. The only disadvantage of this method of preparing the product is the large amount of sugar. Jam cannot be called a dietary dish. But with moderate consumption, the delicacy will lift your spirits on cold winter days and fill you with energy.

The simplest recipe for rhubarb jam:

  1. The rhubarb stems must be cut into small cubes. Place them in a glass bowl.
  2. Cover with powdered sugar or sand (a kilogram of sugar/powder per kilogram of rhubarb) and leave overnight. At this time, the fruit will release juice.
  3. Put on fire and boil.
  4. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring thoroughly. You can add a sprig of rosemary, which must be removed before preservation.
  5. Roll the jam into jars and place in a cool place.

You can add apples, bananas, citrus fruits and various spices to the jam. They will only emphasize the original taste of the plant.


A pureed product is easier to use in baking.

  1. The skin of the rhubarb stalks must be removed. Cut into small pieces.
  2. Place the product in an enamel pan, sprinkle with sugar (at the rate of 400 grams per kilogram of rhubarb). So layer by layer.
  3. Place the container in the oven until the rhubarb is completely softened.
  4. Twist the finished and soft fruit through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.
  5. Then cook until the mixture reaches the consistency of sour cream. You can add vanilla or cinnamon.
  6. Transfer the puree into sterilized jars. When they cool down, send them to a cool place.


Rhubarb is most often used as an addition to sweet dishes. But it is also good in combination with meat and fish. It is worth preparing the product for the winter in the form of a sauce.

  1. Finely chopped onion must be fried in butter until golden brown. Add applesauce to it (you can use baby food).
  2. Then add diced rhubarb, sugar and lemon juice.
  3. Simmer the sauce for 10 minutes.
  4. All ingredients must be ground in a blender. Roll into sterile jars.

The sauce has a sweet and sour taste. It can be served with any meat or vegetable dish. In winter, on the festive table it will become the star of the evening.


The leaves of the cut rhubarb stems are immediately trimmed. The cuttings are washed under running water and cut into pieces. They must first be dried for a couple of days outdoors under the sun, laid out on a flat surface. Then place on a baking sheet and put in the oven to dry. It will take only 2 hours at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius. The cabinet door should be slightly open.

It is better to transfer the finished product into glass jars. Chopped dry rhubarb can be added to baked goods or salads. The product will also be an excellent addition to pureed soups.

Another type of drying is drying:

  • Sprinkle washed and chopped rhubarb with a small amount of sugar;
  • pour into a bowl and put under pressure for a day;
  • Separate the released juice from the product, immediately boil and roll into jars;
  • Place the rhubarb on a baking sheet and place in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius.

It is better to store the dried product in linen bags.

Rhubarb marmalade

A delicious and unusual rhubarb dessert can be enjoyed even in the cold season! Marmalade is rightfully considered the lowest-calorie sweets. And you can regulate the amount of sugar yourself, bringing it to a minimum.

  1. Rhubarb is cut into large pieces. Sprinkle it with sugar and put it in the refrigerator for 2 days.
  2. For a richer and more interesting taste, you can add orange or lemon zest.
  3. After aging for 48 hours, the rhubarb is boiled for half an hour over low heat, stirring constantly.
  4. Sent in sterilized jars.

You can prepare a lot of different dishes from rhubarb stored for the winter. It is added to soups, salads, and vegetable stews. Sauces, jams and compotes are made from it. Rhubarb makes baked goods tasty and original. We even learned how to make kvass from this product, as well as jelly. Make homemade rhubarb preparations in the summer and enjoy the taste and benefits of this wonderful product all winter long!

Canned rhubarb juice for the winter is one of the healthiest drinks in the cold season. Rhubarb itself contains a lot of vitamins. It is used in the preparation of various dishes, including sweet pastries.

Plant rich in vitamins

Rhubarb has thick petioles and lush foliage. The sour-tasting stems allow the plant to be used in many dishes, be it a snack or dessert. This plant produces delicious juices, compotes, preserves, candied fruits and much more.

When the body needs additional protection, dishes high in vitamins will be very helpful. And rhubarb juices will charge you with energy for the winter and perfectly quench your thirst, while strengthening your immune system. But what are the benefits of a drink based on this plant?

Rhubarb petioles contain large quantities of:

  • vitamins;
  • carotene;
  • pectin;
  • mineral salts;
  • organic acids.

The benefits of rhubarb for the body are enormous: digestion improves, visual acuity increases, bone tissue, nervous system and immunity in general are strengthened. The plant will also be very useful for constipation and cholecystitis.

You should use rhubarb juice yourself only for prevention, and not to self-medicate. In severe forms of the disease, be sure to seek help from a doctor.

Delicious and healthy drink recipes

To make rhubarb juice, you only need young petioles. When collecting them, you must immediately remove the leaves. The recipe for making juice is very simple:

  • wash the petioles, chop and blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes;
  • remove the petioles from the boiling water and place them in cold water;
  • When the rhubarb pieces have cooled, place them in a colander and squeeze out the juice in any convenient way.

You can add a little sugar and natural coloring (raspberries, currants, etc.). Pour the finished juice into prepared jars, pasteurize for about 15 minutes, roll up the lids and take to a cool place.

Classic recipe for making rhubarb syrup:

  • 1 kg rhubarb;
  • 800 g sugar;
  • 250 ml water.

First you need to rinse the rhubarb, cut into arbitrary pieces, add water and put on medium heat. After boiling, boil the mixture for 4-5 minutes, remove from heat and leave to cool under the lid.

To make the syrup transparent, you can pass the mass through a sieve or cheesecloth. For perfect cleanliness, you can strain the resulting liquid through paper towels. After that, sugar is added to the resulting juice, and the mass is cooked for about 15 minutes until thickened.

To diversify the taste of the syrup, you can add lemon or orange juice. And for a new interesting taste, you can add lemon balm or mint when the rhubarb is first cooked. So, each family member will find their favorite flavor of syrup and add it to pancakes or pancakes.

An easy rhubarb and plum drink recipe:

  • 300 g rhubarb;
  • 500 g plums (can be frozen);
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 200 g granulated sugar.

Pour water over washed plums and chopped rhubarb cuttings and add sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, remove from heat, leave to cool. The drink is ready to drink. In the summer season, you can add ice to a jug of infusion and serve it as a light cocktail.

By diluting the taste of the preparation with fruits and various additives (hibiscus, ginger, etc.), you can get a wide variety of cocktails with which you will be pleased to pamper both your family and random guests. Each recipe can be made special if you add a little imagination and experiment with products.

Preparations with rhubarb for the winter

The benefits of rhubarb for the body are very great, but there are also some disadvantages to using this plant for food. It should not be used by diabetics, people with kidney, bladder, or stomach diseases. Before using the plant for food, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

From young rhubarb stems you can make a slightly acidic compote for the winter. To do this, you need to take products at a 1:1 ratio (sugar and water), add the amount of rhubarb to taste. To prepare the compote, wash the cuttings and cut into medium pieces. Then the workpiece is poured into sterilized jars. Meanwhile, boil the syrup and pour boiling liquid into the prepared jars. Afterwards, pasteurize the compote for about 15-25 minutes depending on the size of the jars and roll up the lids.

A very tasty compote of rhubarb and apples. The benefits of this drink are increased by the presence of several more vitamin ingredients. To prepare you will need:

  • 300 g rhubarb;
  • 200 g apples;
  • 50 g honey;
  • 1.2 liters of water;
  • 45 g lemon juice.

The honey in this taste study will give the preparation a piquant taste and sweetness. In order to give the compote a different color, you can add pomegranate seeds, raspberries or other natural dye.

Add honey and lemon juice to the water, and sugar if necessary. Wash and chop the rhubarb, boil in the preparation for about 5 minutes. Cut the apples into arbitrary pieces and add to the boiling mixture. If you want to add color to the compote, at this stage you need to add pomegranate seeds, currants or other dye to the mixture. Boil the compote, pour into jars and immediately roll up.

A wide variety of drinks can be made from these recipes. The main thing is to be able to combine different tastes well. Citrus fruits go well with rhubarb; they add a subtle aroma and special taste to drinks.

Adding mint to the preparation makes the taste of the drink fresher and more interesting. For the nervous system, the benefits of such a compote will be invaluable. A drink recipe with mint will calm you down and add light freshness.

Make your family happy more often with juices and drinks made with your own hands. The benefits from such treats will be greater than from purchased sweets. Indeed, in addition to the main ingredients, every housewife adds love and care to her preparations.

After writing, I received quite a lot of comments in which people wrote that they did not even imagine that so many interesting dishes could be prepared from this useful spring plant.

But in addition to salads, soups and casseroles, there are also a sufficient number of interesting sweet dishes - and much more, such as mousses, jellies and, of course, jam. Probably everyone has ever tried this rhubarb treat? And you know firsthand how delicious it can be!

But it can also be prepared in company with berries, such as strawberries, or with citrus fruits, using oranges or lemons; or with apples, they are a little “relatives in aroma and taste.” There are even recipes where champignon mushrooms are added to the jam being prepared. And I will have such a recipe in my article today. In any of the options, such sweetness is always welcome on the table, especially with tea, and especially on long winter evenings.

You can prepare a delicious treat in such a way that no one will even guess what is in it. For example, remember, we have already prepared this! When I want to surprise my friends, I always take out a jar of watermelon and serve it in a vase for tea; no one can guess the composition!!!

Well, let's get started...

We will need:

  • rhubarb – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg


This is perhaps the simplest recipe I know. It only has two ingredients and is very, very easy to prepare. It stores well and for a long time, and is great to eat in winter, reminding us of summer.

1. Peel the rhubarb petioles from rough skin. To do this, you need to lightly pull the tip from the edge of the stem, and the skin itself will peel off in a long, thin, curling ribbon.

For cooking it is better to use young shoots. They are not yet rough; they retain all the juice that the plant has accumulated throughout the long winter. In addition, they are not yet so acidic, since oxalic acid has not had time to accumulate in them.

These stems are juicy, tender, with a pleasant light apple taste and smell. Therefore, our treat will turn out as it should.

2. Cut the petioles into pieces, approximately 1 -1.5 cm in size, as you like. Some people prefer the pieces to be more tangible, while others like a treat that looks like jam or confiture, that is, more puree-like.

3. Transfer the chopped pieces into a basin or suitable pan, preferably enameled. Since the vegetable contains acid, oxidative reactions will occur during cooking and interaction with air, and copper or iron utensils are not suitable for these purposes.

4. Sprinkle the cut pieces with sugar so that they are all covered with it. This will take about half of the prepared sugar. Save the rest of the sugar, we will need it later.

We need the rhubarb to release its juice, while the sugar should dissolve as much as possible. And the pieces should lie in the resulting sugar syrup and soak in it as much as possible.

They will become translucent. If the color of the stems is green, then the pieces will be greenish-yellow, and if the color is pink-red, then the color of the infused pieces will be the color of red wine, with pleasant pink tints. In general, the color will be pleasant in both cases.

As a rule, this whole thing will infuse for 10-12 hours. It is convenient to cover the contents with sugar and leave overnight, covered with a towel. And in the morning you can continue cooking.

5. The sugar syrup released in the morning should be poured into a saucepan and put on fire. Heat the contents and add all the remaining sugar. We make the syrup more rich and concentrated.

Stir so that the sugar does not stick to the bottom and dissolves faster.

6. When there is no sugar left and the syrup boils, you can add the chopped pieces. Stirring gently, bring to a boil and heat for 5 minutes.

At the same time, foam will form; we will remove it so that the jam turns out clean and amber, like a tear.

After 5 minutes, remove the bowl from the heat and leave to infuse and cool. There is no need to stir or injure the rhubarb pieces.

You can leave it to infuse until the evening, that is, again for 10-12 hours.

7. When the syrup has completely cooled and infused, soaking each piece, you need to put the basin on the fire again and heat to a boil. Cook again for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam.

The second time, quite a bit of it will be formed.

8. Reduce the heat to the lowest setting so that it only warms up, but does not cook any more, and immediately begin to place it in sterilized jars.

You need to fill the jars to the very top, quite tightly. Make sure that there are no air bubbles left.

9. Place into jars and immediately cover with sterilized metal lids. When you fill all the jars, do not open the lids and screw them on using a seaming machine.

10. Turn the jars over and put on the lid, cover with a towel and leave to cool. After a couple of days, the jars can be turned over to their normal position and stored.

It is best to store them in a dark, cool room with a temperature no higher than 20 degrees. It will be stored all winter.

If it is not possible to roll up the jars, then you can warm it up a third time. To do this, after the second time, again soak the contents for 10 - 12 hours, and once again let it simmer for 5 minutes.

Also pour the jam into sterilized jars and close with regular screw caps. Or, the old fashioned way, cover with thick paper and tie with string or an elastic band.

Advice!!! Be sure to sterilize both jars and lids in both cases. Try to put it in hot jars. Make sure that they are filled tightly, without forming air pockets.

This is such an easy and easy to prepare recipe. Prepare and stockpile for the winter.

And now the next recipe.

Rhubarb jam with orange

If you want to get a richer taste of the sweet treat, you can add additional components to the ingredients. And one of these win-win components are citrus fruits - lemon and orange.

Since rhubarb itself has a somewhat sour taste, we will leave the lemon for other recipes, but the orange is just what we need. We will cook this recipe with it.

We will need:

  • rhubarb – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.3 - 1.5 kg
  • water - 50 -60 ml
  • orange - 1 piece (large)
  • ginger - 20 grams of fresh root, or 0.5 teaspoons of dried


As already noted, try to make jam from fresh shoots, that is, from May or June rhubarb. At this time it is the juiciest and most delicious. Its stems have not yet become overly tough and fibrous, and oxalic acid has not yet filled it with its acidic component.

1. Rinse the stems thoroughly and dry. Then peel off the top skin; it is tough and should not be used for food.

2. Cut the stems into small pieces 1 - 1.5 cm thick. Such pieces will not boil too much and will be noticeable when we eat them.

3. Remove the zest from the lemon, only the orange part. The white part is bitter, so we don’t use it. You can grate the zest, or you can cut it off with a vegetable peeler. If she cuts thick plates, they should be cut thinner. In the first case, the zest will give taste and smell, and in the second, in addition to the above, it will also be quite tangible when consumed.

4. Then squeeze the juice from the orange. You can use a juicer, or you can simply squeeze the juice with your hands.

There are recipes where you don’t squeeze out the juice or peel the zest, but simply cut the orange into pieces, along with the peel, by the way. In this case, they are prepared according to the same scheme. But I prefer the option offered today, since in this case the jam turns out to be more uniform and refined, both in appearance and taste.

Choose the method to your liking.

5. Pour sugar into a suitable container. Let me remind you that it is better not to use copper or iron utensils for this; it is better to take an enamel basin or pan. Pour water over sugar and place on very low heat.

The recipe gives two different sugar values. If you like it sweeter, add more of them.

Our task is to completely dissolve the sugar in a small amount of water and prepare the syrup.

When the sugar begins to dissolve, add orange juice to the pan and continue to simmer over low heat.

6. When cooking, stir the contents and make sure that the sugar does not accumulate at the bottom and does not stick. So gradually bring to a boil, by this time it should completely dissolve.

7. Add the chopped rhubarb pieces and orange zest, stir gently with a wooden spatula and bring to the boil again. The fire can be increased.

Add ginger. It goes very well with the plant, and gives a simply unique taste and aroma, as well as a slight pungency, which will be very useful with one component and with the other.

You can peel and cut the fresh root, or you can use the dried root in powder form.

As soon as the contents boil, reduce the heat again and cook until the end over medium heat so that the mass does not boil excessively. Foam will appear during cooking; it must be skimmed off carefully.

8. Cook for 25-30 minutes until thickened and excess liquid boils away. Rhubarb cooks quite quickly and becomes soft just as quickly. Therefore, in order to maintain the integrity of the pieces, you must mix extremely carefully, otherwise they will fall apart and the mass will become more like confiture.

It is better to mix with a wooden spatula.

9. We must have jars and lids prepared in advance. They must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. They must be ready at the end of cooking, as we will use them immediately

10. When 25-30 minutes have passed, the jam will change its color to darker and thicken slightly. When ready, pour it into jars and immediately close the lids. You can use both screw caps and lids for a seaming machine.

11. Turn the jars over and leave them in this position until they cool completely.

Using the same scenario, you can prepare sweets using apples, bananas and kiwi. There is no point in describing the entire process, since it is exactly the same as the previous one.

By the way, you can also use an orange with an apple. And this will be a completely different, but no less interesting story.

As additives, you can add cinnamon, ginger, and lemon zest to the recipe. All this adds new flavor notes and enriches the familiar taste.

Super recipe for jam with champignons

When I was preparing today’s article, I found this interesting and unusual way of cooking. I liked the recipe itself, the video itself, and the author himself. In my opinion, he is a true master of his craft. He is so passionate about what he does that he just comes up with recipes on the fly. They are born to him on their own.

This can only happen when there is a lot of experience in cooking, and when a person really loves what he does. In this case, real masterpieces are born.

And here is one of the recipes for such a culinary masterpiece. Take your time and look. You rarely see this.

By the way, this is the promised recipe for jam with rhubarb and champignons.

This is really useful and extravagant! You can't argue with that. We wish the author further creativity and the same amazing and wonderful recipes!

Basic cooking principles

I hope that from the above, everyone understands the basic principles of cooking. You can prepare jam:

  • on own juice from rhubarb
  • on sugar syrup prepared with a small amount of water, or a mixture of water and juice
  • on prepared rhubarb puree

You can prepare it using:

  • berries - strawberries, raspberries, currants, red and black
  • apples
  • citrus fruits (orange, lemon)
  • bananas

And even using champignons, as we could see in the video recipe.

The following can be used as flavoring additives:

  • ginger fresh and dried
  • cinnamon
  • orange or lemon zest
  • hot red pepper
  • star anise
  • use the stems for cooking from May to the end of June, while they are still in their juice
  • Be sure to peel the top layer of hard skin
  • do not use copper or iron utensils for cooking
  • put the finished jam only in sterilized jars and close with sterilized lids
  • store in a cool, dark place for 1 year

And if we take into account all these factors and prepare jam for the winter, then on cold winter evenings over a cup of tea we will warmly remember summer and wait for its arrival, so that next season we can again prepare a new delicious sweet treat.

Bon appetit!

Rhubarb is a perennial vegetable crop with many beneficial properties.

Rhubarb: calorie content and chemicals. compound

Nutritionists recommend It should be consumed by overweight people, as it is a low-calorie product. 100 grams of petiole pulp contains an average of 16 kcal. The plant contains minerals (microelements - manganese, phosphorus, calcium, copper), B vitamins (B1, B6, B3, B5, B9), vitamin C and vitamin K, malic, citric and oxalic acids, on which healing properties depend properties of rhubarb.

Thanks to this composition, rhubarb is used to improve health. It improves digestion, fights constipation, helps fight hypertension, improves metabolic processes in the brain, and supports joints.

Useful properties of rhubarb

When eating rhubarb There is a slight diuretic effect, so it can be recommended for people prone to edema. The acid contained in rhubarb improves digestion and increases the secretion of gastric juice. It has also been noted that when consumed in large quantities, rhubarb has a laxative effect, as it contains a lot of fiber. Rhubarb contains magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus salts and therefore benefits those suffering from anemia. The benefits of rhubarb are noticeable in case of vitamin deficiency; it is also used to increase immunity in infectious diseases, it is especially useful in the spring, when the body lacks vitamins, and also prevents the formation of benign tumors and reduces the risk of oncology, since it contains polyphenols.

To the beneficial properties of rhubarb It can also be used to help with colds as a source of vitamin C. Experts recommend it to obese people as a dietary product and to cleanse the body of toxins. That's how many beneficial properties this vegetable has.

What harm can rhubarb cause?

Eating dishes made from rhubarb can contribute to the deposition of salts and the formation of stones in the bladder, as well as cause an exacerbation of stomach ulcers and cirrhosis of the liver. It is better not to use these dishes in baby food, as cases of diathesis are possible.

Collection and storage

When to harvest rhubarb? The first harvest in the middle zone is harvested in May, when the petioles are still pink, 30 cm long and about 2 cm thick. You don’t have to cut the petioles, but simply break them out. Shortly before harvesting, it is recommended to water it so that the petioles are more juicy. To prepare folk remedies, dried leaves and roots of rhubarb are used. The roots of plants that have reached the age of four years are harvested.

Roots are collected from September to October. The dug up roots are washed well, cut into 10 cm pieces and air dried in the shade. The dried roots are dried in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees and stored in a dry place.

Rhubarb: winter recipes

Various dishes are prepared from rhubarb - jelly, compotes, jam, candied fruits, pie filling. You can add variety to recipes by adding natural flavors - cinnamon, vanillin, mint, lemon balm, strawberry. It all depends on the preferences of the hostess.

Pie filling

  • We wash the rhubarb stems and cut them into 2 cm pieces;
  • mix with sugar and cook until softened;
  • Cool the finished filling a little and add cinnamon;
  • for 500 grams of rhubarb you need 300 grams of sugar and 4 grams of cinnamon.

Used for baking pies from yeast, puff pastry And fresh test.

Rhubarb jam recipe

You can make jam with orange:

  • For 1 kg of rhubarb we take 1 kg of sugar and 3 oranges;
  • cut the washed and peeled petioles into pieces 1 cm thick and place them on a baking sheet in an even layer;
  • dry in the oven for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally;
  • then place in a saucepan, add sugar and finely chopped oranges (you don’t have to remove the peel);
  • cook it in three batches, 5 minutes each.

We pack the finished jam into jars, scalded with boiling water and store in a cool place. Instead of orange, you can flavor the jam with vanilla or cinnamon.

Rhubarb compote recipe for the winter

  1. Cut the rhubarb petioles into pieces, place them in sterile jars and fill with boiling water.
  2. Let stand for 20 minutes, covering with lids.
  3. After this, pour the water into a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil, you can add cinnamon or lemon juice.
  4. Fill jars with rhubarb with this syrup and close with sterilized lids.
  5. For 400 grams of rhubarb you need 100 grams of sugar and 1.5 liters of water.

Rhubarb syrup for the winter

There are many options for canning for the winter. Experienced housewives can prepare jam, marmalade, candied fruits, and rhubarb syrup. Here's how to make syrup.

To prepare the syrup, it is not necessary to remove the skin from the petioles:

  1. Cut the petioles, add water and boil for 4 minutes.
  2. Then you need to wait for the broth to cool completely.
  3. After which the broth must be filtered first through a sieve and then through gauze (paper towel).
  4. Add sugar to the resulting broth and boil for 15 minutes until thickened.
  5. We pack in sterile jars and close with lids. For 1 kg of rhubarb you need 800 grams of sugar and 250 ml of water.
  6. For better storage, citric acid can be added to the syrup at the end of cooking.

Some housewives boil the petioles with the addition of mint or cherry leaves. This allows you to achieve a unique taste, and you can also add vanilla or cinnamon.

Rhubarb jelly for the winter

For 150 grams of rhubarb you need 100 grams of sugar and 10 grams of gelatin:

  • cut the petioles into pieces and cover with sugar;
  • mixed with gelatin, leave for several hours until the juice is released;
  • then put it on the stove, boil for 10 minutes;
  • at the end add citric acid or lemon juice;
  • Place the finished jelly into sterilized jars and cover with lids.

Rhubarb juice for the winter

To prepare juice you need to take only young petioles:

  1. Cut into pieces and boil them in boiling water for 3 minutes.
  2. Then place them in cold water.
  3. Next, remove from the water and squeeze out the juice using an electric juicer or through cheesecloth.
  4. To make the juice acquire a beautiful color and aroma, you can add strawberry, currant or any other juice and sugar to it.
  5. Then let the juice boil, immediately pour into sterile bottles and close the lids tightly.

Candied rhubarb

  1. Cut the rhubarb into pieces and pour boiling water over them; blanch for 1 minute so that the pieces don’t boil over.
  2. Then we take them out with a slotted spoon and lower them into the prepared syrup.
  3. To prepare candied fruit from 1 kg of rhubarb, you need to prepare a syrup from 1.5 kg of sugar and 300 ml of water.
  4. Place rhubarb pieces into the hot syrup, boil for 5 minutes, and then the mass should cool for several hours so that the rhubarb pieces are saturated with syrup. We repeat this three times.
  5. Then take out the candied fruits and dry them, allowing the syrup to drain.
  6. Line a baking sheet with parchment, lay out candied fruits and place in the oven at a temperature of 35-40 degrees.
  7. You can also dry candied fruits at room temperature, but this will take 2 - 3 days.
  8. Sprinkle the dried candied fruits with powdered sugar and place them in sterile jars.
  9. They need to be stored at room temperature.

These recipes will help housewives decorate the holiday table, and are also suitable for those who care about a beautiful figure, since rhubarb dishes are low in calories and at the same time contain the necessary vitamins and microelements. We recommend including them in your diet.

Procurement of raw materials

Not only the roots, but also the leaves of rhubarb have healing properties. Young plants are used to harvest leaves and petioles. Rhubarb can be frozen, dried, and preserved in a variety of ways. In traditional medicine, rhubarb rhizomes and roots are used. Dried petioles are used in cooking and medicine.

The preparation includes several stages:

  • the washed petioles are cut lengthwise and dried in the open air under the sun for two days;
  • then dry in the oven at 90 degrees for two hours;
  • stored in glass jars.

Chopped dry petioles can be added to sauces, salads, and baked goods to improve taste and enrich with vitamins.

The summer season offers us a bright, rich and very healthy drink that will become an indispensable guest on your table. Of course, this is rhubarb juice, it’s not difficult to prepare, and it will bring many benefits for health and good mood! The composition contains an entire pharmacy and a complete set of all the necessary vitamins for good health.

Rhubarb juice is great to drink before meals. Its ability to improve digestion and control appetite will be useful not only for those losing weight, but also for everyone who simply monitors their health, because nutrients are absorbed best on an empty stomach.

By enhancing intestinal motility, rhubarb juice has a mild laxative effect. Improves blood condition in case of anemia and promotes the outflow of bile.

As you can see, there are enough arguments in favor of making this wonderful drink.

Since the taste of freshly squeezed juice is very concentrated, we will not drink it in its pure form. Before use, it must be diluted with water, herbal or rhubarb decoction. But as a concentrate, it will go well on the table as an addition to various sauces and marinades.

Rhubarb juice

Let's prepare it first according to the simplest recipe.

  1. We will need 400 g of rhubarb petioles. It is important that they are pinkish and not green, as this is where they are most useful. We do not use leaves in juice due to excess oxalic acid, which in large quantities can irritate the gastric mucosa.
  2. We thoroughly wash the stems, peel off the rough peel with a knife and cut into pieces 1 - 1.5 cm long and blanch. To do this, put a pan of water on the fire, bring it to a boil and put the rhubarb in the water. Let it sit for at least 2-3 minutes and immediately transfer it to another container filled with cold water.
  3. Let it cool and put it in a juicer. The result is a rich drink - natural rhubarb juice.

You can drink it straight, 1-2 tbsp, or you can dilute it by 1/3 with boiled water.

Rhubarb juice: indications

When it comes to concentrated juice, we don’t just drink it, but take it as a medicine, because there are a number of medical indications that it copes well with.

For vitamin deficiency and anemia

Mix freshly squeezed rhubarb and carrot juices in equal proportions (80 - 100 ml each) and take with meals in the morning for a month.

For variety and an even better hematopoietic effect, you can replace carrot juice with beet juice. We add it to rhubarb in a ratio of 1:3.

The optimal amount of juice mixture in this case will be 100 ml, since the mix will be very concentrated. If desired, it can be diluted with water.

For hypertension

We take 50 ml of rhubarb juice in a course of 10–20 days, once a day, preferably in the first half of the day with meals. If necessary, dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio.

With bile retention, intestinal atony

Take 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. concentrated juice for a course of 10 days. During this time, stool and bile flow normalize.

If our goal is to get not only a healthy body, but also a pleasant and tasty drink, mix rhubarb juice with orange, apple or grape juice. To do this, we simply put our favorite fruit through a juicer and mix it in the proportion we need with the rhubarb juice.

If this option still seems too concentrated and rich, you can make a wonderful decoction from rhubarb.

Rhubarb decoction

In this recipe, the additional ingredients include cinnamon and orange zest - with these products the drink will be much tastier, but if you don’t have them on hand, replace the orange zest with lemon zest.

  • Place a saucepan with 500 ml of water on the fire.
  • As soon as it boils, add 80 g of sugar, 1 tbsp. orange or ½ tbsp. lemon zest and ½ tsp. cinnamon. We wait for the sugar to dissipate.
  • Wash, peel and cut 300 g of rhubarb stems into cubes. We send them to the resulting syrup, bring to a boil again, cook until soft (10 - 20 minutes) and turn off.
  • Leave until the broth has cooled, then pour it into a separate bowl and rub the rhubarb through a sieve.

Return the resulting puree to the liquid, that’s it! A tasty and healthy drink is ready!

But rhubarb decoction can also be used as a medicine, because its benefits remain, and there are fewer contraindications due to its lower acidity compared to juice.

  • Wash 100 g of rhubarb stems and finely chop with a knife.
  • Take 2 tbsp. the resulting slurry and pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and immediately place in a water bath.
  • Boil for 20-25 minutes and strain through a sieve and several layers of gauze.

You get quite a bit of broth, but you will need a little bit of it.

For anemia

We drink 2, preferably 3 times a day, ½ glass before meals. We carry out treatment for at least 10 days.

For female bleeding and pain

Take 1/3 glass on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, 3 times a day.

As a mild laxative

We drink 1 glass at night 2 hours before bedtime and not earlier than after the last meal.

As you can see, rhubarb juice and decoction will be very useful both as a medicine and simply for everyone who wants to diversify their table and diet with a new unusual taste.

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